Legendary Shadow

Chapter 152 - Towards Johto

Editor: Phema2241

After a crazy night with Sheila, Liam got up and started stretching out his arms as he got out of his little building that he was staying with Sheila in. As soon as he got out, the maids were waiting for him. When the Head Maid saw Liam, she walked up to him and said, "It's time for a shower master." 

When Liam heard her, he tried to run back into the room, but the lady quickly grabbed his foot, making him trip as they all went in and reeled him in. 

Liam could only stand in the bath as there were several maids rubbing soap all over his body. They were all blushing as they felt his manly physique. One of them accidentally grabbed his balls, causing him to flinch a little, but he just kept quiet and stood there with a straight face like a rock. 

Seeing the state Liam was in, the Head Maid smirked, and she grabbed his pole and stroked it while saying, "You think you're tough, huh. Let's see how tough you are." and she started stroking it faster. Liam was having a hard time trying to control himself, but eventually, his body acted on its own. The Head Maid began to laugh at him and said, "There you go, our lamb." 

Liam didn't say anything as the other maids started laughing at him as well. After a few more minutes of what seemed like torture, Liam was finally clothed in traditional Indian wear as he went back to his place where Sheila was waiting for him. As soon as he back got back, he asked Sheila, "Do you have any idea what your maids did to me?" She laughed and said, "Oh, that's a little present for you from me." 

Liam couldn't help but look at her strangely as he said, "You gotta stop giving me presents like that as I might just take them all at once one day." She laughed and said, "I doubt you can, especially the Head Maid. I heard she was quite the woman back in the day." 

Liam could only shake his head as he said, "OK, well, I gotta go do some training and some other things. I would like you to come with me…" Before she could say 'Yes,' she heard baby Beth crying and said, "Maybe I'll take a rain check. Next time we can all go together." Liam nodded and left. 

Liam went up to the hill where the battle had gone on and saw all the destruction around. He brought out his Pokémon to help get the place cleared up. While they were doing all of this, Liam wondered how his buddies Ash, Gary, and the rest were doing. He decided to call Ash to see what he was up to. 

When Liam called, all he could hear was loud noises as Ash was yelling in the phone, 

"Sorry, can't talk now, bud. I'm in the middle of a battle." Liam heard this and sighed as he thought, "Of course, he would be in the middle of a battle. This guy is always battling, battle-hungry maniac." Liam smiled, and he said, "I'll see you in a month. I hope you trained hard." 

After hearing nothing back, he ended the call and dialed up Gary's number. After hearing the same response, Liam was surprised as he said to himself, "It might be a severe battle if this guy wasn't entertaining his fans." Then he caught up with Red and heard the same thing from him. It seemed like he was in the same situation. 

Liam wondered what was going on in Johto. There were no TVs in the town, so he asked what was going on in Johto and was very curious, so he decided to call Professor Oak and see what was going on. 

The phone rang for a while before Professor Oak picked it up. "Hey, Liam, how are you doing?" In response, Liam said, "I'm fine just wondering what's going on in Johto that everybody's busy battling." Professor Oak said, "Oh, that, huh. It's a unique situation where the Legendary Dog Pokémon of the Johto region are attacking the strongest trainers there. I don't know whether it's to test them out or what, but if you're in Johto, you should be encountering one of them sooner or later." 

Liam was surprised by this because he had never heard of anything like this happening before and couldn't wait to challenge the Legendary dogs. Liam thought that they could give him a challenging battle. He had a trump card now that he thought about it, and if he used this trump card, he could probably catch one of them. Just thinking about it got him excited as he wanted to leave for Johto right away. 

But, at the same time, he wanted to stay home with Beth and spend more time with her. He weighed his options and decided he had a lot of time, and besides, Beth was only a baby. It's not like she would miss him if he left. Liam thanked Professor Oak for the information and then cut the call. 

Professor Oak could sense the excitement over the phone and knew that Liam would go to Johto to challenge the legendary Pokémon.

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