Legendary Shadow

Chapter 82 - Kanto League Championship 2

The Oaks team swept through out the opponent's on the second day but they had to use two of their Pokemons due to the harder challenge and Green had to use three. Gary's opponent was slightly harder but he was able to beat down Blaine the third with his Blastoise due to Blaine the third using only fire Pokemon.

Blaine the third was so mad that he had put Gary on his hit list but then remember that he was a Oak and quickly took him off he did not want to mess with the Oak family being that they were stronger than the Blaine family, so he packed up his things and left for the Cinnabar Island pissed off that he had missed his chance this year.

The second day had come to an end and the team had met up again to have a celebration dinner courtesy of Oak. Red and Green were becoming closer again thanks to Liam who had linked them up again. Green started to feel more comfortable around Red once again.

They had talked about what had happened and Red apologized for what Ash did and told her that he had nothing to do with it and that he still respects her. Red finally had the guts to tell her that he has feelings for her and wants to continue being with her which shocked her.

Green was quite happy after this happened and they officially became a couple. Liam was happy that they finally patched things up and just as Ash was about to congratulate them Liam stopped Ash and told him that he should give them space for now and what he did to Green she probably still hasn't forgiven him for it.

Ash shrugged it off and said ok. The night went on peacefully except Erika's assistant Trina was on the prowl again, this time her opponent for tomorrow was going to be Liam, so she could be seen sneaking into Liam's room as she brought out her Butterfree in order to poison him but as soon as the Poison Powder was coming close to Liam a gust of wind blew it back at Trina.

She quickly made Butterfree disperse the Poison Powder and looked as she saw Liam waking up. Liam then understood what what's happening and remembered how Trina had defeated the cooltrainer from earlier on the day when the trainer looked sick and couldn't focus.

Liam laughed at Trina and asked if she wanted to dance. Trina was confused by this but then told Liam that if he lets her when tomorrow she will let him taste her. Liam quickly rejected her and had Shadow use Gust attack to blow both Trina and Butterfree out of his room.

Trina was extremely mad that her plan had failed and her body was even rejected, she knew her body wasn't all that but any young man with c.o.c.k would want to have a taste after she's initiated it, but this young man quickly rejected her and even threw her out of the room.

She couldn't wait to battle this guy tomorrow and hope that he would give her a good match. The night went by as Liam went back to sleep not caring about anything that had just happened. The next day as Liam was getting prepared to leave he received a call from Sabrina who was just calling to wish him good luck.

It was a very one-sided battle which Brock sister lost easily. Gary's Blastoise was more than enough to knock out all her Rock type Pokemons. The next battle was Ash versus Misty's apprentice which Ash also won easily with Pikachu and his Venusaur.

The next match was Red Verses Lieutenant Surges cadet, Red had his Espeon take care of that team of electric Pokemon with a easy win. Green faced off against a ghost trainer from Lavender Town. Her Wigglytuff and Nidoqueen was able to hold him back and defeated him.

Green was much more comfortable and happier after she started dating Red which made her battles seemed much more easier as she was more focused with a clear mind. After all the battles were done the last match was Liam versus Trina.

Liam smirked when he saw Trina causing Trina to frown and get mad as she quickly summoned her Butterfree to start the match off Liam could only shake his head as he summoned Dragonite once again. He had been using Dragonite to fight all his battles so nobody knew his other Pokemons except for his close friends and family.

Everybody started thinking that he was a dragon trainer not knowing that they were half right. He did have a couple of dragons in his team but his focus was not dragon Pokemon. Butterfree quickly used psybeam to start off the match. Dragonite Dodged it by flying into the sky and diving straight down at Butterfree with speed.

Dragonite used Flamethrower, Butterfree was going to dodge but couldnt keep up with it's speed so she was hit by a powerful Flamethrower, which caused her to pass out given Liam his first win. The crowd cheered as Trina got mad and summoned her next Pokemon Nidorino.

Liam could only shake his head as he ordered Dragonite to use agility in order to finish this quickly. Pokemon after Pokemon got knocked out by Dragonite after that until it was her last Pokemon. She brought out a Venomoth as soon as Venomoth came out she used poison powder which almost gots to Dragonite but he quickly used his wings to blow the powder away from him.

He used quick attack just when he was about to hit Venomoth....

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