Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 941 Dachun arrives at Lingcui Mountain

Legendary Yao Nong Chapter 941 Dachun Arrives at Lingcui Mountain Audio Novel Listen Online

The guard cupped his fists and bowed first to Zheng Qiu, then to Boss Ning and Ning Mufeng.

Then he said to Zheng Qiu: "Boss Zheng, outside the mountain gate there is a cultivator from the Famous Glory Realm seeking to see him, and he calls himself Zheng Zhisong."

Upon hearing Zheng Zhisong's three words, Zheng Qiu stood up from his chair, and immediately waved his hands: "Come here quickly, no, I will meet myself!"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Qiu dashed out from the door, and at the same time, a piece of grass at the door flew up, supporting his feet like a platform.

Stepping on the turf and flying all the way, he quickly came to the gate of Lingcui Mountain, and there was a familiar old man standing on the avenue at the gate.

That face, that white hair and beard, that wrinkled skin.

That's right, it's Grandpa Zheng Zhisong.

"Grandpa, I finally invited you here, you miss me!"

Zheng Qiu's figure fell with the voice, and rushed forward to give Zheng Zhisong a big hug.

Zheng Zhisong was naturally very happy to see Zheng Qiu, with a smile on his face.

The deep wrinkles were also filled with joy and stretched a lot.

He supported Zheng Qiu's shoulders with both hands, and carefully looked at the young man in front of him.

He said with a smile: "Hahaha, we Zheng Qiu are amazing and have great promise!

In just a few years, I have my own mountain top and so many subordinates.

It's amazing, it's really amazing! "

"It's all thanks to grandpa. Without you taking me to the mountain, I would not have been able to step into the world of cultivators."

"Stinky boy, you are so good at being glib, you actually flattered your grandpa.

But this is all the result of your own hard work, grandpa, I will not take credit for it.

Anyway, when you become famous in the world, you can remember me as an old man. "

Zheng Qiu took Zheng Zhisong's hand and led him up the mountain.

While introducing the situation of Lingcui Mountain: "Grandpa, Lingcui Mountain is now impregnable and impenetrable, and the level of security is absolutely high.

You see, this area is all reclaimed medicinal fields, all of which are used to grow medicinal materials.

Boss Ning, whom I met in the Great Desolation City, is in charge of selling these medicinal materials..."

The two walked along the mountain road to the high cliff of Lingcui Mountain, took the front of the car up to half of the peak, and then continued to walk in the direction of Jishi Temple.

"That's the Hall of Jishi I mentioned just now, it's huge!

Grandpa, at your age, your bones and talents are no longer enough to break through to a very high level.

However, I still have a way to use medicinal materials to help you cross the threshold of Qi-shen transformation and become a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods. "

Hearing Zheng Qiu's words, Zheng Zhisong showed a gratified smile, but refused repeatedly.

"I'm quite old, and I still need to improve my cultivation, no matter how much effort I spend, it's not necessary.

You might as well keep the medicinal materials and give them to those who need them more. Old man, I live in the mountains and grow flowers and raise birds to enjoy myself. "

However, Zheng Qiu's expression was very serious: "Grandpa, you must listen to me about this matter.

I don't care who it is now, as long as he lives in Lingcui Mountain, has a certain cultivation foundation, and uses medicinal materials to forcibly elevate his realm.

It's all about responding to the crisis and getting ready in advance.

It doesn't matter if you consume more medicinal materials now, when the disaster strikes, the most important thing is to shed less blood. "

It was the first time Zheng Zhisong saw Zheng Qiu being so serious, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, wondering why Zheng Qiu had such an attitude.

"Grandpa, it's a long story, I'll take you to my residence and talk slowly!"

Zheng Zhisong did not refuse, he also wanted to know why Zheng Qiu was so serious.

Moreover, he also had speculations in his heart, and felt that Zheng Qiu's success today had a very important connection with this major event.

Half a day after Zheng Zhisong arrived at Lingcui Mountain, a skyboat landed at the post station in Fengshou Town, and Yuming brought Cheng Dachun here.

Cheng Dachun stepped off the Tianzhou boat, his feet felt a little weak. This is his first time riding a sky boat.

When Tianzhou was flying, he found a place with transparent windows out of goodness.

Poked his head and looked out.

This sight made him fall to the ground in fright, the sky boat was actually flying above the clouds, and as far as the eye could see was the boundless sky.

Thinking that the metal floor under his feet was just the floor of Tianzhou, and the bottom of the floor was empty, Cheng Dachun couldn't help but feel the fear of falling at any time.

I was frightened all the way, and now I finally reached the ground. The feeling of being down-to-earth is really great.

For Cheng Dachun's reaction, Yu Ming didn't think it was strange, it was not easy for an ordinary person to have the courage to run so far with him.

After groping around his waist, Yuming took out a pill and stuffed it into Cheng Dachun's hand: "Eat this, it will cheer you up."

Cheng Dachun looked at the small ball in his hand in a daze, it was a taupe sphere, only as big as a jujube stone.

It is very hard to pinch, and it feels a little cold, like an iron bead.

The town of Qinghe where he lives has a large population, and there are quite a lot of practitioners, so Cheng Dachun knows that this thing is called pills, and it is a medicine that practitioners often take.

It's just that he doesn't know what this gray-brown pill is, what function it has, and whether it will cause problems if he eats it.

But after thinking about it, the person in front of him can take out some letters written by Zheng Qiu himself, it should be sent by his younger brother Zheng Qiu, and his younger brother will not hurt himself.

Thinking of this, Cheng Dachun stuffed the gray-brown ball into his mouth and chewed hard a few times.

Of course, his judgment was not wrong. This small bead felt the same as squeezing it with his hand, it was too hard to bite.

But the strange thing is that after being contaminated with the saliva in the mouth, the small beads quickly melted away.

The melted liquid rolled down the throat and into the abdomen, Cheng Dachun felt an indescribable thing spread all over the body, filling every muscle immediately.

The legs are no longer weak, and the spirit is lifted.

He stood up from the ground at once, and kept observing his hands and feet.

Yu Ming urged: "Don't look at it, this is pill food, a ration commonly used by practitioners.

Tie up the rope, and I'm going to take you to Lingcui Mountain. It's a waste of time to walk there. "

Cheng Dachun didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately tied the straw rope thrown by Yuming around his waist, carefully checking whether the knot was firm.

Then he wrapped the rope around his arm twice to make sure it would not loosen before nodding to Yuming: "My lord, I'm ready!"

Yu Ming didn't say any more, and directly flew into the sky with Liuguang, flying past Fengshou Town to Lingcui Mountain.

After a series of stimulations before, Cheng Dachun became much more courageous, and dared to open his eyes in the air and look down at the earth.

He saw a uniquely shaped mountain not far away, like two trapezoidal platforms stacked together.

And the cultivator took the direction of his own flight, and it happened to be aimed at that mountain.

It seems that the unique mountain is Lingcui Mountain with a large population of practitioners, and it is also the place where my own brother Zheng Qiu lives.

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