
Chapter 16 - First Blood

With that out of the way i was leisurely living in my tower. Ash was going Muda, Muda, Muda all over the place. Skip was trying to be Jesus, and he was being successful. Ash then wanted to go shopping, so i transported her with Skip.

So i thought that nothing could interfere in my lazy life of gazing at the sky all day and night. Maybe that was my mistake, with my powers i nearly forgot what kind of world i was living in.

You see just today i was gazing at the sky when i saw some purplish humanoids flying towards me. Now dont get me wrong, for a second i thought i saw dozens of Thanos, it scared the shit out of me.

But when i blinked and the humanoids started becoming larger in my view, that was when i knew what they were. Sentinels, phew that was taxing on my mind.

So which version of Sentinel is it. Lets see is it the Age of Apocalypse one. Hey are they the wild ones. If they are, my aunts gonna have to be cleansed from this timeline.

In between the Sentinels you can see a bald woman sitting in a flying chair. So it is my aunt, isn't she supposed to be influencing the higher ups right now and turning them into Mutant haters. Why is she here.

Cassandra then flies near me still sitting in her throne. She then says "Hello Monarch of Supers : Legion". I look at her and then outright ignore her and keep on gazing at the sky.

Look her face is twitching. I know she is angry but just wild Sentinels aren't enough to even graze me. It would have to be the Sentinel from the movie Days of Future Past to actually make me afraid.

"Do you not deign me of any interest Little Monarch". I don't know why but it felt like she implied i was chunni. "I am not allowed to talk with strangers, my parents said they could be pedophiles". Comeback tournament.

I could see her face take a tomato like colour. I couldn't help but snicker at her. "The Monarch has a mouth on him" she replies. "Why are you here, when I haven't even invited you" was my rude reply.

She looks at me condescendingly "It is of course to end the crowning of the Monarch". I look at her as if she has a few screws loose. Then i point at me and say "Really". I wish she had a power level scouter and dramatically shouted out 'Its over 9000'.

She must be confused at my antics. I look at her and say "Cassandra Xavier Nova, you are tresspassing on my tower. Even if i ended your life no one would know". With that Indomitable Will flings her full force towards the edge of the tower.

She then says "Then its a good thing that i am recording this situation". I look surprised, "What why would you do that". She looks even more happy and declares "You vile beast, the Codex's you created are powered on human vitality".

Wow just wow look at her Oscar level of acting. "Hey lady do you want to starr in my new movie". I am being serious, i hope to recreate a lot of animes, movies, and entertainment forms and introduce it to this world. Its just i am too lazy to bother.

She looked astonished and i was even going out of the topic, she asked "Are you mocking me ?". I look at her seriously and then say "No you could perfectly fill out all the villainous roles for any movie".

As if she could not believe what i said she remained slack jawed for a second before she ordered "Attack this beast in human skin". As she said that she looked like a boss on rage mode.

I stared at her as if i was clueless. As all the Sentinels rush towards me i just say "Slow down will you". Right before they could understand why i was saying that. All the Sentinels came to a halt. What, i need time to think on what power to create to end this swiftly yet flashily.

Cassandra looks at me angrily thinking that i was able to control her Sentinels. She then pressed a button, but nothing happened. She then says "Is this done by your Technomancy mutation".

Hey for a second there i forgot i could absolutely control all tech. But i need a flashy move so let me think on the list of moves i could possibly use. Right there is that one from One Piece.

( Ability Recreated )

Tremor Human - SS Rank

This ability allows the user to generate massive vibrations, or shock waves which can travel through virtually any medium.

( Remarks : My little brother is trying to act cool and also his powers push it to Stellar threat when it only had Planetery level threat. It also apparently has no weakness now )

F.u.c.k you Wade, go annoy someone else. Why is it still in pencil colours. Wade you are a rich mercenary, buy some sketch pens already. I know you can hear me.

( Remarks : The person you are trying to contact is busy at the moment, please try again later )

At least this time its in sketch. Damn have i already gone insane. While i am thinking that i suddenly get hit at my face. I use a controlled shockwave disrupting the attack. Right Cassie had Psionic manipulation on her list of powers.

I just look at her and say "What do you think you are doing". She smirks at me and says "Of course it won't matter Little Monarch. I will rid this world of a great threat". Why was she here again, i get it.

Ahahahahaha i can't stop laughing. She looks at me as if i am mad. I then say "Your massive plans were destroyed because of good ol me, isn't it. So you want to kill me, collect all the Codex and then arm only yourself".

She looks disbelieving as if she hadn't expected what i had said. Well if this is being recorded i will drag her image down with me "Weren't you trying to take all the higher ups in the world government under your control. Then make them Mutant haters and hunt all mutants".

She looks completely stunned that i even knew this part of her plan. Why didn't i control the recording is because if you try to cover it up then you are completely guilty in the watchers eyes.

She then presses the mute button for the recording. I sneakily remove the mute function. She then exclaims "So you knew of my plans. Why didn't the Little Monarch stop me".

She is still being careful, but i reply "How many would i stop. Somebody would still come out with the same plans, and even apply it. I erased what was inherently different between us and them". That is my heartfelt opinion.

"Did you know that the Codex can charge even from the atmosphere itself. Though it takes a long time, it is completely safe. What i have been giving these humans is choice. What they follow is their own will". I am not taking any responsibility for their nasty shits.

"Plus the DNA change is permanent, so their descendants will surely awaken a part or something similar to their powers".

She looks at me and says "I didn't think the Monarch thought that far" as she says that she suddenly springs even more Sentinels. She had made them travel a few feet above sea level.

She must be thinking that i wont kill her like other heroes. She must have lived in Xavier's mansion for too long. Her judgement has relapsed.

The Sentinels are in a formation firing lasers at me. I dodge their attacks, but i still inquire "Do you know the difference between a Monarch and a Hero".

Cassandra looks at the cracks before she feels a horrifying force burst out of my punch. And as if ordained, a massive shock wave sends all participants of the battle flying.

Cassandra is a bit dazed. Taking advantage of this fact i slow down time for these Sentinels by only 5 times and punch haphazardly.

No rhythm or meaning exist behind my moves but shockeningly, all the Sentinels are not only completely twisted to trash. But the remaining force is sending shock waves to the remaining pushing them further away.

Cassandra is still a bit disoriented. So using small burts of shockwaves through my feet. I maneuver to the higher flying Sentinels and punch them turning them into scraps.

She then starts getting better, but by that time the army of Sentinels has already lost a quarter of their members. The lasers shot at me were like a light show in the sky.

I shot out bursts of shockwaves through my elbows, shoulders, hands as if Iron Man was using his thrusters and maneuvered around. I then feel an intrusion on my mind, which is easily countered by Little Arthur.

I punched down all the Sentinels that came even a few feet near me. I think she is trying to draw first blood, since if she can copy my DNA she will be able to use my powers. So i don't go near her and instead opt to fly around destroying all the Sentinels.

Perhaps sensing my intent she tried gathering all the Sentinels, but they were very sluggish making it hard to gather. Then understanding that i wasnt easy game she started engaging me.

She used psionic blasts to make me dodge mid air and then added cosmic fire to my trajectories. This prompted me to make a forcefull landing on the ground. Taking a little breath, i punched with a bit more force than before.

It sent all the Sentinels flying across the expanse of the Ocean. Cassandra stabilised herself using Telekinesis and protected herself from the scraps using Psionic Armor.

She then no longer took me as a child, and at full force ripped the top of my tower. Destabilising my footing, but before she could continue. This time I punch at her with even more force, the shockwave rams her body and destroys her psionic armor.

If she didn't timely use intangibility in time we wouldn't have seen even a shred of her. She coughs out a lot of blood, but also heals fastly back. I think she had spontaneous cell regeneration.

Even then she threw the top of my tower at me. To which i did a kick with shock force destroying the whole top of my tower. The debris had blocked my view and she took this as her chance and swiftly flew near me using telekinesis.

I did an area wide shockwave, but she used her intangibility to get close to me. Thats when i Jumped to my already regenerated roof of my tower.

Then as if on cue all the Sentinels stand behind her in formation and start firing beams at me. I pulled back my fist and punch out dirupting all their beams. At this time suddenly we came to a standstill, when i continue, "Its the willingness to kill".

I pressure her with Galactic level Indomitable Will and she flinches. Using that two or three second buffer period. I instantly charge a Tremor bubble in my fist and punch out.

Suddenly as if she knew what the next thing would happen she made her mind go Astral and escaped. The shock bubble burst near the group of Sentinels wiping not only Cassandras body but erasing it.

The remaining shock force spread out, but even then it cleared out a 15 km high and 50 km wide area out of any living things, clouds, etc. and created a category 4 hurricane after the force dissipated. The tower i was standing on is also in shambles, though it repaired quickly.

Its all good that i made all airplanes take the clear routes at least a thousand miles away. Also its probably Ash's good luck that she wanted to go buy some more entertaining and bizzare clothes today.

I quite enjoyed the fight. The thrill of the battle as we both tried out thinking each other and also out maneuver each other. Am i becoming a battle maniac. But i also like the fact that i used a minimum amount of powers to contend with her.

It makes me feel an odd sense of accomplishment.

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