Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 970 The Energy Gathering Formation Has Miraculous Effects

Zheng Qiu tilted his head to discern carefully, this symbol consists of two parts, which are nested together.

One of them knows himself and has the effect of marking and positioning.

Damn, no wonder there are so many polluters, there is a positioning marker here.

It seems that those polluters were directly teleported through something like a teleportation array.

Now that he knew the purpose of this mark, how could Zheng Qiu allow it to exist.

Swipe out the flames by waving your hands and splashing special energy, and then use your feet to level the symbols.

At the same time, on the lawn outside Qianjibao, Gu Ya led Mingkong Zilin, Kanchi and Shaowei, and then cooperated with Master Miaoshou and ten False God Realm guards.

Using the special wooden sticks Zheng Qiu gave them, the three polluters were forced to the location of the energy-gathering formation.

The three polluters neighed continuously, frantically wielding their bone blades to fight back, trying to get out of this driven situation.

But under the siege of so many powerful practitioners, their resistance seemed futile, and they had to move their positions.

Around the energy-gathering formation, there were disciples of Qianqi Silver Castle and dozens of elders. Everyone was very nervous when they saw the monster getting closer.

In the air, Gu Ya turned her head and shouted at Master Miaoshou: "Old fellow, tell your disciples and elders to disperse, don't be trampled to death!

Hurry up, you are about to enter the range of the formation, don't dawdle! "

Hearing the little girl call him an old guy, Master Miaoshou frowned, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his face.

But he didn't get angry. This little girl named Gu Ya is, after all, a real Supreme Being in the Divine Presence Realm.

He lowered the flying altitude, shouted to the disciples and elders of Qianqi Yinbao on the grass, commanding everyone to stay away as soon as possible.

"Thousands of troops break through!"

Kanchi accumulated strength, turned into a bright and solid silver light again, and slammed on the breastbone of one of the polluters.

The polluter's sternum cracked open, and it was knocked back four or five steps in a row by the powerful impact, directly stepping into the range of the energy-gathering formation.

"Drive the other two in, too,

act fast! "

After Mingkong Zilin and Shao Wei heard about it, they immediately used the most powerful move regardless of the loss of the power of heaven and earth.

"The huge waves are monstrous!"

"Vigorous King Fist!"

Two colors of light, one basket and one red, suddenly lit up, colliding with the polluter with a loud noise.

As the two waves of air blasted outward, the other two polluters were also thrown backwards, stepping into the range of the energy-gathering formation.

Seeing that the three polluters had all stepped into the range of the energy-gathering formation, Gu Ya mobilized her energy and yelled out a big circle of noise.

"Start formation, move formation, formation, method..."

The echoes spread out wave after wave, and the elders of Qianqi Yinbao on the ground immediately made a series of handprints, injecting the power of heaven and earth into the lines of the formation.

The energy-gathering formations are activated one after another, and there are a total of twelve stacked here, working together to exert a powerful energy-gathering effect.

This effect produces a strong suction, not to the air or objects, but to the surrounding forces of heaven and earth.

This force also affected the polluters, the three burning lizards, the burning flames in their bodies flowed slowly down their bones like a sticky paste.

The flames gathered at the claws, and then were pulled out by the formation effect, and gathered in the energy-gathering formation.

Gu Ya ordered Kanchi, Miaoshou Zhizun and the others: "You keep attacking, don't let these bastards escape, I'll go and eliminate the flames!"

She knew that these flames had a strong corrosive effect, and contained a special power called divine power. If they were allowed to integrate into the energy-gathering formation, it would destroy the formation instead.

So Gu Ya quickly fell to the ground, took out the light green heaven and earth crystal given by Zheng Qiu from her pocket, and carefully approached the flames flowing in the formation.

Pinching his fingers, he carefully and quickly broke off the spar, so as not to stain the light green light spots inside.

She raised her hand and threw the broken spar into the flames, waiting for the miraculous effect to appear.

Sure enough, after the spar was thrown into the flames, the pale green light flickered violently, which made Gu Ya feel an indescribably refreshing feeling.

Then those flames seemed to be poured with cold water, and quickly dimmed and shrank, shaking and shrinking by nearly two-thirds.

The effect is so good, it is immediate.

The energy-gathering array is still in operation, and more flames are drawn from the polluter.

Before the flames converged into the formation, Gu Ya would break a divine power crystal and throw it into the flames to neutralize the two different forces.

The polluters sensed the crisis, and immediately launched a more crazy offensive, trying to get out of trouble.

However, the cooperation between the four supreme beings in the air and the ten False God Realms forced the polluters back again and again.

When the Defiler was struggling, the flames splashed randomly, contaminating some unlucky Qianqi Silver Fort cultivators.

Gu Ya kept Zheng Qiu's words in mind, took the time to fly over, and rescued them with the power of heaven and earth crystals.

As time passed, the flames on the defiler's body became less and less, and the speed of new flames emerging from the skull and chest cavity gradually couldn't keep up with consumption.

As a result, their resistance is also decreasing, their movements are getting slower and slower, and it is no longer possible to escape.

After seeing this scene, the elders and disciples of the surrounding Qianqi Silver Fort suddenly changed their mood from nervousness to excitement.

This time they knew why Boss Zheng wanted everyone to abandon the Dragon Roar Cannon position and set up an energy-gathering formation instead.

It turned out that the energy-gathering formation, which seemed to have no attack or defense capabilities, turned out to be a sharp weapon against monsters.

If I had known this earlier, there would have been no need to lose so many equipment and cause so many casualties to my companions, and I could have won directly with the energy-gathering formation.

But they don't know that the energy-gathering array can't really solve the problem, the most critical of which is the conflict and neutralization effect of two different types of divine power.

"Everyone arrange some small energy-gathering arrays on the periphery of the energy-gathering array to enhance the absorption effect!"

The elders called their disciples to take action, carefully avoid the attack range of monsters, and try their best to arrange more energy-gathering formations.

Sucking and neutralizing, the flames on the polluter's body became less and less, and the body staggered and sat down on the ground.

After about two sticks of incense, the flames were completely absorbed, and the ball of fire in their empty eye sockets was also extinguished.

The three big guys fell down completely, becoming three piles of cold huge bones.

Gu Ya observed them carefully for a long time, and after confirming that they were completely dead, she called everyone to come over.

The crowd surrounded the three piles of bones, and many cultivators drilled around curiously to observe.

The Miaoshou Supreme flew down to Gu Ya's side, cupped his fists and saluted Gu Ya: "Qianqi Yinbao can overcome this difficulty, thanks to your help, especially the help of several Supremes.

Please also tell Boss Zheng that I will never break my promise regarding the alliance with Lingcui Mountain.

The alliance can be formed at any time and any place, and I, Qianqi Yinbao, are all arranged by Boss Zheng. "

Gu Ya hid the light green heaven and earth crystals back in her pocket, the crystals Zheng Qiu gave were not used up, and there were still three crystals left.

This thing is so effective against polluters, I have to keep a little spare, maybe it can save lives in a crisis.

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