Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 943: Yun You Goes to Qinghe Town

The three of them spoke for half an incense stick, when a strong air flow blew in from the door, forcing Cheng Dachun to raise his hands to cover his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow rushed into the hall with the wind, and the air flow stopped in an instant, and Yunyou's dress appeared in front of everyone.

Cheng Dachun put down his hands, and found that there was a beauty in the hall suddenly, and he knew him by appearance.

But how could he withstand the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth that Yunyou undoubtedly emanated, his eyes were instantly attracted, and he stared at Yunyou's body as motionless as a wooden sculpture.

Yunyou found out about this situation, and slapped her palm outwards to create a gust of air, blowing Cheng Dachun backwards to the corner of the hall.

With a bang, Cheng Dachun sat down on the chair, and even slid back with the chair, hitting the wall.

The pain of the collision woke him up, and only then did he realize that something abnormal had happened to him just now, and a feeling of fear suddenly arose in his heart.

He has already recognized that this beauty is Yunyou, who lived in their house for a long time after losing her legs.

Seeing Cheng Dachun's reaction, Zheng Zhisong immediately leaned over to check his health.

He warned: "Don't look up at Yunyou, the power fluctuations emanating from her body are unbearable even for practitioners who are not in the realm.

If Yunyou hadn't interrupted in time just now, your head might have been seriously damaged. "

Hearing this, Cheng Dachun quickly lowered his head, not daring to look in Yunyou's direction.

And now he also knows that Zheng Qiu didn't tell everyone the fact that he is his real brother.

It is estimated that in the whole mountain, only Zheng Zhisong and Yunyou knew about this matter. They both met Zheng Qiu's parents before and lived together for a while.

Zheng Qiu told Yunyou the news of bringing Yuming back from the beginning to the end.

Then he said: "Now the sects in Demon Slayer Zhengqi are arresting Mo Junrong everywhere, he will definitely find a very secret place to hide, trying to find him directly is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Going to Qinghe town and waiting for the rabbit, waiting for him to pick up Dachun, is the best way at the moment.

With your current strength, it is easy to take down Mo Jun.

And you are familiar with Mo Junrong, even if he uses some disguise technique to change his appearance, you can tell it from the type of energy on his body. "

A flash of anger flashed across Yunyou's eyes, she nodded, "I see.

If Mo Junrong dares to appear in Qinghe Town, I will definitely let him taste the pain and seek justice for all those who died because of him. "

After finishing speaking, Yunyou turned around and floated outside the door, Zheng Qiu hurriedly called her to stop.

"Sister, wait a moment, I'll send you there in a way that will save you a lot of time."

Yunyou didn't refuse, the two walked outside the house, Zheng Qiu began to mobilize his spirit to perceive the power of heaven and earth in the distance, and locked the location of Qinghe Town.

A white light flashed, and a hole was cut in the air, and Yunyou got into it without saying a word.

Zheng Qiu didn't follow up. This was the second time Yunyou had used the "shrink the ground to an inch" spell, so she knew the characteristics of the spell.

Once entering the channel opened by the white light, it will continue to provide the power of heaven and earth to maintain the stability of the channel.

After two incense sticks, Yunyou flew out of the white light in the open space outside Qinghe Town.

She turned her head and looked around. She was surrounded by a familiar environment, and Qinghe Town hadn't changed much from ten years ago.

Yunyou recognized where Zheng Qiu's family lived, flew directly to the Qinghe River, and found Zheng Qiu's house along a row of fishermen's houses.

Before she opened the door and entered the house, nearby fishermen surrounded her.

"Girl, you are a cultivator, are you here to pick up Cheng Dachun?"

The old lady walking in the front asked, but just after she finished speaking, she encountered the same problem as Cheng Dachun.

She was fixed in place like a stone, staring blankly at Yunyou, unable to speak any more words.

The other fishermen who approached from behind also began to experience a similar situation after seeing Yunyou.

His eyes were firmly attracted and he couldn't move away, his spirit was impacted by the power of heaven and earth, and he couldn't control his body.

That's not okay,

I can't communicate with ordinary people normally.

Seeing this, Yunyou took out a commonly used seal talisman, and used her fingers to change the talisman a few strokes.

Then the caster activated the talisman paper with a trace of strength, and stuck it on his skirt.

The sealing effect of the talisman paper cannot affect her, but it can seal the fluctuations of the power of heaven and earth that are usually inadvertently emitted within the range covered by the clothes.

Without the interference of the strong force of heaven and earth, the fishermen gradually returned to normal, panting for breath and daring not to look at Yunyou again.

Yunyou opened her mouth to tell them that Cheng Dachun will not come, and she will wait here for a practitioner named Mo.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't say that.

Mo Junrong is cautious in doing things, and will give up the original plan to escape when encountering any signs of danger.

If you tell the fishermen about Cheng Dachun now, in case Mo Junrong asks around when he returns, someone will reveal the news with a big mouth.

Then Mo Junrong would be stunned and immediately fly away from Qinghe Town.

Thinking of this, Yunyou swallowed what she was about to say, and then said something. "I'm looking for someone surnamed Zhang, is it here?"

The fishermen didn't know what the female cultivator in front of them was thinking, and they were all telling the truth.

"This is the old Cheng's house. There is no one with the surname Zhang. Miss, you must have made a mistake."

"It seems that there are several families surnamed Zhang at the threshing ground. You can go there and ask."

Yunyou pretended not to know, nodded and thanked, and left quickly.

But in fact, she did not go far, but hid on a roof to observe.

After the fishermen had dispersed, Yunyou released a force of heaven and earth, using them to change the image presented by her body, forming Cheng Dachun's outline.

The fake Cheng Dachun walks down the street, greeting fishermen who see him along the way.

But this Cheng Dachun just waved his hands and didn't speak.

Under the eyes of the fishermen, Cheng Dachun walked into his house, closed the door and windows and never came out again.

No one knew that Cheng Dachun was just an image, and it was actually Yunyou who entered.

However, Yunyou's goal has been achieved, and she let everyone nearby know that Cheng Dachun has returned home.

If Mo Junrong returns to Qinghe Town to inquire about Cheng Dachun's whereabouts, these people will give him the best illusion and tell him that Cheng Dachun is staying at home.

Sitting quietly on the bed, Yunyou began to close her eyes and rest, patiently waiting for her hunting target to appear.

And in Lingcui Mountain, the Dragon Clan Positioning Formation arranged by Zheng Qiu suddenly burst into golden light towards the sky.

The light immediately attracted a large number of guards to gather. At the same time, Zheng Qiu, Yu Hong, and Gu Ya all came to the lawn to observe the changes in the formation.

Zheng Qiu felt very strange, he used this positioning formation when he rescued Liesha Treasure Hunting Team and Dahuang Supermarket and others, but no one is using it now, why does that formation shine.

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