The hidden compartment under the stone slab is only three feet long and wide, and less than half a foot deep.

It contained nothing but a rusty copper box.

Could there be treasure hidden in the copper box?

Zheng Qiu's curiosity was immediately aroused, and he controlled the four rattans to lift the box out of the hidden compartment, and held it up with his hands.

The box is a little light, maybe not as heavy as a pear wood table, so what will be stored in such a light copper box?

He went around and found the opening handle of the box. A copper chain with a lock was wrapped around the handle, and the box lid was locked firmly.

But this kind of copper chain is no different from a piece of noodles in front of Zheng Qiu. Relying on the body blessed by the golden seal wrapped around the dragon, the chain will be broken with a slight tug.

Lifting the lid of the copper box, the excited look on Zheng Qiu's face suddenly turned to disappointment. There was no magic weapon or treasure as expected in the box.

There were only three battered old notebooks and a gray oval stone.

Zheng Qiu first took out the oval-shaped stone and looked back and forth. As soon as the stone was squeezed into his hand, the vitality and divine power in his body began to operate by itself, emerging from the depths of his mind and spreading to the palm of his hand.

There is only one thing that can cause this effect, and that is divine power of a different nature.

Zheng Qiu held this gray stone flat in front of his eyes, and mobilized his spiritual strength to explore inwardly.

Soon, he found a ray of red light shining deep in the stone, the light spot was very faint, like a candle in the wind that would go out at any time.

I understand, there is a destructive divine power hidden in this stone, which is what Mumeihua once thought was the "fire spirit".

The humanoid monster was the result of a failed experiment of injecting divine power. It is very likely that the source of the divine power injected into the cultivator's body was this stone containing the "fire spirit".

No wonder Mumeihua buried it carefully, probably because she was afraid that the power inside the thing would come out again, invading other creatures and causing more monsters to appear.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu drove a light green spot into the stone.

The divine power of different natures quickly impacted and collided inside, blasting a small circle of airflow shock waves, destroying the stones into fine powder.

In this way, the remaining divine power has been neutralized, so there is no need to worry about the subsequent impact.

Zheng Qiu took out the three tattered booklets in the box, carefully patted off the dust on them, and held up the vigorous light to illuminate them to read.

The booklet is Mumeihua's experimental notes, written in the common language of Yunxiu Continent, and can be read directly.

The first booklet records Mumeihua's research on the special power of "spirit", and the content is how to inject the "spirit of fire" into the human body.

These contents are also recorded on the stone tablet outside, but the content on the stone tablet is more biased towards the incident, and the content in the booklet is more biased towards the operation method of the experiment.

Zheng Qiu already knew these things in detail, there was no need to read them again, so he put the notebook aside.

Picking up the second book and flipping through it, it also records Mumeihua's research on "Fire Spirit".

It is written in this notebook that Mumeihua led like-minded practitioners to try various methods to enhance the power of "Fire Spirit", trying to cultivate it as a power such as Qi Jin.

After hundreds of trials, they found that "Fire Spirit" is the most sensitive to people's spiritual thoughts.

When a person concentrates all his thoughts and pushes the "Fire Spirit" with a pious attitude, the "Fire Spirit" will have a strange resonance phenomenon.

Through this phenomenon, the "Fire Spirit" will absorb part of its spiritual power, and then grow slightly stronger.

Moreover, Mumeihua and other researchers have conducted in-depth explorations on the process of cultivating the "fire spirit" of this kind of spiritual thought.

They found that the quality of this training effect is directly related to the thoughts of the spiritual power provider.

Ordinary thoughts, sincere thoughts, pious thoughts, unwavering thoughts, fanatical thoughts.

The crazier the spiritual power provider's belief in the "Fire Spirit", the greater the growth rate after the "Fire Spirit" absorbs the spiritual power.

Therefore, at the end of the note, Mumeihua gave a name to the cultivation effect of this spiritual power,

It's called willpower.

It is believed that this spiritual power is related to the thoughts on the mind of the provider.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiu suddenly showed a smile on his face, it turns out that the cultivation of divine power is like this.

No wonder after so long, the divine power in my body grew slowly, only when I was in the boundless sky, it increased rapidly due to external stimuli.

To his delight, when he was in Lingcui Mountain, he accidentally used a similar method to enhance his spiritual strength.

At that time, while he was on his way, Zheng Qiu went to mountain villages or towns to do some good deeds, and asked the recipients to erect portraits and hang paintings for him, and bowed down in gratitude.

In this way, he discovers that his own spiritual strength grows with the help of others who are genuinely grateful.

He didn't expect that divine power was also cultivated in this way, but it really opened his eyes.

No wonder the Dragon Clan said that the divine lord had countless subordinates, and they probably used this method to increase the power of destruction to an unbelievable height.

Zheng Qiu carefully folded the notebook and put it in the empty dissolving bottle, ready to take it back for study.

Then he picked up the last notebook and read it carefully.

This notebook was not written by Mumeihua, but by a practitioner who did research with Mumeihua.

After observing the effects of various "spirits", this cultivator had a negative view on them, thinking that directly using "spirits" is a matter of playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

But he recognized this new power very much, so he changed his research direction and began to explore how to use the existing Qi Jin and the power of heaven and earth to imitate the various effects produced by "spirit".

The booklet reads: "The heaven and the earth have spirits, which are invisible.

Watching its color and feeling its power, this thing is mysterious and hard to explain.

The sky and the earth are vast, containing all things, leading to the mystical avenue, leading to the same goal through different routes..."

This senior cultivator's thinking is very clear. He believes that the road to greater power will converge in the end.

Therefore, there must be a way to imitate the effect of "spirit" by using Qi Jin or the power of heaven and earth, but it has not been found yet.

The notes are followed by various attempts and experiences of various experimental failures.

Zheng Qiu flicked back, and after turning over a dozen pages, he found something interesting.

Behind it is actually a kung fu method, and the beginning is the general outline of the kung fu method.

"I have been studying spirits with Mu Meihua for more than fifty years, and I have devoted myself to unraveling the mystery of this mysterious power.

Today Mumeihua insisted on injecting spirits with living people regardless of dissuasion. Although I am well aware of the dangers involved, I also have expectations for it.

For many years, I have searched for the method of imitation, and finally it has succeeded.

Specially compiled exercises to guide the power of heaven and earth with vigor, and feed back to things to achieve magical effects.

I divided this method into five volumes, called Wuxing, collectively called "Five Elements Edict". "

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