Legendary Shadow

Chapter 52 - Training

When Liam looked at the stranger that was in his room he noticed it was a young beautiful woman staring right at him. She got mad when he didn't say anything and then she immediately told him that he was her type of man that doesnt talk too much, since her father was always bugging her about finding a husband to give him grandkids.

Liam immediately rejected her and said" that's not your choice to make and who said I was interested in you", this person was none other than the gym leader of Saffron City Sabrina of the Psychic type. She had on a cold expression as she continued on to say "do I not look beautiful enough to make a child with you, I will give you two kids at the least and I will raise them with my parents while you continue on with your journey.

Liam was shocked by this woman that was sitting in front of him, she continued" don't worry I shall make you happy with the time we spend together". Her eyes started to glow blue and Liam who was under his sheets started to see his pole stretched out, he grinded his teeth in pain and told her to stop that's not how things work she smirked and said "oh do I have to use my hands rather, father didn't teach me much about men but I can see that you're well endowed to provide me with children.

Liam had enough of this and tried to look for his Pokemon in order to stop her but he couldn't find any of them. She told him that they are being taken care of because they were all in critical condition so he should just relax and enjoy his time with his future wife. Liam thought that this girl was crazy just like when he watched the anime and how she was turning people into dolls and hoped that she wouldn't turn him into one.

Sabrina's eyes continue to glow as Liam was rendered useless and could not move, she reached in his covers and grabbed him stroking him up and down due to not ever handling a man before Sabrina was stroking a little too hard causing Liam more pain as he told her to ease up a little bit.

Liam couldn't believe that he was giving her advice, so he told her to stop because this was **** she rejected him by saying" this is my city I control everything here and if I want you I can have you and nobody can stop me". Liam tried to yell for help but Sabrina had her Alakazam make a sound barrier around the room causing all his words to go out in vain.

Liam knew it was a useless struggle so he just stopped trying and calmed his mind down. He definitely was not in the mood to be with this crazy lady so he quickly activated his devil mode while trying to communicate with Shadow. His eyes started to turn red as small horns were popping out of his head.

Liam broke out of the psychic hold that Sabrina had on him this action shocked Sabrina and made her more crazy for him, she said "if I can't trap my husband and he can break out of my hold then he is not weak to me, so you breaking out of my psychic barrier proves that you're the one for me.

Liam quickly hopped out of the bed and tried to run out of the room but Sabrina's Alakazam quickly knock him out with hypnosis as Liam reverted back to his original self. His aura dissipated as Sabrina had a creepy smile on her face, she told her Alakazam to make sure nobody disturbs them as she went on to have her way with him while he was asleep.

The next day Liam woke up with a sharp headache and the massive morning wood he looked around the room to make sure Sabrina wasn't there and signed a relief thinking that maybe everything was just a dream. He quickly got out of bed but as soon as he got out he noticed that he was completely n.a.k.e.d and decided to freshen up before leaving.

The nurses were worried about him not being fully healed but he assured them that he was okay and went to pick up Pokemon. After he got them all he released them to make sure they were okay and they were all excited to see that thier trainer was okay. Shadow had asked him if he was okay because he had gotten a message from him but he wasn't able to leave because he was strongly monitored and injured.

Liam was surprised about this and that's when he realize that Sabrina was not a dream and that she had really came to his room yesterday. Liam didn't want to think about it so he brushed it off and decided to ask her about it when he challenged her to the gym battle. Liam wanted to go to the fighting gym to get some training since the Pokemon League championsh.i.p.s where in 5 months and he wanted to get his mind right, just as he was about to go there he saw one of the nurses from his hospital running up to him.

"Mister the CEO of Silph Co left you a gift to thank you for fighting for the company. Liam was shocked that he had gotten a gift even though he had lost the fight. He wanted to know how the CEO was saved from Giovanni, but he wasn't that curious to go and see him and the building also looked terrible, they were already rebuilding it from what he could see.

Liam thanked the nurse and went on his way to the fighting gym, on his way he started opening the gift and after unwrapping it he noticed it was a ball in there but he took a deeper looking noticed the M on it and was excited because this was the most powerful Pokeball in the Pokemon world the master ball which could catch any Pokemon without fail.

Liam immediately knew what Pokemon that he wanted to catch and was smiling from ear-to-ear being in a good mood to get such a gift. When he got to the gym he took off his shoes and walked in. The guys there were meditating during that time so he decided to just go in and have a seat and meditate with them.

The leader of the gym was surprised to see a young man meditating because he normally doesn't see young people meditating, they normally just barge in and start demanding for battles so this surprised him and he gave an appreciative look at this young man. An hour later everybody started to get on their feet and had finally noticed that a young man was in their presence they quickly stomped on the floor waking Liam up from his meditation.

They asked him if he was here for a battle Liam said "yes and no"which confused them so he explained he was here for a battle and was here to train with them which they understood, after that they welcomte Liam while taking out their pokeballs to start a Pokemon battle. Liam decided to go with shadow on these battles to finish things up quick. Shadow used mostly flying type moves to finish them all off including the leader of the gym.

The leader immediately told him that the training he was going to put him through would last for at least 2 months and if he completes this training his body and mind would be much more stronger then before which Liam agreed." You will address me as Master Kiyo from now on and the rest of these guys will be making sure you don't stray from your trainering".

"Thank you Master Kiyo" Liam responded as his Master had given him a day off to hang out with his Pokemon because they would start training the next day. It was afternoon so Liam decided to head out of the city into the forest where there was a lake nearby and release all his pokemons to have some fun. Shadow didn't go anywhere and decided to hang around Liam while the rest turn left into the forest.

Ditto POV

I heard about the Battle that had happened some days before and was pretty disappointed that I wasn't able to help out Master, now that I have some free time to myself I want to go out into the forest to try to figure out how I can get stronger because I still feel like I'm weak. I quickly notice Dragonite flying off into the sky and was about to dive into the lake so I transformed into him and follow behind him.

He had noticed me and asked me why I was following him but I simply told him that I want to get stronger he laughed at me and told me that today is our day off and we will start training tomorrow so we should just try to have some fun. He told me there's a place where he used to have a lot of fun at which was the ocean.

We both just got out of the lake in flew out until we saw the ocean, I was surprised by how big the world was when flying up so high it was just beautiful and when we got to the ocean and dived into the water it was even more beautiful. There was so many Pokemons that I had never seen before and I could also see a lot of stronger ones that were deeper down in the ocean.

Dragonite quickly noticed something was off then decided that it was time for us to go but I rejected and told him that we should stay and fight because I knew it was a strong Pokemon approaching us, this Pokemon was none other than a Gyarados it looked very powerful and he was even taunting us that we are weak surface dwellers, we should go back to where we came from.

I got Mad and told Dragonite that we should stay and fight and that we can both take him on. Dragonite wanted to leave but he always enjoyed the challenge, so he quickly turned around and they started a mind-blowing fight in the ocean floor, it was extremely noisy on this day.

Master looked at us and asked "what the hell were doing, you were supposed to be relaxing" me and Dragonite just shrugged then join them for the dinner Master didn't say any more and said that he will drop us off at the Pokemon center later on

End of Ditto POV.

Tyranitar POV

After I left master I decided to go up to a mountain near by to see if they had any delicious rocks out there, as I was going I notice something on my shoulder and I looked and I saw that it was Eevee who was riding on me. I quickly told her to get off and leave me alone, but all she did was laugh and continue to bug me until I just ignored her and kept going.

When I reached the mountain I noticed that something was following me but I ignored it since it didn't seem like a threat. I quickly went into mountain and started to climb up I noticed a lot of different kinds of rocks, so i started to try them all. This Eevee would not shut up and kept talking non-stop about things I had no clue about.

I just ignored her as she got tired of talking and disappeared which was a peace of mind for me and I continue to enjoy my rocks. I felt quite comfortable in this mountain and I could feel the energy within the ground coursing through the area. I started to absorb some of it which caused some extreme pain to me so I stopped and was just about to lay back and take a nap when I heard the ground shaking and shouts from that annoying Eevee, but my eyes widen once I saw what was chasing her.

It was a group of Diglett's that was chasing her angrily, all she was doing is laughing and running for her life as she approached me. I got mad because I knew that she was bringing them to me and immediately tried to use earthquake to split the ground between us so that they won't reach me but as soon as I used the earthquake and made space between me and the crowd they also used earthquake which brought the quake right back together.

I was so mad and was glaring at this Eevee for bringing me so much trouble she continued to laugh too which made me even more angrier, I decided that I would teach this girl lesson when we got back, but for now I had to battle all these crazed Pokemon that were mad about who knows what she did to them. She had phased out and appeared in my shadow sticking out her tongue at the crowd that was approaching us which angered them more.

There was nothing I could do about this, so I just started to prepare a attack on the crowd. I used a Hyper Beam on them which put a small dent in the crowd and the others continued on so I kept on using smaller Hyper Beams until I was out of energy and they started to spit mud beams at me which was a little painful coming from so many Diglett's, thanks to Harden I was able to defend a little longer.

Just as I was about to be overwhelmed a strong Flamethrower came out of nowhere burning them all off me, that's when I remembered that I could use that move so i started to use the Flamethrower attack too. There was a stranger that came to help me, but I didn't even notice because I was so focused on the battle.

Eevee had turned around in told me that it was Charizard that came to help us, that's when I remembered the presence that was following us and thought it was Charizard that came to help us out which I was grateful for unlike this Eevee who was practically useless and just laughing at the others.

I had enough and quickly grabbed Eevee and threw into the crowd, and watch them try to attack her but she quickly disappeared into the wall which shocked them all and while they were being distracted because she was the main person that they were after, I made an exit with Charizard and we quickly left the mountain and decided that it was getting late and we were both tired from the constant battles and decided to head back to master.

We left Eevee there thinking that she might get caught and taking care of but that was just wishful thinking because she had appeared right in front of me making me trip and fall on my face. She continued to laugh but at this point there was no way I could get even angrier then what she had already done so I just quickly got up and kept walking ignoring her.

This time she hopped onto my head and started to sleep on it. we reached the campsite and master noticed us as soon as we got in. I just went and passed out next to the sleeping Shadow who quickly used his tail knock me away but I didn't care because I felt like he was my brother and always wanted to be close to him. I thanked Charizard for his help and told Eevee to leave me alone.

End of Tyranitar POV.

Liam had just finished cooking dinner when all his Pokemon started coming in and noticed that they all seem like that been through a huge battle and was wondering how they spent their relaxing day but he quickly just brushed it off and started to serve them dinner. After dinner he took them to the Pokemon center where Liam left them for the night to get healed up for the training that was coming up.

Liam also went to the lounge to rest up because he was also mentally and physically tired from the long day. The next day he met up with Master Kiyo as they began their two months training.

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