Legendary Shadow

Chapter 84 - Kanto League Championship 4

Green wanted to give up and was hopeful that she could take care of this Blastoise that was giving her so much problems. Green only had two more Pokemons left which was her Clefable and Nidoqueen. Green decided to send out Cafable, and just as she sent her out Ash returned Blastoise and sent out Pikachu.

Green was surprised by this but decided to battle on as Ash laugh's and orders Pikachu to use agility to increase his speed. Clefable started off with a double slap trying to catch Pikachu in order to give him the double slap. It was a hard task since Pikachu was much faster and kept dodging and using quick attack to attack her blind spots.

Green didn't know what to do and wasn't focused anymore as she ordered Clefable to use Hyper Beam which was rushed so Clefable didn't have enough time to execute it right. Pikachu easily dodged it due to his speed. Pikachu then used Thunderbolt as Clefable was shocked until she was paralyzed.

Pikachu came spinning down and slammed a Iron Tail attack right on Clefables head causing her to faint making Pikachu the winner. Green grinded her teeth as she knew she had made a mistake. She then sent out her last Pokemon Nidoqueen, Ash decided to let Pikachu stay for this battle once again using agility to get Pikachu's speed up.

Green calmed down and evaluated her situation as she started giving out orders to Nidoqueen. Nidoqueen used Poison Sting but Pikachu was running around dodging her attack. Ash ordered Pikachu to get closer. Pikachu charged up iron tail and smashed right into NidoQueen's knee's causing her to hold her knees in pain.

Nidoqueen then I got mad and slammed her fist on the ground unleashing a powerful Earthquake which knocked Pikachu back causing great damage. Pikachu used iron tail to minimize the damage and climb back up. Pikachu used Thunderwave attack on NidoQueen but NidoQueen dug her tail into the ground making her immune to that damage and side effects.

NidoQueen quickly used Body Slam sending Pikachu flying into the ground. Pikachu struggled to get back up as Ash asked him if he was still good to go, Pikachu nodded and charged back up as he used agility to increase his speed again.

Nidoqueen was quite annoyed with Pikachu running all around her and her attacks not hitting while continuously getting struck on her knee. NidoQueen was eventually not able to withstand anymore and kneeled down from the pain that she was receiving on her knee.

NidoQueen tried to get back up but it seemed like electricity was coursing through knee's from The continuous strikes from Pikachu. NidoQueen had gotten paralyzed and couldn't get back up soon. Pikachu charged up a Volt Tackle slamming right into Nidoqueen knocking her out as She fainted giving Ash the win.

Green was sad but she also felt like a burden had been lifted off of her. Ash went to thank Green for the battle and had apologized for what he did before Green saw that Ash was sincere in his apology and decided to forgive him.

The trio linked back up again and decided to travel again with each other as long as Ash didn't pull any more pranks. The next match was Gary vs. Red this was going to be a tough match because both opponents were equally strong. They both went to shake each other's hands and wish each other good luck in the upcoming match.

Professor Oak watched this battle with pride because he knew Gary had worked hard just as Red had worked hard to but he was cheering more for Gary which caused everybody to laugh. Green and Ash were cheering for Red because he was their buddy and they travelled together.

Gary sent out is Pidgeot one of his strongest trusted Pokemon while red decided to send out his most trusted Pokemon Charizard. The Pokemon started levitating towards the sky as they slowly flapped their wings observing each other's movements. Charizard look down on Pidgeot as he smirked then sent out a Fire Spin just to test the waters.

Pidgeot used Gust to blow the fire away surprising Charizard. Charizard picked up the pace by unleashing a Flamethrower attack, the fire had gotten more powerful so Pidgeot decided to get out of the way by dodging. Pidgeot then used Agility to speed up as he quickly used to Wing Attack to strike Charizard in the stomach.

Charizard quickly grabbed Pidgeot right after he had gotten struck taking the damage he ignored the pain and used Seismic Toss making Pidgeot come crashing into the ground. Pidgeot struggled to get up as Gary had gotten annoyed and told Pidgeot to stop acting weak.

Pidgeot then charged up Gust attack trying to give him and Charizard some distance away from each other. Charizard dodged it and closed in, and then used the slash attack doing great damage to Pidgeot because it was a critical hit and right after blasting Pidgeot with a Flamethrower attack.

Pidgeot withstood the attack as he started to Glow and used Brave Bird diving right into the Flamethrower and hitting Charizard right in the stomach causing him to kneel down in pain as Pidgeot quickly circled around and used Wing Attack right on Charizard neck causing him to faint.

Everyone was surprised by this defeat but remembered who he was battling. If Charizard hadn't looked down on Pidgeot from the beginning he would have probably won that round.

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