Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 46 - New path

Nightin turned his view back to the front,only to see two lines of yellowish teeth looking at him. The old granny had crawled up to him as she kneeled on the table,lifting up her spectacles and taking it off,she whispered to herself "How could someone actually make it out alive after drinking this cup of tea..."

The old granny was bewildered,it was the first time this had happened. From what the hall master has told her,only a peerless genius with a resolute heart would be able to walk out of it alive.

The hall master even emphasised on one thing that time "No matter what, don't mess with someone who manages to survive through. That one person would be the savior of your village..."

Since then,thousands of years have passed as she waited alone in this village. If not for Nightin's sudden appearance,she would have already given up her own life.

The old granny sighed as the heavy stone was lifted off her chest as her body started to change. Nightin looked at her as he blinked,thinking to himself out aloud "What the hell is this!"

The old granny in front of him disappeared and a elegant woman appeared in front of his view. All she had were a few black feathers to cover her private parts which made Nightin avert his gaze again,as he cursed under his breath "Damn it,not again.",

The woman had long gray hair which flowed down one side of her shoulder,her skin was fair as snow and her clothing and aura right now. They gave off a sense of despair filled with elegance,no doubt that she's a beautiful black tulip surrounded by invisible thorns.

The woman shortly after,covered up her body with a long black robe as she told Nightin who was looking at the opposite direction from her "Hey,you can turn around now."

Nightin turned around slowly,only to be amazed by her beauty. Nightin struggled to open his mouth as he asked "Just who are you? Where's the old granny who was here a moment ago?"

The woman chuckled as she said "I was the old granny who was in front of you just now."

Nightin was thinking at this time,just what exactly happened for the sudden change in appearance to happen.

Before Nightin could ask,the woman seemed to have already anticipated it as she said "If I say that I'm a Witch,would you understand now? I'm a Necromancer."

Nightin looked at her,his face totally gave him off. He didn't know what a Witch is,not to mention about the Necromancer.

The woman almost fainted as she held her fist back,if she loses control,she would be killing the person meant to help her.

The Witch took out her staff and introduced herself first,if she doesn't introduce herself now, she's sure that Nightin will call her old granny later.

Her staff was made of sturdy bones,on the top of it was a simple orb which was bottle green yet it was actually giving off a shine.

"I'll just say this first, don't ever forget about what I'm going to tell you next."

Nightin looked at her and nodded to show that her understood her intention.

The woman smirked and him as she looked up above "I'm Cordelia,one of the seven great magus of the Moonlight Hall."

Nightin nodded and asked "Old gran..."

Nightin realised his mistake and tried to correct it immediately,yet a first made of bones was already piercing through the air and aiming for his body.


Nightin flew backwards as he knocked down a few wooden tables on the way before crashing against the wall. Even though the attack was strong,the woman definitely had no intention to kill him. All she wanted to,was to teach Nightin a lesson.

This is the moment when Nightin remembered something his father had told him "My child,remember this deeply. A woman's heart is deeper than even the ocean, don't offend them in any case."

Nightin shook his head and slowly stood up,only to see Cordelia raising up her staff and preparing to teach him another lesson. Left with no choice,he could only quickly call out "Cordelia, a beauty like you won't pick on a young child like me right? You would be tarnishing your elegant and noble aura if you make a move on me."

Cordelia's stern face disappeared and what replaced it was a broad smile. She whirled her staff behind her back and held it with her right hand. "That's for sure!"

Cordelia's smile however disappeared the next moment,in place of it was a face full of worries. Cordelia started to chant as she raised her staff upwards "With thy magic,I hereby summon my soul beast!"

Nightin looked at her in suspense,he was curious what the soul beast of a witch would be like. Would it be a titanic soul beast or one whose body is made of bones?

The next moment,a glow of light appeared above her head and landed on her shoulder. A petite white beast appeared as in landed with a poof on her shoulder.

The white beast had white fur which was whiter than snow,small fangs which made it appear to be cuter with a tail that stretches outwards with razor sharp claws. It was a snow wolf which has undergone an mutation,its future can't be measured by the usual standards.

The little wolf glared at Nightin as it flared its sharp yet tiny fangs,it was being defensive of its master.

Nightin returned its gaze as he take a step back and say "Little wolfie,I have no intentions to harm your master. If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave first."

Before Cordelia or Nightin could react,the snow wolf had already leaped off its master shoulder, jumped backwards into the air and fired a tiny snowball which rolled towards Nightin through the air.

Nightin was shocked,yet all he did was smile. As though as if the sword of Life and Death had its own consciousness, it flew out from Nightin's back as it slashed the snowball cleanly. After that,the sword of Life and Death returned to Nightin's body and rested within him.

Cordelia who was holding her staff and prepared to cast a quick spell to protect Nightin was greatly shocked, did she just see a sword fly out from Nightin's body?

Cordelia took out her glasses and rubbed her eyes before putting them back on,only to realise that the residual energy was still in the air. She could be sure of one thing,she wasn't seeing things just now.

At this time,the snow wolf which had jumped off Cordelia's shoulder landed back there as it growled towards Nightin. As for Cordelia,she couldn't care less about her snow wolf right now. A million thoughts were racing across her mind right now as she threw a flurry of questions towards Nightin.

"Hey,are you perhaps the chosen one of destiny?"

"Or are you the legacy disciple of some old fogey who's actually a Saint in the upper realm?

"Could it be there there's actually a terrifying creature who lays within you and is helping you with your cultivation?"

"Oh my god,could it be that the creature has laid its eyes on your body?"

Nightin immediately rebutted back when Cordelia said this "What the hell are you even thinking of!" Nightin was thinking to himself at this time,what if all the women he meet in this life behaves life Stella and Cordelia...

Nightin decided that he should start explaining everything to Cordelia before her mind goes wild once again.

"Cordelia,what you saw right now was merely my sword,which was infused with one of the sword intents I have cultivated."

Nightin made it sound like something simple,yet he didn't know that he had just sent ripple of waves into Cordelia's heart.

Cordelia was thinking wildly again once again,but the next moment,all that she could thinking of was scolding Nightin.

Cordelia's shocked face froze as she clenched her staff tightly and point it towards Nightin,two skeleton heads with neon green gas behind them flowed behind them. "What the hell fo you mean by one of your sword intents! Don't you know that one person can only cultivate on sword intent in their life?"

Cordelia's rage slowly turned into a question,a question which Nightin couldn't find an answer to.

Nightin summoned out all five of his blades as two stood out from within them. The first one was clad in purple while the second one was clad in black and white. The two were above the other three swords as they stacked on top of each other,just like a pyramid.

Cordelia closed her eyes and chanted a spell. When she opened her eyes again,black spirals replaced her whole eye as she focused her gaze on those two swords,her face slowly turning from amazement into shock which led to astonishment.

When Cordelia returned to her usual state,she asked Nightin "Just what the hell do you think you are doing? Cultivating both the Samsara intent and the Life and Death intent at the same time? Do you have a death wish? Or are you just being too arrogant of yourself?"

Nightin could sense the seriousness in Cordelia's tone as he asked "Is there a problem with cultivating dual intents?"

Cordelia nodded as she puffed her chest,which made Nightin subconsciously avert his gaze from her chest area as she continued "Cultivating dual intents is a common thing among the true geniuses,yet what they cultivate are at most the advanced laws. Even the most demonic ones among them can only dual cultivate two weaker expert grade ones."

Nightin was confused again,what the hell was Cordelia even talking about? There's a difference between the laws which people cultivate? "Cordelia, what's the difference between those laws?"

Cordelia's face turned black as she shouted back "You are telling me that you don't god damn have the slightest clue?"

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