Legendary Shadow

Chapter 91 - Kanto League Championship 11

The crowd was cheering and the whole stadium was full of life as they witnessed a great battle. Gary started to taunt Ash saying that it's game over. Ash quickly reminded Gary of the Pokémon that he has left, and the one Ash has left has a type advantage, so Ash had a strong chance of winning this battle, but Gary didn't get intimidated by this. Ash's Pikachu took the stage as Blastoise had recovered a little bit of his strength from the last battle.

The battle went underway as Ash ordered Pikachu to use agility. Gary didn't want to see Pikachu get any faster, so he quickly ordered Blastoise to use Water Pulse, but he was too late as Pikachu had finished his move and was able to dodge the Water Pulse quickly. Pikachu made his way towards Blastoise as Gary ordered him to get in his shell and use Hydro Pump.

Blastoise went in the shell as withdrew his arms, legs and head as a blast if water came out from his cannons. Pikachu easliy dodged it and used Thunderbolt shocking Blastoise until there was smoke coming off his shell. Blastoise poked his head out and it seemed like he had fainted. Gary told him to not give up as he gave him a pep talk.

His last wish finally true.

Before the announcer could cut in and end the match, Blastoise struggled to get up as he tried to make one more come back but before he could do that Pikachu had used Quick Attack. With the speed that he was going Gary could not locate him until he was in the air and slammed right onto Blastoise's head making him faint. This made Ash the winner.

The crowd was cheering, Professor Oak was disappointed and felt like Gary was about to lose this match due to the type advantage that Ash had. Gary could only shake his head as he returned Blastoise and summoned Pidgeot, his last and final Pokémon. Now it was officially a one-on-one match and it started to look like the winner was going to be Pikachu.

While Pidgeot just ignored Pikachu and was waiting for orders from his trainer the match had started. Gary told Pidgeot not to hold back. Pidgeot erupted with flying aura as he got ready and pumped for the final battle. Everyone knew how important this match was to Gary, so he wanted to go all out and started with one of his most powerful moves, Hurricane.

Pikachu was quickly swept in the hurricane and was getting cuts and bruises from the attack Ash ordered Pikachu to ride the wind. When Liam heard this, it reminded him of how unpredictable Ash could be. That move alone had impressed him because of his creativity. Pikachu started to relax as he let currents of the hurricane take him. Ash then ordered him to use iron tail.

As he was riding the current he was cutting it as it slowly dissipated. Gary was surprised by this, When he saw that Pikachu was unharmed and had few cuts and bruises, Gary ordered Pidgeot to use Agility to up his speed. Pikachu also used Agility and they both used Quick attack as they ran into each other.

Pikachu was focus so he didn't see Pidgeot approaching him and he was knocked back once again. It seemed however, that a storm was coming, and it was not going to stop as electricity was cracking all over the thunder clouds. A bolt of lightning came smashing down near Pidgeot which he was able to dodge that time but he knew that if it had hit him it would have hurt a lot.

Pikachu had finally finished preparing and Ash ordered him to use Thunder, as a Thunder attack came down on Pidgeot, but he dodged it again. Gary ordered Pidgeot to use Brave Bird as he started to turn golden and rushed towards Pikachu. Pikachu used another Thunder but wasn't able to hit Pidgeot. Once again Pidgeot struck Pikachu as Pikachu went down this time he was struggling to get up.

Gary then ordered Pidgeot to use Steel Wing as he used his wing to smash Pikachu while he was on the ground. Pikachu was getting pissed from the beating and quickly unleashed a Thunderbolt from his body shocking Pidgeot until he fainted. This outcome shocked Gary because he was expecting a more epic battle and wasn't expecting it to end that quickly.

Gary knew that Pidgeot had put up a good fight and that Pikachu was extremely powerful. Gary had made up his mind to train his ground and rock Pokémon harder from now on in order to counter Pikachu in the future. Gary was embarrassed because of this loss. Ever since they were kids, he never looked at Ash as a rival but today Ash had changed everything.

He thought of him as an equal. Even the crowd was surprised by this and a few seconds later they started cheering. Professor Oak was sad, but he was happy at the same time. Still, one of his acquaintances would be facing Liam soon. The match came to an end and the final would be held the next day. Everybody came to congratulate Ash as he was extremely happy.

Gary approached Liam and told him he will get him next time and that he shouldn't lose to anybody. Liam could only shake his head as he said, "You already lost to Ash. It seems like you didn't train hard enough." Gary grinded his teeth as he said that Ash just got lucky. The matchups were on his side this time and that he shouldn't hold back against Ash which Liam grinned and said, "He would be lucky enough if he could defeat two or three of my Pokémon".

Gary could only shrug as he left the place. Gary didn't want to leave yet and wanted to watch the match the next day.

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