Legendary Shadow

Chapter 107 - Elite Four 6

Next up Liam wanted to use Tyranitar so that he could gain battle experience, so he sent him out and told him to cut loose. Tyranitar came out and used his devil form. Lance didn't know about this and asked Liam if all his Pokémon could do this transformation. Liam just shook his head saying no and the battle started.

Tyranitar charged towards Dragonite and used earthquake. Dragonite simply flew up in the air and used dragon breath slamming it straight into Tyranitar. Tyranitar tried to dodge the attack, but he barely managed to take a hit. Tyranitar had to boost himself with more devil energy in order to withstand the attack alone due to the level difference.

He was able to survive it somehow. Liam told Tyranitar to attack while Dragonite simply dodged it mocking Tyranitar. Dragonite flew towards Tyranitar while he used rock throw sending a bunch of rocks towards Dragonite but he simply dodged it or just smashed them away in time. 

Tyranitar was getting frustrated by not getting the lead and being toyed with. Liam told him to calm down and that he should use this as an experience, but this was making him even angrier. He couldn't hear a word Liam was saying as his eyes had turned bright red and he seemed to grow a few inches taller, his muscles also started to bulge out and he continued to send out rocks towards Dragonite at a faster pace.

Dragonite now had to take it seriously as he started dodging them while charging towards Tyranitar using dragon claw to try to slow Tyranitar down but Tyranitar saw this and used hyper beam to blast the Dragonite away. 

Dragonite recovered when he was in the air after getting blasted away.

He charged up his own hyper beam and unleashed it towards Tyranitar. Tyranitar got on all 4 limbs and ran straight towards Dragonite while dodging the attack. Dragonite could not see what was going on with him but Lance yelled at Dragonite to dodge but it was too late. Tyranitar had used rock throw and threw a piece of the stage at Dragonite who had just stopped his attack and was unable to move away quickly.

Dragonite was smashed with the rock and had gotten a little injured but he simply shook it off and used dragon rush to smash through another rock throw that Tyranitar had sent towards him and smashed right into Tyranitar knocking him off the stage and making him faint. Dragonite was once again the winner. Liam could only shake his head as he thanked Tyranitar for the battle.

He was able to weaken Dragonite a little as he sent out Shadow to finish Dragonite. Shadow came on the stage and use the shadow movement and was quietly stalking Dragonite. Dragonite couldn't feel Shadow's presence at all as Shadow had improved quite a bit in the shadow realm. Shadow had erased his presence after meeting quite a strong opponent. Shadow popped his head up and mocked Dragonite.

Dragonite wanted to test the waters so he sent a dragon breath attack towards Shadow. Shadow simply dodged it and use shadow movements to sink into the ground and pop up right behind Dragonite and used shadow ball which knocked Dragonite forward. Dragonite got annoyed at that and used dragon claw to attack. Shadow simply dodged it by sinking into the ground again. Lance was amused by Shadow's antics and told Dragonite to fly in order to avoid Shadow on the ground.

Shadow saw that they changed their strategy, so he came out from under the ground and flew up into the air. They looked at each other and finally charged towards each other. Shadow used another shadow ball while Dragonite dodged and used a hydro pump to blast Shadow away. Shadow recovered from the attack and used a hydro pump. Dragonite had noticed that Shadow could have easily dodged it but he didn't and took that attack head-on, so he decided to take the hydro pump coming towards him head-on as well.

The only problem was that right after it had hit Dragonite, he had become paralyzed because Shadow had mixed in a little bit of electricity with the attack. Since Dragonite was paralyzed, he fell onto the stage and was unable to move. Lance had gained some insight from that attack and was surprised that Shadow connects his attacks like that and wondered if Dragonite could do the same. Shadow took advantage of this chance to attack Dragonite since he was unable to move.

He used one of his most powerful attacks which was dragon rush and rushed towards Dragonite. Lance knew that Dragonite was in trouble if he got hit by this attack due to dragon types being weak against other dragon types, so he told Dragonite to unleash his dragon aura. Dragonite got excited because he was unable to go all out when facing against the other two challengers that he had just faced, so after he got the OK from his trainer his power skyrocketed as his dragon aura boosted him out of the paralyzation and he rushed towards Shadow with his own dragon rush.

They both slammed into each other as they tried to push each other off causing a huge explosion and they both were knocked back. After the dust settled, they were both struggling to get up but Shadow had a little bit more energy due to not battling for long, so he was able to get up quickly and wait for Dragonite to also get up. Lance asked Dragonite if he was good to continue. Dragonite nodded his head saying yes and charged up once again.

Shadow got excited seeing this and sent an ice beam towards Dragonite. Lance frowned at this because he didn't think that Liam would use Dragonite's weakness against him. Dragonite simply unleashed a flamethrower to melt out the ice beam as it exploded. Dragonite then charged towards Shadow right after the attack and used thunderbolt to try to shock him. Shadow used the shadow movement and disappeared from Dragonite's attack. Then Dragonite felt a stinging pain coming from his back.

Shadow had grabbed Dragonite's wings trying to snap it back. Dragonite was in so much pain that he had almost fainted, but he held on while Shadow was charging up another ice beam to hit Dragonite from the back. Just when he was about to unleash it, Dragonite used dragon tail to whip Shadow right on the jaw making his head snapped up. This made the attack miss as Dragonite freed himself from Shadow's grip and tackled Shadow to the ground.

Dragonite used dragon breath in front of Shadow making it quite an effective attack. Shadow had gotten paralyzed from this attack and couldn't move. Just when Dragonite was about to unleash a barrage of attacks on Shadow, he felt something wrapping around him and s.u.c.k.i.n.g his energy. Shadow used absorb to leech off Dragonite's energy. Dragonite quickly flew off to break free from the attack while Shadow had recovered from his paralyzed state.

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