Legendary Shadow

Chapter 144 - Mahogany Gym 3

Editor: Phema2241

Pryce was overcome with greed as he started to formulate a plan to capture Liam right then and there. Pryce made an ice wall covering the whole stage, blocking anybody from seeing their battle as he began to summon all his Pokémon. They all shot out an Ice Beam towards Ditto. 

Liam was surprised that Pryce, a respected gym leader, was trying to steal his Pokémon. Due to this happening, Liam had to summon Mewtwo and Shadow to come out and help. He didn't want there to be an additional task of protecting him. 

Pryce saw the rest of Liam's Pokémon come out and was shocked. His greed had gone to a point high, and he pushed a button and made sure he dissolved the ice wall he made earlier. Water could be seen around. Not only that, but all the trainers around his gym also started putting on a uniform with the R sign on them. 

Liam was surprised that this gym leader was part of Team Rocket, but now that he knew, he wasn't going to go easy on them. So, he summoned the rest of his Pokémon. Tyranitar, Latios, Omastar, Omanyte, Charizard, Dragonite, and others. 

Pryce was having a ball as he thought he had hit the jackpot, but he didn't notice that all his Pokémon started to faint as Liam's Pokémon were way more reliable than his. After a few minutes of battling, Pryce's Pokémon were all knocked out, including the other trainers' making Liam the winner. He also beat every single Team Rocket member present in and around the field. 

Liam smirked and said, "Do you have any last words, because Team Rocket is dead, and I think you should die along with them. But before you go, let me get my Gym Badge so I can be on my way." Pryce was regretful as he thought, "I made a huge mistake. I should have just battled the kid, gave him his Gym Badge, and let him go on his way." 

Now he was going to lose his life due to greed, and that wasn't something he wanted to see. He had no more trump cards left, so all he could do was hand over the Gym Badge to Liam. He noticed that Liam's eyes had turned red, and it seemed like horns were protruding out of his forehead. 

Due to suppressing the devil powers for a long time, the horns had gotten longer on Liam as the rest of his Pokémon also turned into their devil forms. Even Lucario, who Liam had never seen in his devil form, had horns coming out of his head looking quite powerful. 

Latios was also the same. The colors had all changed, and it seemed like the rage in Liam's heart had also transferred to the rest of his Pokémon. Liam rounded up all the trainers with Pryce as he took all the poke balls away from them, telling them that he was going to sell these poke balls to the black market. 

Pryce and the rest were sad after knowing that all their Pokémon were about to be sold. Still, they had no regrets as he looked at Liam angrily. Liam ignored them as he pointed to them and ordered all his Pokémon to use a hyper beam or some sort of beam. If they didn't know any hyper beam attack, they all blasted them away as they all evaporated into nothingness. 

After killing a dozen trainers, it seemed like Liam's devil powers had grown even more robust as his horns grew a few more inches, and the red in his eyes got deeper. He knew that now that he had stepped into this darkness, it would be hard to control it until he got back to the Bellsprout Tower. 

But Liam was enjoying this kind of power and had no regrets as he walked away from the Gym to go to the Pokémon Center to heal all his Pokémon not before destroying the whole gym.

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