Legendary Shadow

Chapter 113 - Team Rocket Again 3

When Giovanni saw all this happening, he started to get scared and wondered what was happening. He felt an eerie chill in his body from the strange dark energy that was coming from the hole that Shadow and Mewtwo were holding up. Liam didn't want to burn down the forest, so he summoned Ditto and had him transform into Mewtwo and used psychic to lift all the team rocket members up into the sky. 

They were all trying to break out of it, but before they could, they saw a huge energy beam coming towards them. Giratina had sent a Hyper Beam towards them. The Hyper Beam tore right through them and tore through the clouds and even went into space. The entire Johto region had seen this attack and they were all on high alert and wondering what kind of Pokémon would be able to do that massive attack and were quite scared that that attack would hit their own town or city. 

Liam was almost blown away, but Ditto was able to catch him and hold him down. Giovanni and his team Rocket group with nowhere to be found. They had disappeared from the world just like that. Liam even had chills after he had seen what that attack could do if it hit human beings. Mewtwo and Shadow had fainted right after the hole closed due to exhaustion. Liam knew that they would be out for a while so he just returned them to their poke balls and rushed out of the area before the authorities were able to find him, because he heard a lot of people were coming his way with police sirens. 

Giratina normally held back on his attacks but this time he felt the blood l.u.s.t from Liam and Shadow and it seemed to affect him too as he didn't hold back this time. Professor Elm had seen the beam also and wondered who could have done that but then remembered that Liam had just left that town and headed in that area and wondered if it was Liam who did that. He knew that Liam had something to do with this, so he contacted Professor Oak right away to ask him more about Liam and told him what he had seen. 

Professor Oak picked up as he was also shocked as he told Professor Elm that he had also seen that attack which surprised Professor Elm as he thought that attack was so big that even a different region had seen it. They wondered who could have done that and that's when Professor Elm told Professor Oak that Liam had just left in that direction, so it definitely had something to do with him. 

Professor Oak was beyond shocked as he thought how many secrets did Liam have and whether he was the one who did that attack. They continue to talk about the attack until they ended the call. Professor Oak was just shocked by the sheer power that was emulated from the mysterious attack, he tried to call Liam, but he couldn't reach him. That attack had destroyed the service area around the area Liam was in, so he had no service at that time. 

Liam had to dodge and avoid all the police officers that were looking into the incident. Liam was able to escape from all the searches thanks to Ditto who had transformed into Shadow and used shadow movement to avoid all of Officer Jenny's Pokémon detections. After traveling through the forest, they finally made it to Cherry Grove City where he was able to rest. Liam was exhausted after running all night and battling all the Team Rocket members. 

A day later, Liam woke up. Mewtwo had also recovered all his energy, Shadow was still out of commission so Liam decided to move on. Along the way, he met with the main characters from Silver and Gold, Ethan and Lyra. They were running an errand for Professor Elm. He recognized them and said hi to them. Ethan simply said "Hi." Lyra was nice and more talkative. Ethan asked for a battle, so Liam obliged by sending out Omanyte who made quick work of Cyndaquil with water attacks. 

This was the first time Ethan had lost because along the way he had battled a couple of trainers and had won all his battles, so he was surprised to lose this battle easily. Liam told him not to worry about it and that his Pokémon were high level so he shouldn't get discouraged and keep training hard and one day, he'll be able to get stronger. After seeing the battle, Lyra didn't even try to battle Liam as they went back to Professor Elm's lab. 

Liam also headed to the next city which was Violet City to get his first badge. Along the way, he had Omanyte and Kabuto battle all the trainers as he swept through them. When he finally got to Violet City, he rested for a day before heading to the Bellsprout tower.

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