Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 868 The 4 volumes of exercises have already been learned

Seeing this, Zheng Qiu's eyes lit up. This senior, who followed Mumeihua to do research, is also a person of extraordinary talent. He can actually create exercises from the research of divine power.

He quickly flipped back, wanting to see what this exercise called "Five Elements Edict" is like.

After the introduction of the exercises and the general outline, there is the first volume of "The Edict of the Five Elements", called "The Edict of the Water Elements".

Walk the Qi Jin to the arms, and then enter the palm meridians, but not every palm meridian must be entered.

The Qijin walking route utilizes many meridians that are not usually used, and requires the establishment of a very small new meridian at the root of the little finger.

Finally, in the process of casting, the hands need to keep moving and the gestures cooperate with each other. The effect obtained is that the water flow can be controlled without contact.

It turns out that the "Water Elements Edict" in the "Five Elements Edict" looks like this, which seems really strange, as if there is no requirement for the type of qi carried by the learner.

Zheng Qiu flipped through the content of "Water Xing Edict", intending to see what the other four lines are like.

But there is no content of the exercises in the back, but a paragraph.

This passage writes that Mumeihua's bold experiment using living people ended with the subject losing control.

The place used for research needs to be destroyed in order to suppress the runaway test subjects.

And the senior who created the exercises, took the remaining drafts of the exercises, and hurriedly fled here together with Mumeihua.

It turned out that the contents of the following exercises were not recorded in this booklet, and I don't know what the follow-up situation of that senior was, whether he had finished developing the remaining four elements of exercises.

Suddenly, Zheng Qiu's arm froze in mid-air, as if he had been immobilized.

Wait, why do I feel very familiar with the cultivation method of the "Water Xing Edict" just now, and the results after successful cultivation.

He quickly flipped forward and read the contents of this volume carefully again.

After reading it this time, Zheng Qiu couldn't help exclaiming: "My God, isn't this the same kind of exercises as Shi Tinghua and Tie Tingming!"

Shi Tinghua Kungfu can control rocks, but it also needs to use the meridians that are small and biased in the hand, and in the process of control, it is necessary to constantly change gestures to assist.

The iron obedience technique is also the same, and the "Water Xing Edict" in front of me is also similar.

These exercises are simply carved out of the same mold, but each has different characteristics.

Could it be said that those miscellaneous skills that control stones, metals, flames, and plants are the "Five Elements Edict" that has been circulated?

If you want to find out whether these miscellaneous skills are related to each other, the best way is to practice the "Water Xing Edict" in front of you.

So Zheng Qiu put the book on the ground, turned to the page on the method of exercise, and started to practice.

The cultivation process was unexpectedly smooth, and the Qi Jin walked the route, and the other miscellaneous skills that Zheng Qiu had learned before had a complementary effect.

He has opened up some meridians in advance, and now he only needs to inject energy.

In less than two sticks of incense, Zheng Qiu learned the "Water Xing Edict", and after learning it for the first time, he was very excited.

You can't be wrong, these exercises come from the same source, that is "Five Elements Edict"!

In this way, Zheng Qiu has actually learned all the exercises in the "Decree of the Five Elements", and has the ability to control things in the Five Elements.

He scratched his head and recalled that "Shi Tinghua's Twenty-Eight Methods" and "Tie Tingming's Eleven Curses" were precious miscellaneous skills that Qianyunzong did not pass on to the outside world.

I actually bought it from a disciple of Qianyun Sect who was greedy for money when I was looking for books.

At the same time, I also bought a miscellaneous work called "True Jue of Vegetables and Trees" in Qianyun Dianshu, which also relies on the movement of the hands to control plants.

And that book is called "Fifteen Thoughts of Huotingyi", which I found when I went out of the city to search for treasures when I was in the deserted and lonely city.

Controlling rocks, metals, plants, and flames, and now learning to control water flow, wouldn't that be a complete study of the "Five Elements Edict"?

Zheng Qiu turned the notebook to the general outline of the exercises,

Read the contents of the general outline again.

After reading this again, he found another interesting place.

The miscellaneous skills of different attributes in "Five Elements Edict" can further enhance the control effect through the relationship of mutual assistance.

According to the general outline of the "Five Elements Edict", if you want to make the "Earth Edict" more effective, you must first let Qi Jin walk according to the operating route of the "Fire Edict".

That is to say, before performing the "Twenty-eight Methods of Stone Tinghua", run the "Fifteen Thoughts of Huotingyi" once.

As the general outline said, the principle of mutual generation of the five elements can be borrowed, and the effect of controlling rocks can be greatly enhanced through fire and soil.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiu wanted to try it on a whim.

He carefully recalled the method of performing "Fifteen Thoughts of Huotingyi", and then urged energy into the meridian of the palm, and at the same time, he waved his palms and made various seemingly weird gestures.

After performing the running process of Huotingyi Kungfu, he did not pause at all, and immediately connected the hand gestures of "Shi Tinghua Twenty-eight Methods".

The two exercises seem to be completely different, but the gestures and energy flow are very smooth, and the notes are not deceiving. These exercises are indeed part of the "Five Elements Edict".

When Shi Tinghua completed the movement gestures, Zheng Qiu pushed his palms to the rock wall next to the cave.

With a crackling sound, the stones on the rock wall were easily pushed through the air like dough, showing a huge pit.

He didn't stop there, and continued to increase the amount of Qi Jin he used to control as many rocks as possible through the Shi Ting Ting skill.

One zhang square, two zhang square, three zhang square, and finally the volume of the controlled rock increased to five zhang square.

This result made Zheng Qiu very happy. The five-foot-square rock is already close to the facade of a store of some size.

You must know that no matter how much energy Zheng Qiu used in the past, no matter what level of power he used, the effect of Shi Tinghua's kung fu to control the rock could not exceed the volume of a three-foot square.

Satisfied, he folded up the notebook and put it in the empty dissolving bottle as well.

"The Edict of the Five Elements" is really a good thing. Zheng Qiu thought of a wonderful idea, which is to promote this set of exercises, and use it as a unique trick for practitioners in Yunxiu mainland to deal with the gods.

The "Five Elements Edict" is a miscellaneous exercise. Learning miscellaneous exercises does not require the nature of energy in the practitioner's body, and any practitioner can practice it.

It's just that cultivators with different vigor and nature have different powers after training.

Zheng Qiu often used these exercises before, and clearly knew that although these exercises were not very powerful, they were very practical, and almost everything could be dealt with by one or two of them.

Once hundreds of thousands of practitioners practicing the "Five Elements Edict" gather together and use one of the control methods at the same time, how powerful will the natural forces that can be mobilized be.

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