Legendary Shadow

Chapter 173 - Kerras Vs Liam 2

Editor: Phema2241

The battle continued between Liam and Kerras. She had lost three of her Pokémon and with three left, was facing off against Morteon and Tyranitar. The battle had become a little tougher for her.

"Ampharos use ThunderBolt, Gyarados use Hyper Beam and Espeon use Psychic." All three of them charged up to one of their most powerful attacks as they tried to take down Tyranitar and Morteon as soon as possible to avenge their comrades.

Liam smirked as he said, "You think you can do whatever you want? Tyranitar Earthquake, Morteon Hyper Beam." All the attacks from both sides came clashing against each other as a massive explosion went off, but Espeon's Psychic attack was able to locate Tyranitar and Morteon who tried to move through the dust that had blinded the crowd and the trainers.

Tyranitar, being a dark type, was able to resist it quickly as he sent out another Crunch attack. Espeon was barely able to dodge it, but her foot got hit, and she fell to the ground, unable to stand back up. Kerras knew that Espeon was going to hold them back due to this injury, so she quickly tried to return her, but Espeon refused saying that she would be able to use Psychic to have her leg in place and that she would still be useful in the fight.

The crowd cheered Espeon on for her bravery. Tyranitar then dug into the ground, confusing the other three Pokémon while Morteon had also disappeared.

Now, the three Pokémon were scared because the opponents were not within their view, but Espeon quickly calmed the other two down saying that she would be able to sense them. Then, the ground below them started shaking and they knew that Tyranitar was coming up, so Gyarados quickly threw them up into the air and used a Hydro Pump in the area where it was shaking and as soon as Tyranitar came out, he received the blast of Hydro Pump knocking him down as he took massive damage due to it being his weakness.

Even though he was in his devil form, he took massive damage on this attack. As he struggled to get back up, Morteon appeared behind Gyarados and used Shadow Claw as he knocked all the Pokémon down off Gyarados. Morteon's attack had been amplified due to the devil form, so Gyarados took massive damage too and was on the verge of fainting.

"How are your Pokémon so strong?" Kerras asked Liam. 'Just one attack could render them useless this is not normal, but I can't give up; I don't know what happened to my grass type Pokémon, but I have to get them back very soon otherwise I might lose this battle' she thought to herself.

Liam laughed a bit before saying, "Since you're so concerned with your loyal grass Pokémon, Morteon release them." Hearing Liam's order, Morteon created a small Shadow door and out came Kerras's two grass type Pokémon, Venusaur and Maganium. They were both fainted which made it pointless to keep using them in the battle.

Kerras clenched her teeth as she returned both to their poke balls. "Excellent, Liam. I'll see to it that I destroy you." She said in anger.

"Ampharos used Thunder, max power."

Ampharos's eyes started to Glow yellow as electricity formed around her and dancing around her body was a little electric current. She blasted it as she unleashed a loud yell into the sky that was gathering dark clouds. Electricity boomed within the atmosphere and opening came from the cloud as down came a thunderous attack upon Morteon who tried to dodge the attack but was hit as it had covered a large space.

Though Morteon had taken massive damage, she was standing on her last leg paralyzed. Liam was surprised that Morteon was not able to dodge that attack but seeing how strong Kerras was, got him a little excited.

"Morteon go into your Shadow Realm to recover" Liam commanded. Morteon nodded her head and then sank into the ground as a shadow door had appeared under her.

Kerras was angry at this point. She had just used up Ampharos's ultimate attack only to see that her target who was on the verge of fainting had escaped to recover. It seemed like all she did was in vain now as Ampharos fell to her knees almost about to faint. Suddenly, the ground started shaking. Tyranitar came from under using a Dig attack as his skull dug straight into Ampharos's chin knocking her out right away as she fainted.

"Ampharos is unable to battle" the announcer said. As Ampharos's lights went dim, she returned to her poke ball. Kerras only had two more Pokémon left, and Tyranitar seemed like he was also out of energy as he reverted to his old self.

He had overextended his devil energy in this battle, but on the plus side, he was still a high-level Pokémon and would be able to deal with an injured Espeon, and a Gyarados that had also taken damage from this battle. It was quite tiresome, but at the same time exciting for Liam as his Pokémon had been pushed to the edge.

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