Legendary Shadow

Chapter 90 - Kanto League Championship 10

For Ash's next Pokémon, he sent out Butterfree. Gary could only laugh as he told Ash that the match will probably get easier for him from now on. Ash could only shrug as he told Butterfree to start unleashing Poison Powder and Sleeping Powder.

Magmar burned it all away, Ash was surprised and thought that maybe Butterfree had no chance against Magmar but then he quickly shook his head as he saw Magmar slowly limping as he made his way towards Butterfree. Ash was not afraid after he saw that Magmar was hurt.

Butterfree flew up high as he started to unleash Psybeams non-stop at Magmar. Magmar kept using Flamethrower to intercept the Psybeams but Magmar started to get tired as he couldn't keep up with Butterfree. He was also sometimes getting hit by the Psybeams.

Gary saw this and started to frown he ordered Magmar to use Smoke Screen as the whole field became smoky. Butterfree could not locate Magmar so he was just flying up in the air not knowing what to do next. Ash ordered Butterfree to use Gust as Butterfree started to blow away all the smoke.

He noticed that the whole field had started to get hotter as an artificial sun had popped up on top of the stadium. Magmar had used Sunny Day so the place had gotten even hotter. Butterfree was a little sluggish after using Gust. Magmar started to heat up as fire started to erupt on him.

He ignored the pain that was coming from his foot and charged towards Butterfree who had come back down to the field because the higher he went, the hotter he would get due to the artificial sun being up there. But he started to feel another heat signature coming towards him and noticed that it was Magmar.

Magmar had heated up so much that every step he took started to melt. Magmar used the move Lava Plume to throw lava pieces at Butterfree. Ash ordered Butterfree to dodge but he couldn't Dodge all the attacks as one of them hit Butterfree and Ash immediately returned Butterfree giving Gary the win for that round.

Ash was grinding his teeth as he thought he could win that match but deep down he knew he couldn't, but wouldn't give up.He summoned his Pidgeot who tried to blow away the heat wave but Magmar seemed like he was heating up even more. Ash started to get worried because he was also starting to feel sluggish while on Gary's side it was nice and cool.

The vets that were in the stadium all noticed this and could only admire Gary for his smart thinking. While Ash had not even noticed what was going on, he started to feel a little dizzy but quickly shook it off as he ordered Pidgeot to use the move Hurricane.

Pidgeot started to Glow as extreme winds now approached the stage that they were on and had turned into a huge hurricane cutting up Magmar in the process. Magmar started to blow all kinds of fire attacks at this hurricane but it still would not die down. As Magmar started to get heavily damaged, Gary was surprised by this and ordered Magmar to use Lava Plume to cut into the hurricane.

As Magmar quickly escaped from the death trap, Pidgeot was surprised that Magmar was able to get out and quickly used Aerial Ace. As soon as Magmar landed, he noticed something fast approaching him. He turned around and used Fire Punch. They both hit each other and knocked each other out at the same time. Due to the speed that Pidgeot was coming down with, he was heavily impacted by the fire from the Fire Punch Attack.

Magmar was also tired and couldn't hold on for long as he fainted making it a double KO.

The crowd went wild and thought that this was the greatest battle ever. The vets at the stadium were also impressed and couldn't wait for the next battle to start. Ash summoned Charizard who came out blasting fire from his mouth and stomping on the ground getting himself hyped for the next battle.

Gary could only laugh as he summoned Blastoise to the field. Ash wasn't scared and all he said was, "Bring It On." He ordered Charizard to take up to the skies as Blastoise also got prepared to attack. He used defensive curl to up his defense. Charizard charged down and was about to use Wing Attack but Blastoise shot out a quick Water Gun making Charizard Dodge and interrupt his move.

Blastoise went into his shell as he started spinning around extremely fast and went straight towards Charizard. Charizard didn't know what to do so Ash ordered him to use Seismic Toss to try to catch Blastoise. As soon as Charizard went to grab a hold of Blastoise, he was carried in circles as he held on for his dear life while moving extremely fast.

Blastoise did not stop spinning as he popped out his head and saw that Charizard had become confused. He blasted Charizard with a Water Pulse from his mouth causing Charizard to be knocked back onto the ground taking heavy damage.

Charizard was struggling to get up so Blastoise aimed his cannon and shot out a Hydro Pump. Charizard quickly used the Flamethrower to blast himself up into the air as he barely Dodge the Hydro Pump. The crowd went wild after that move and everybody was getting excited.

As the battle started to become rough, they started punching and scratching each other. Charizard used Shadow Claw, Slash, Fire Punch and Bite. At the same time Blastoise was also using Ice Punch and other moves to attack. It had become a brawl as those two were punching and kicking and biting each other.

They finally got tired as they backed off each while breathing heavily. After realizing this, Gary and Ash were looking at each other and they ordered them to use their most powerful moves. They started charging up. As Charizard used Inferno Flame, pillars of fire started erupting from the ground around Blastoise.

They combined together and went straight for Blastoise. Blastoise also aimed his cannons and used Hydro Pump to blast everything that he had within him. It had become a standstill as the fire was pushing up against the water. Steam was all over the place as they battled it out for a whole minute until eventually the noise stopped and steam had covered the whole stadium.

They had to bring out a few bird Pokémon to blow away the steam as they noticed that Blastoise was on his knees breathing heavily and Charizard was knocked out giving Gary the win for this round. Gary smiles as Ash had only one Pokémon left.

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