Legendary Shadow

Chapter 83 - Kanto League Championship 3

He used quick attack just when he was about to hit Venomoth, Venomoth dodged it and used Bug Buzz hitting Dragonite in the back causing him to crash into the ground lowering his defense. Venomoth followed up with a Sleep Powder attack making Dragonite fall asleep.

Right after Venomoth used Leech Life in order to drain Dragonites energy and make her more powerful. As soon as Dragonite started to feel the pain he woke up. Venomoth had stopped and charged up for a signal beam and knocked Dragonite back down.

Dragonite was getting tired of being knocked around so his Dragon Aura started to erupt around his body surprising the whole staduim with the power he was emulating. Dragonite had gotten pretty fired up from this match, and as soon as Venomoth saw this she tried to blast him again with a signal beam.

Dragonite had dodged it and appeared right behind her and used Dragon Tail to knock her down. Venomoth was struggling to get up, but Dragonite used Flamethrower to make her faint. Trina lost the battle as everybody was cheering for Liam. Dragonite was still undefeated since the first day which surprised everyone.

The next round which was probably going to be the hardest round since most of the Oak team were facing each other. The next day's matches started, the matchup was quite tough, it was Ash versus Green, Gary versus Red, Liam versus Fang(Dragon Clan representative), Kong versus Janine, Sassy(Sabrina Psychic representative) vs Don(Givanni Ground/Rock representative), and Yi (Fighting Dojo Representative) versus Betty(Misty Water Gym Representative).

First match was Ash versus Green, Ash sent out his Pidgeot first while Green sent out her Ditto. The match started with Ditto transforming into Pidgeot as they both took off into the sky. They both used the Wing Attack and kept attacking each other.

They were basically using every move that they had against each other whether it was Peck, Wing Attack, or Gust. They fought until they were both exhausted eventually Ash's Pidgeot overcame Dittos because his stats were higher than Dittos stats.

Ash had won the first round, Green sent out her Seadra as they started a round. Ash kept using Pidgeot but was quickly defeated when Seadra used Ice Beam. Pidgeot tried to dodge but his wing got caught up on the Ice Beam and started freezing up causing him to come crashing down into the ground. Seadra finished him off with another Ice Beam.

Ash returned Pidgeot and sent out his Blastoise as another battle began. Blastoise quickly used Water Pulse. Seadra did the same thing making a small shockwave explode from it. They both then rushed at each other using the move tackle crashing into each other trying to see who was more stronger than each other.

Blastoise was able to push back Seadra as he unleashed a Skull Attack on Seadra's head causing great pain to Seadra as he backed off from Blastoise trying to make room to recover. Seadra's head was shaking up and he was losing focus from the battle.

Blastoise didn't give him a chance to recover as he prepared a Hydro Pump and unleashing it on Seadra as he was knocked out of the arena giving Ash win. Green was frustrated by this because she definitely still hated Ash for what he had done and she wanted to get her revenge by defeating him today but it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

Ash commanded Blastoise to start using Ice Beam on the arena freezing everything around but the sun was so hot that it started melting everything right away. Ash decided to start attacking Venusaur he had Blastoise go in his shell and start spinning around while using Ice Beam.

Venusaur saw this and got frustrated by this and used Vine Whip to slap Blastoise shell but it didn't do anything to him due to him being in the shell. When Venusaur saw this she returned her Vines and started charging up a Solar Beam.

Ash saw this and told Blastoise to get ready to dodge. As soon as Venusaur unleashed the Solar Beam a huge beam came straight towards Blastoise but Ash told Blastoise to use his cannons to blast himself away from the attack Blastoise.

Blastoise set his cannons to the ground and used Hydro Pump to blast itself out of the way of the attack and once he was in the air Ash commanded Blastoise to use Ice Beam right at Venusaur freezing her all over. Blastoise used Hyper Beam as a finishing move causing Venusaur to faint.

Ash got another win Green was mad at this point but quickly calmed down and sent out her Wigglytuff. Blastoise used Water Pulse but Wigglytuff dodged it quickly by bouncing in the air. Wigglytuff used Thunderbolt which hit Blastoise square in the head causing great damage to him but he still stood his ground as he dug his tail in the ground to reduce the damage.

Wigglytuff used Double Edge trying to finish him off as he jumped in the air and rushed towards Blastoise. Blastoise used withdraw to defend against this powerful attack as Wigglytuff rammed into the front of Blastoise shell causing great damage to herself from the recoil damage.

Before Wigglytuff could back away to recover Blastoise had his cannons out as he used Hydro Pump to blast Wigglytuff away as She fainted right after, giving Blastoise another win.

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