Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 18 - Unparalleled talent

To their surprise,colour started to return to Alexander's body as he smiled. Slowly hugging Isabella and carrying her who had feel asleep in her sorrow in his embrace,he slowly stood up. After putting Isabella under a tree to rest,he started to turn his head towards the group.

Taking a deep breathe,he told them "I know that all of you here expect an answer from me right now. I don't expect myself to hide it for any longer either. You feelings to protect have touched me. A sacred strength that only 'idiots' like you are capable of doing."

What Alexander said was just like a thunder that had went off with a wham deep in everyone's heart.

The minor thing is that Alexander's talent is much above theirs. The important thing here is that, Alexander mentioned about the sacred strength,something that every cultivator including those at the lowest ladder will know.

The sacred strength, it's said that every cultivator who manages to achieve it will not only receive a increase in talent,but it'll also benefit them greatly in the future.

Many people believe that the best and only way to achieve the sacred strength is through experiencing life and death encounters,not even one experience of the sacred strength awakening through something like protect had been ever heard.

As this moment where the immense tension in the air seems to be crushing everyone,Nightin and Isabella appeared at this very moment which immediately lightened the pressure in the air.

Nightin gave Alexander a smile and said "As expected from the crown prince of the Damian family,am I right? Damian Alexander, that's your true name right?"

Shock appeared on Alexander's face as he got down on his knees and said in a hurry "I'm sorry for lying to you sect master. But it's just that,if I were to enter with my true status,none of you would be willing to accept me in then,or that's what I'm afraid of."

To everyone's surprise,Nightin actually gave Alexander a tight slap to the face. Fury could be seen on his face as he started to rage at Alexander "What do you think my sect is! I can tell you,it doesn't matter if you're the crown prince,the ruler of the world,or just a lowly beggar! In my sect,everything and everyone is treated fairly and equally,your status in the outside world doesn't mean anything! Do you get it?"

Guilt could be seen clearly on Alexander's face as he lowered his face, not being able to raise the courage to face Nightin.

Opening his mouth,all that managed to come out were two words spoken so softly that even the sound of the wind passing by can be heard "I'm sorry."

Those two words seemed to have used up all his strength as he kneeled down on the floor, strength being drained away from his body. Mentally,from the lecture that he had just been given. Physically from the overuse of spirit essence from the move just now.

After a few minutes which have felt like a few years to everyone have passed,Damian plucked up his courage and gradually stood up.

"Sect master,elder Isabella, everyone else here, I'm sorry for lying to all of you."

Taking in a deep breathe of air to calm himself down,he continued "Allow me to make a proper introduction this time. Damian Alexander at the age of eighteen,crown prince of the Damian royal family who rules the southern continent. Martial Lord fourth realm."

A smile formed on Nightin's mouth as he told everyone "I'm sure y'all are curious as to why a Martial Lord actually took so much effort to defeat a third grade beast. The reason is simple,he was already injured before that which resulted in his realm dropping massively. It's the sacred strength of everyone combined which gave him a new lease of life and breakthrough to the middle class Martial Lord realm."

Nightin gave Alexander a serious look as he asked "Alexander,if I give you a choice right now,what would it be that you want?"

To everyone's surprise,Alexander actually gave an unexpected answer to everyone. "If given a choice,I would like to become a general in charge of my very own army. The general of our sect's army which will defend our sect and fight against all foes that stand in our way!"

No one had expected this turn of events or change in Alexander. One moment ago,he was someone aspiring to be someone who lives life to the fullest,just like the king of a mortal kingdom. Yet now, he's someone who aspires to be a great general under the heavens and serve his lord,clearing all obstacles and paving the way for his lord.

Nightin nodded and took out a seal from his robe. The seal was carved out of Jade and has the shape of a dragon with one claw,one star could be seen at the exact front of it.

Nightin passed it to Alexander as he told him "Alexander will return to the sect with me,the rest of you will stay right here and continue with your training."

Giving all of them a stare that sent chill down their spines,making them shudder in fear,his cold voice came down on them again "Don't say I didn't warn you,the lives of your loved ones and friends are in your hands."

Taking off into the air,Alexander followed him and caught up while Isabella stayed behind to look after them.

After Alexander had left,everyone gathered around a campfire and faced each other,sitting around in a circle while Abby lied down at the side.

Lancelot,being the leader at this moment,took the initiative to start up the conversation "I guess that none of us would have expected such an thing to happen with, there's no need for us to feel guilty."

Little Black who has always been an innocent little boy to everyone cuts in at this moment,his fist pointing up to the air "That's right,I believe that big brother Alexander will come back stronger than ever!"

Everyone broke out in laughter after what Little Black had said which lightened up the heavy atmosphere which seems to be strangling them in an instant.

"Alexander..." At this moment,Abby actually woke up.

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