Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 45 - A cup of tea

Nightin who was sitting in the cave with Stella and Gaven stood up as he turned towards the exit. Gazing afar,the beautiful evening horizon could be seen as a few birds flew past the orange yet blueish sky.

Gaven could tell what Nightin was about to say as he took the initiative to do so for him "Nightin,you can leave first if you need to. I believe that we'll meet again one day,on a grander stage."

Nightin turned around as he bowed to Stella and Gaven "Thank you seniors for the previous few days,I have learnt many knowledge from the two of you. I'm sure that these information will come in handy one day,haha."

Stella who was laying down on Gaven's shoulder hugged him as she told Nightin "Hopefully you would have become a true man by the time we meet again,hehe."

Three black lines formed above Nightin's forehead as he turned around to take his leave,he was thinking in his mind "Star still has the mood to joke with me despite my departure...Just what's wrong with her mentality..."

Nightin slowly walked out of the cave. From the perspective of someone looking from parallel of the cave,the figure of a young man could barely be seen,with two silhouettes could be seen waving bye to him.

Contrasting to the evening sky,those three shadows brought about a tinge of sadness within the supposed joyful moment,the birds were chirping around as they enjoyed themselves. Yet, the world seemed to have went silent at this time. Quietness. Not a sound to be heard.

Nightin headed towards the exit route of the toxic swamp based on the directions Stella had given him before his departure.

The path this time was much more peaceful,besides the few poisonous plants which grows here,not a single trace of demon beasts could be seen.

From Nightin's deduction,this must have been a path made by Stella who has scattered her own aura around this area. With her dominating aura here,no demon beasts would be foolish enough to step inside this area.

Before night fell,Nightin managed to leave the toxic swamp as he decided to find a village to rest. After about half an hour of speeding,he finally came across a small village.

Stopping in front of the village,he walked inside it. The next sight he saw greatly shocked him. The area didn't have any bustling night stalls or any children playing around like he imagined,neither could he see any plot of land for farmers to grow corpses.

All he could see were the skeleton heads of many corpses being hanged around the village outside the houses,seemingly as a decoration. Even so,he still decided to find a inn and stay here for the night.

The first reason being that he has absolute confidence in his strength,even if he faces danger,making a full retreat wouldn't be impossible. Secondly,he wanted to find out just what exactly happened here.

After he entered the inn,he didn't see any customers sitting around the tables and having a drink together. There were around eight long wooden tables with two benches on each of the opposite sides,yet all of them were unoccupied.

The inn, chandeliers that seem to be made of sticks

Walking up to the registration counter,he pressed the bell to alert the worker that he's here. Soon,a old granny appeared in front of his view.

She had curly white hair and wore a black spectacle with rectangular frames,a necklace made of the fangs of thirty two demon beasts could be seen hanging around her neck. On her ring finger,was a silver ring carved from bones.

Nightin waved at her and asked politely "Old granny,I would like to stay here for a night."

The old granny smiled and revealed her yellowish teeth "It costs a spirit stone to stay here for a night."

Nightin attempted to take out a spirit stone from his spatial ring,only to realise that he had left all of his wealth to the sect before leaving.

Nightin placed his hand behind his head awkwardly and laughed "Old granny,I don't have a spirit stone with me right now. Can you make a concession for me?"

The old granny in front of him took out a dagger and asked "You can stay here if you become my puppet,pretty good offer right?"

Nightin could sense that something was amiss, without any hesitation,he turned back and took his leave.

At the exact moment his right foot was about to leave the inn,the granny behind him stated another offer "There's a second way of payment. Drink the tea I've made and I'll let you stay here for a night."

Nightin paused his footsteps and turned around. Looking at the wooden table nearest to the counter,he walked to it and sat down on the bench.

After a moment,the old granny came back with a cup of tea in her hand,it released a fresh aroma yet brought the feeling of death along it.

Nightin hesitated for a moment,but still reached his hand out for the tea and slowly lifted it to his lips

As though as if he has made a big decision,he gulped the tea down in one shot. The consequences,he didn't want to think about it.

Nightin's head felt dizzy and when he awoke,he was in another world.

A mysterious voice sounded in his head "It has been a hundred years since someone has made it here. Don't let me down little fella."

Nightin was in a world filled with greenery. The bushy trees,the dancing flowers,the healthy weeds all seem to be alive as one entity.

Around Nightin,he could see many families having a picnic together. Sitting on the ground together,with a carpet on the floor and a basket filled with food between them. Children were flying kites and having fun,some were playing around in the lake catching fishes.

The next moment however,a wave of demons came. Vampires,bats,zombies,mummies and skeletons. Many undead came alive as they attacked the innocent people,lives were being taken every minute.

Nightin wanted to help out,yet his body was rooted to the ground. He was immobilized by a mysterious force as a dark root rose from the ground and tangled his legs.

Nightin struggled,which only made the root constrain itself tighter, rendering him incapable of moving. Lives were dying every second in front of his eyes,yet all he could do was become a spectator.

For once,he felt helpless again. Fate was playing with him again,he couldn't even be sure if this was reality or just an illusion. The scarlet red flowing on the ground,the sweet smell of the blood veiled up the air like a fog.

Nightin's eyes turned blood red,he struggled,only for the scene to unfold more quickly in front of his eyes.

At this time,the mysterious voice sounded again "How does this feel? Challenging my tea will be your worst mistake!"

Nightin shouted back in his mind "No! I won't regret my decision or the path I've taken! I'll fight against fate!"

The voice shuddered for a moment and paused. Back in the hall of Moonlight,the temple god Estes smiled as she drank his tea.

Estes looked at her daughter beside and told her "Daughter, there's someone who might be qualified to challenge you."

The woman,also known as Ashley Moon smirked and said arrogantly "It doesn't matter, he'll still be nothing in my eyes."

Back to Nightin,the current him was drenched in blood. The blood from all those humans have formed a pool around him in this enclosed space. He was panting heavily as he tried to reach out and escape.

Nightin understood that this may just be an illusion,but everything he sees right now are definitely happening out there in the cultivation world. If he falls and lose himself here,who could protect them?

Closing his eyes,the scenery in front of him changed. He understood something new as well,life and death may be predetermined,but they can be changed.

When Nightin came back to his senses,the old granny was sitting down in front of him. His second sword appeared itself as it glowed with the blade being half black and white each. As for its first blade,it was clad in purple. These two blades themselves could contend against a Martial Lord...

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