Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 942: We Finally Meet After Years of Separation

Legendary Yao Nong Chapter 942: We Finally Meet After Many Years Audio Novel Listen Online

Passing quickly over Lingcui Mountain, Cheng Dachun saw terraced fields layer by layer, and there were many ant-like figures busy in the fields.

I don't know what these terraces are growing, anyway, it must not be the rice and wheat that ordinary people eat.

Then he saw the ropes and carts on the edge of the cliff. Some people were using the carts to transport goods from the cliff to Fang.

Later, he saw the main hall on the top of the mountain, besides the main hall, there were rows of halls.

There is no road connecting the buildings, but a flat lawn, where you can walk around at will.

Yu Ming did not stop at Jishi Hall, but took Cheng Dachun directly to the back half of the mountain top, where there was a small building where Boss Zheng retreated.

After falling to the ground, Yuming quickly untied the straw rope around Cheng Dachun's waist: "Here we are, this is Lingcui Mountain.

I'll take you to see Zheng Qiu! "

Putting away the rope, he led Cheng Dachun towards the small building, and found that the door of the small building was open today.

After crossing the threshold and entering the hall, Yuming saw Zheng Qiu at a glance, and immediately saluted with fists in his hands, "Boss Zheng, I'm back!"

Cheng Dachun followed into the hall and saw two people sitting in the hall, one was very old and the other was very young.

Since Zheng Qiu was still very young when he left home, he has not been back for several years.

So Cheng Dachun observed for about three breaths before he recognized the young man as Zheng Qiu.

"Zheng Qiu? Zheng Qiu! Great..."

Cheng Dachun's face was full of joy, he took a step forward and wanted to hug his brother before running.

The moment Cheng Dachun entered, Zheng Qiu actually recognized him.

Seeing Cheng Dachun stepping forward to run over, Zheng Qiu suddenly raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

Cheng Dachun has been working in the town all year round, and his ability to observe words and demeanor is not bad.

As soon as he saw Zheng Qiu's gesture, he understood it, and quickly stopped, and stood still and didn't make a sound.

He didn't know why Zheng Qiu forbade him to come forward and not recognize him.

But he knew that his younger brother was already a cultivator, and his status could no longer be compared with ordinary people, so it was better for him to obediently obey the arrangements.

Before and after stopping Cheng Dachun, Zheng Qiu stood up and looked at Yuming, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Yuming, what's going on, where's the person?"

Yu Ming's face suddenly collapsed: "Boss, something happened!"

Hearing the word "accident", Zheng Qiu's heart skipped a beat, and his expression instantly became ugly.

"What happened?

Didn't I tell you that the family surnamed Cheng is all my relatives, so I have to bring them all.

Did you not look for it carefully? "

Yu Ming quickly shook his head: "That's not the case, after I arrived in Qinghe Town, I found that someone had already arrived first and picked them up.

Boss, the thing is like this, after I went to Yuexi Mountain area, I found a town called Zhongxian Town was massacred and many people died.

That bastard who slaughtered wantonly claimed to be Boss Zheng's subordinate, which was obviously a frame-up.

After investigation, I found out that the bastard was actually Mo Junrong, and I also found out that he went to Qinghe Town..."

Yuming told the whole thing from beginning to end, and Zheng Qiu understood it immediately.

The two people, Mo Junrong and Lin Minghao, used the same method to deal with themselves, which was to take the people they cared about as hostages.

Lin Minghao caught the personnel of Liesha Treasure Hunting Team and Dahuang Supermarket, while Mo Junrong found a better target, which was his parents.

But after knowing that his parents were taken away by Mo Junrong, Zheng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

If Mo Junrong wanted to take the two elders as hostages, they must be safe.

At least before using hostages to blackmail yourself, you must ensure the safety of the hostages.

But Zheng Qiu was puzzled, how did Mo Junrong know that his parents were in Qinghe Town?

After the Zunwu Sect was exterminated, he had never seen Mo Junrong.

Not only myself, including Zheng Zhisong and his parents, have never seen him.

Then the news that my parents are in Qinghe Town,

And how did it leak to Mo Junrong's ears?

Seeing Boss Zheng's silence, Yu Ming was very nervous, and immediately added: "Boss, I also got a piece of news that maybe Mo Junrong can be caught."

"What news, tell me!"

"When Mo Junrong arrived in Qinghe Town that day, Cheng Dachun was not in the town, so Mo Junrong didn't take him away with him.

However, Mo Junrong promised at the time that he would return to Qinghe Town after a period of time, and then come to take Cheng Dachun away.

Maybe we can take advantage of this opportunity and wait there in advance.

As soon as Mo Junrong appears, take him down and force him to ask Cheng Dachun's parents whereabouts. "

Hearing this, Zheng Qiu raised his eyebrows.

A guy like Mo Junrong who likes to use treacherous tricks will really make such a mistake, return to Qinghe Town to pick up Cheng Dachun?

But now this is the only chance to turn passive into active, and it is also the best way to catch Mo Junrong, there is no other choice.

Zheng Qiu nodded and said: "Go and ask Yunyou to come over, and then you go to Kanchi to get a bottle of Dragon Yuan Jinlan, and prepare to improve your realm."

"Boss, then wait on the sidelines..."

"You don't need to worry about this matter, even if you go, you can't beat Mo Junrong, call Yunyou."

Yuming scratched his head in embarrassment, so Mo Junrong is so powerful that he needs someone as strong as Miss Yun to defeat him.

He didn't say any more, and quickly turned around and left the small building to find Yunyou.

After Yuming left, Zheng Qiu performed the "Wooden Edict" and controlled the gate to close with a snap.

Then his face revealed a color of joy, and he ran quickly to hug Cheng Dachun.

"Brother, long time no see!"

Cheng Dachun was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Zheng Qiu didn't deny himself, but because of the presence of the practitioner just now.

In turn, he hugged Zheng Qiu tightly and wept with joy, raising his hand to wipe away his tears: "Ma'am, you still recognize my brother and our Cheng family."

Zheng Qiu let go, and patted the elder brother on the shoulder: "I just became a cultivator, and it's not a different person, how could I not recognize you.

A lot of things have happened before, and I have never had a decent foothold myself, always running around.

It's different now, now I own the territory of Lingcui Mountain, and there are strong protection measures, so I sent someone to pick you up.

It's a pity that I was still one step late, and that Mo Junrong picked up my parents first. "

When mentioning his parents, Cheng Dachun showed an anxious look again, and asked Zheng Qiu what to do, whether the method of waiting for a rabbit would be successful.

At this time, Bian Zheng Zhisong said: "Dachun, you don't have to worry, that Mo Junrong just wants to deal with Zheng Qiu, and won't do anything to your parents for the time being."

Cheng Dachun looked at this very old practitioner, and after observing for a while, he finally recognized that this was Zheng Zhisong's senior and also Zheng Qiu's master.

"Master Zheng, I was so anxious that I didn't recognize it just now, I'm really sorry!"

Dachun quickly bowed and apologized, before he could bend down, Zheng Zhisong stopped him: "I'm no longer Zheng Qiu's master, I'm just an idler, you can call me Grandpa Zheng."

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