Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 17 - Importance of teamwork

A third grade demon beast,the Fire Fang Tiger,one of the stronger demon beasts among those of the third grade. Luckily for the bunch, it's only at the lower third grade.

The Fire Fang Tiger slowly approached them,its saliva dripping down onto the floor,the excitement in its eyes couldn't be hidden at all. The bunch has become its prey for the day.

Flames were surrounding its body as it wagged its tail, its face seemingly to be mocking them for being a bunch of weaklings.


With a loud roar to build up its dominance,it pounced into Isabella feeling a dangerous vibe coming from her. Even though a third grade demon beast hasn't awaken their intelligence,their natural instinct allows them to detect the foe which poses the most danger.


Isabella screamed and tried to shift backwards,only to realise that her body has been rooted to the spot. Spiritual dominance,something that occurs when the strength difference between both parties is just way too much.

Just when Isabella thought she was done for,a figure in a black robe dashed in front of her.

"Mortal Rank:Flame Wall!"


A flame wall made out of fire appeared from the ground and attempted to block the Fire Fang Tiger's attack. However,it was all a futile effort as the wall was broken through easily,only managing to slow it down slightly.

Seeing this,Alexander mustered up the rest of his strength and forcibly pushed Isabella away from him.

"No!" Isabella didn't expect Alexander to do this at all,one moment ago they were arguing with each other,yet now he's risking his life to protect her. Not knowing when,tears had already started to flow down Isabella's cheeks uncontrollably.

"Argh!" Alexander was scratched by the Fire Fang Tiger and crashed into a nearby tree before landing on the ground.

Seeing this,Ray who was closest to him rushed over and checked on him. "He's alive." Ray assured everyone that Alexander is still alive and that he's only seriously injured.

At this moment,everyone is already raging with fury. Under their eyes,their very own friend got seriously injured,yet all they could do was be a spectator. Watching fate fool around with them,without the ability to fight back.

Looking at Alexander,Nightin's words started to flow back into everyone's mind: The moment you take a step back,it will be the moment your life goes on the back track.

That's right,they can't afford to give up now. They can't give up on Alexander and just leave him here. Even if it costs their life,they will still have to fight back with every single ounce of strength they can muster.

I have to gather everyone together first, there's no way we can kill it without working together. Lancelot being the first one to regain his composure,shouted to everyone "Gather together! If we want to win, we'll have to work together!"

Hearing Lancelot's words,they actually subconsciously followed his order. Just like a solider who had battled with his lord through hundreds of battles,a soldier who will follow the lord's orders without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Seeing that he had gathered everyone's attention,he continued "Ayden and Little Black will take the vanguard,Ray and me will assist you two from the sides,Isabella will take the rear!"

Everyone immediately spread out and assumed their positions knowing that they can't afford to waste even a single moment.

Ayden took the initiative to attack by throwing a punch to the Fire Fang Tiger,only to hit the air with it dodging to the right before trying to pounce of Isabella again.

Seeing this,Ayden realised he messed up and tried to turn back to get the demon beast. Just then,a voice from his side assured him.

"Brother Ayden,leave it to Little Black. I'll block it off." Swinging a kick towards the abdomen of the Fire Fang Tiger,he caused it to retreat from the impact.

At the sidelines,Isabella and Nightin were chatting with each other.

"Hey Isabella,do you think that Alexander and Abby might get together as a couple?"

Isabella sighed "I hope not,that Alexander might throw her away one day." With a smile forming on her face,she continued "Even so,I won't object to them getting together as long as Abby is happy with it."

Pulling her bow back,Abby shot out seven arrows.

"Seven Stars!"

Seven deadly arrows pierced through the wind as they dashed towards the Fire Fang Tiger,every arrow aiming for a critical shot.

The seven arrows pierced through the air as they and struck the Fire Fang Tiger,making it stumble backwards.

Seeing this chance,Lancelot rushed up and stabbed it from the side with Ray. At this very moment,Little Black and Ayden gave it a heavy strike towards the head as well.


The aura from the Fire Fang Tiger continued to rise as a fire ring formed around it. The worst had happened. It made a breakthrough the to third grade middle stage at this very moment where the fight was supposed to have ended.

Even though the wounds on it are still there and there as blood flows from the serious wounds, it's still alive.

Despair filled everyone's face as they closed their eyes, knowing that whatever they do now is just a futile effort. In the previous combined attack just now,they had used up all their spirit essence,hoping to end it in one sweep. Yet,fate had to play around with them.

"Saint rank, Inferno Slash!"

Alexander appeared from behind everyone as a gigantic flame sword formed behind him. In front of it,the Fire Fang Tiger is just an ant trying to defeat an elephant alone.


Thick smoke started to cover up the area as Alexander fell on the ground with a thud. His face grimacing in pain,blood void from his body.

At the other side,the Fire Fang Tiger had died so completely that not even its corpse is left behind. The flesh. The bones. The blood. Everything burned to ashes,disappearing into nothingness in this world,as though as if it didn't exist to begin with.

"Alexander!" Isabella cried out as she ran towards Alexander who was on the ground after his attack. Tears were flowing from her eyes,down her cheeks,as they landed on the grounded.

Isabella hugged Alexander while crying out "Why are you so foolish? None of us even deserves this? You could have escaped while leaving us to our own devices! You goddamn idiot! You..." She started to choke on her words as she cried,she was in so much pain that she can't even utter a single word anymore.

Everyone stood around her while keeping silent,despite wanting to do something,they realised that they're incapable of doing anything right now.

They regretted it,they had overestimated themselves,their confidence had taken their comrade's life. If only they had worked been in unison since the start before Alexander got injured while protecting Isabella,this wouldn't have happened if they had that little bit more of attack power.

In this world,not only mortals,but even cultivators have feelings as well. We feel pain,feel hurt,feel angry,feel annoyed,these are what makes us human. And yet,why do we only learn what regret is after losing something precious. Someone precious to us. Everything in this world might have a cure towards it,yet regret is the only thing that's off the list.

"Y'all don't have to worry, I'm not dead yet!"

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