Legendary Shadow

Chapter 115 - New Adventure 2

Elder Lee had Bellsprout come and wrap Liam around with his leafs and vines as he had become a cocoon. Liam was just sitting there in the dark wrapped up. He didn't know how to feel about this conversion, but he knew that he was slowly losing his mind to the devil powers. That's the only reason why he agreed to this change. While he was sitting in the dark thinking about everything he had been through, he had suddenly seen a bright light as he passed out and wandered into a Dreamland. 

Bellsprout wasn't doing much but trying to enlighten him of life as Liam was dreaming about the planets and life-forms. In the dream world Liam saw the grassy plains and the ocean floors and the blue skies. He felt at peace as his spirit continued to travel around the Pokémon world or the fake version of what Bellsprout was showing him. The evil energy that was within his heart had slowly started to dissipate as it seemed like an evil spirit had consumed him and was struggling to get out. 

The evil spirit fought hard with Bellsprout who was also fighting back fiercely until Liam was able to help out Bellsprout. After Liam had gained consciousness and seeing what was happening, he was surprised that this spirit was within him and they both work together to kick it out and destroy it completely. Liam had no clue that this battle went on for at least a week before the leaves and vines started to wither away from his body as he woke up from his great spiritual battle against the evil being. 

When he woke up, he felt quite light, like a feather as his mind felt refreshed and clear. Elder Li literally saw the change in Liam's eyes as he came up to him with a bowl of noodle soup and handed it to Liam. Liam said "thank you"  and quickly ate the food as he hadn't had any all week, so he was extremely hungry. Elder Li said, "Now that you have been purified, you may leave on to the world and when you come across evil be sure to exterminate it." 

Liam nodded his head as he finished another bowl of noodle soup. After a day of rest, Liam left the Bellsprout tower. When he went out, he wanted to check out his Pokémon that had devil forms in the forest. But, as soon as he had reached the forest his egg started to hatch. The one that his supposedly wife gave to him, the egg hatched and a Riolu came out it. It was the pre evolved form of Lucario. 

Liam was surprised with this outcome. He remembered the Lucario that he faced off against Gin Oak a few years ago and how strong that Pokémon could get. He remembered how he was able to beat Shadow and that he would raise this guy up to be a strong as Gin Oak's Lucario. After Riolu came out, Liam noticed that his color was forest green. Liam was shocked as he remembered that he had went through some changes himself. 

Then he started calling on all his devil Pokémon. Tyranitar, Charizard, Eevee and Shadow who was still sleeping had all changed their color to Forest Green. Liam didn't like this color very much, but he was glad that they were still safe. He wondered what type they were now as he asked Charizard if he learned any new moves. Charizard shook his head. Liam asked him to use a flamethrower attack. When Charizard used the flamethrower attack, the flame was green which surprised Liam. 

He also noticed that they had gained extra levels after this. After that, he looked up the type and it no longer said devil, but it said unknown, so he was confused by this, but he didn't want to waste too much time on it as he went to go rest to prepare for the gym battle the next day. During that time, he used the rest of the day to get to know Riolu. He looked quite energetic as he was jumping around all over the place and couldn't sit still. Liam introduced him to all the others as they started getting along well with each other.

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