Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 971 Countermeasures against the asteroid

After putting away the divine power spar, Gu Ya raised her head and grinned at Master Miaoshou: "You can talk to Zheng Qiu yourself about the alliance, I don't want to be a microphone.

Oh, by the way, don't you go and have a look at these bones, maybe they are good materials. "

Master Miaoshou nodded in approval, walked to the bones, and stretched out his hands to caress those smooth and pitch-black bones.

The bone is cold to the touch, without the slightest temperature, which is different from the common bone feel.

Master Miaoshou took out a thick needle with a golden ribbon and blue color from his belt, which looked like some kind of magic weapon, and poked it a few times at the thick leg bone.

Then use the needle tip to scrape the surface of the leg bone.

The two rub against each other, making a harsh squeaking sound, accompanied by sparks splashing.

Kanchi came up from behind and asked, "Master Miaoshou, what are these bones? I feel they are harder than black iron."

Scratching back and forth a few times, Miaoshou Zhizun carefully observed the needle tip and the surface of the bone, and even put his nose close to smell it.

Then he said with some uncertainty: "It seems that this is not a bone, but a mixed product of some kind of ore and metal. I can't judge the specific composition now.

But one thing I can be sure of is that these bones are not naturally generated, but made like casting weapons. "

The elders came to the side of the castle master one after another, saluted to express their gratitude to Gu Ya and others.

One of the elders of the Puppet Gate said: "Castle Master, we have checked carefully, and there is a very strange chiseled pattern on the inner side of the strange chest and spine.

We suspect that it is a core, which is used to control the monster's body movement and power operation. "

The elder of the puppet gate of Qianqi Silver Castle is indeed an expert in making and using puppets, and he can see the tricks of the special pattern so quickly.

Another Elder of the Equipment Sect heard Supreme Master Miaoshou's judgment on the bone material just now.

Added: "Master, the bones of these monsters are so special, they look like they were made by man.

On the whole, these monsters are very similar to puppets, and they are by no means any understandable creatures. "

Master Miaoshou's complexion was a little pale. This series of observations made him very difficult to accept.

Three identical monsters,

In addition, they were the monsters that were killed by the Dragon Roar Cannon before, they were carved out of the same mold.

Could it be that it is really a mass-manufactured product, the result is too terrible.

Who is able to produce such a terrible thing, and what kind of conspiracy is it for?

If these monsters were really manufactured, their skeletons are of great research value.

If we can find out the specific materials that make up the bones, it will be of great help to Qianqi Yinbao to upgrade the puppet production method.

Thinking of this, he immediately greeted the elders and disciples: "Everyone move, move these bones back to Qianjibao!

Puppet door, instrument door, you go back and conduct research immediately to find out the specific material composition of the bones. I want a detailed formula report. "

At the same time, in the deep and vast universe, on a desolate asteroid with a diameter of thousands of feet, crimson flames were raging and rising.

It was strange that without air or any fuel, the flames could burn so vigorously that they enveloped a quarter of the asteroid's area.

Mental fluctuations spread out from the billowing flames, impacting in all directions, and the strong vibration cracked the entire asteroid.

This fluctuation was full of angry emotions, which further fueled the burning of the flame, turning the flying gravel into molten lava and throwing it into the deep space of the universe.

"What did you say, it failed. The reason, the reason for the failure!"

In the raging flames, the shadow of a small red snake appeared.

The little snake also communicates with mental fluctuations, but the fluctuations are trembling and full of fear.

"General, this time it was really an accident, we didn't know in advance that there were powerful human cultivators nearby.

The fire of the leading sentinel went out, and we sent three more sentries to help, but the result was the same.

Moreover, the guide markers arranged before have also disappeared, and we cannot accurately locate and send more sentries there.

General calm down, calm down, there is still a way, I will come up with a new way soon! "

"New way, do you still want to send sentries to Yunxiu Continent?

Do you know the value of a sentinel and how much time it takes for a sentinel to be shaped successfully. "

The red flame snake nodded again and again: "I know, I know, don't worry, general, I won't send sentry anymore."

The angry and powerful mental fluctuations subsided instantly, and everything became quiet and weird. In this awkward environment, Little Flame Snake knew that the general wanted to hear him explain the specific methods.

It crawled lower, almost clinging to the ground, and said cautiously.

"General, I think it is possible to send a landing meteor over there, not the kind for large-scale expeditions, but a small landing meteor for scouting.

This small landing meteor can carry thirty blazing souls, and guide marks can be engraved on the inside of the meteor in advance.

After landing, I will let the thirty blazing souls rely on the landing meteor to establish an outpost, and then send more troops to strengthen the defense of the stronghold. "

After the little snake finished speaking, he looked up to observe the general's reaction, but it was still eerily quiet, and the general didn't express any opinion.

The general must be dissatisfied with his method, it quickly thought about the loopholes in the method just now, and then hastily made up for it.

"Don't be angry, General, don't be angry.

I will carefully choose the landing place of the small landing meteor. Those human beings need a soft environment for survival, so it is not wrong to choose a desolate and extreme landing location.

That's right, that's right, I won't send sentries to send additional troops, and I will use Blazing Soul for all of them.

Those blazing souls are huge in number and can be cultivated very quickly, making them the most suitable forward troops. "

At this time, the general who had been silent for a long time finally spoke, releasing a wave of mental fluctuations.

"The blazing soul cannot be teleported through the large array, you still have to use the landing meteor."

Hearing the general's words, Little Flame Snake straightened his upper body and heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the general approved of his method.

But it soon became a little worried. It seemed that it couldn't solve the defect that the general raised just now.

The blazing soul is the most basic unit under the general, with a very simple structure and weak strength.

But if this strength is used to deal with human cultivators, it is almost enough.

It's a pity that because the body structure of the blazing soul is too simple, it is easy to be damaged when using the teleportation array.

Moreover, the number of individuals that can be teleported by the large formation at one time is also limited. The blazing soul, which wins by quantity, is not suitable for teleportation.

Therefore, using Landing Meteor is the best way to send a large number of blazing souls.

But the general said before that if we want to win the Yunxiu Continent steadily and steadily, we must not fail in this battle.

Whether it is a large number of small landing meteors or a large landing meteor, the resulting scene is bound to cause human alertness.

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