Legendary Shadow

Chapter 51 - Defeated

The battle started as soon as Giovanni took out a Pokeball tossed it up and out came a level 60 NidoKing who used tackle as soon as he came out rushing towards Liam. Liam also took out his pokeball and had Tyranitar come out roaring Giovanni was surprised and said "wow you really are different I had no idea that you could even catch such a strong Pokemon that's not even located in this region" Liam just chuckled and didn't say anything back.

Tyranitar and NidoKing crashed into each other with tackles they both knew that they wouldn't be able to do any ground attacks due to them being up so high in the building so, they were just using close combat moves. Tyranitar eventually lost to NidoKing in which Liam returned him and summoned Dragonite.

Giovanni was very impressed with his lineup and complimented him on how he was able to raise so many rare Pokemons. Liam told him that it was just pure luck causing Giovanni to laugh like a madman while ordering his NidoKing to attack as soon as he did Dragonite unleashed powerful Hyper Beam causing Nidoking to also unleashed one to causing a huge explosion.

Liam was blown out of the building due to the shockwave and passed out for a quick second until the wind forced him up and when he noticed he was falling he summoned Charizard who flew caught him and flew him back into the suite. Giovanni stayed put due to his experience and knew it was going to happen.

Giovanni shook his head and said" rookies this guy almost killed himself and why is that Charizard black are all his Pokemons so different from the normal ones" at this point greed can be seen in Giovanni's eyes as he decided to get serious and summons a Nidoqueen right next to the NidoKing. He told them to make this quick, Liam had Charizard assist Dragonite they both started unleashing Flamethrowers.

Liam decided to use a sneak attack on Giovanni by having Shadow sneak up behind Giovanni and use a Hypnosis attack, but Giovanni noticed and summoned his Kangaskhan to block the attack.l Giovanni went on and said" wow I didn't think Mr. Hero played dirty and what a rare looking Pokemon, I've never seen this one".

He wanted all of Liam's Pokemons at this point. Kangaskhan used Hyper Beam Shadow dodged it but the shockwave still blew Shadow away crashing into the wall of the building. Shadow didn't expect this and struggled to get back up, but Kangaskhan quickly showed up and used Slam on him just when he was about to make contact with Shadow Kangaskhan slipped right through him because Shadow had used Shadow Movement.

Giovanni raised his eyebrows and said "he's quite a slippery Pokemon", Liam was frustrated at this point because he was on the losing end. Charizard and Dragonite with pretty tired and he couldn't bring out ditto due to his identity linked with the Team Rocket version of himself. It was at this point that Liam knew he f.u.c.k.e.d up thinking he was invincible in this world just because he had a legendary Pokemon he thought he could just win all his Pokemon battles with ease. He felt bad for his Pokemon for going along his selfishness and promised himself that he would get better.

Just when he was about to command Pokemon's to come together Giovanni's aura started to increase as he said "I've had enough of this you and your Pokemon are weak I'll gladly take over their training as you take your last breath here". Liam looked on in shocked and realized that he had really over stepped his boundaries, Giovanni said one word and it was the only thing Liam remembered because they had went crashing down the floor below them due to all four of Giovanni's Pokemons using a powerful Earthquake at the same time.

Liam and his Pokemon we're all passed out, even Shadow couldn't evade this attack. Giovanni stepped out of the destruction with the CEO in his arms telling him that nobody can save him now just as Giovanni was about to order his Pokemon to get rid of Liam and take his pokeballs from him someone familiar came out from the previous floors, this was none other than Gin Oak and Lucario (Novel Pokemon SoulSilver).

Giovanni frowned when he saw him and asked him what he was doing here and if he was sent by Oak but Gin shook his head and said" that guy is a friend of mine's and I didn't want to see anything happen to him or his Pokemon so when I saw that he had sneaked into this building I follow behind him and I'd have to say he's improved quite a bit from the last time I saw him but right now he's not your opponent, I would love to switch places with him".

Giovanni decided that he was going to crush this guy if it was the last thing that he was going to do, he was tired of all these kids disturbing his plans. Giovanni had all his Pokemon attack at the same time using Hyper Beam Lucario just dodged the whole thing and went behind all of them after using agility and just as Kangaskhan was about to attack Lucario, Lucario used Extremespeed knocking Kangaskhan out with one hit.

Giovanni was shocked by the amount of power that it took him to defeat Kangaskhan. Gin told him Lucario is away higher level than any of his Pokemon so he will be fighting a losing battle if he continued, this caused Giovanni to shake his head and just give up on the fight because more people were showing up and felt a strong psychic force approaching.

He returned all his Pokemon and said that he's going to retire for now and leave. Gin just nodded his head and watched as Giovanni left. The CEO was surprised and just when he was about to go thank Gin he noticed Gin had disappeared. The CEO was puzzled by all this and just runs to go help up Liam. Liam was taken to the Pokemon center where he was asleep for three days.

"That's a good reaction after what you went through" Liam looked around and noticed someone was in the room with him shocking him.

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