
Chapter 17 - Loose Ends

You can say i let her escape, since i can always find her. Destroying the soul is a very bad topic in Marvel universe. We do have Lady Death that doesn't really like escapees. Unlike in DC where a certain level of strength allows you to escape Hell itself.

Souls can be in a sense considered her domain. But maybe i could create an item that contains something for all eternity. But then i would intrude on another cosmic beings domain, Lady Eternity.

See where i am going, if anything i already wanna ditch this universe. But i can't, that again is Beyonders domain and I don't think the One Above All would also appreciate it.

Cosmic beings throughout their lifetime have only acknowledged one mutant, and that is Franklin Richards. Who is completely ridiculous. It is to the point that even Marvel writers consider it a bullshit level of power.

I mean there is another block for dimensional travellers 'The Council of Reeds'. Like why can they use infinity stones without any repurcussions.

Like i said this world is completely ridiculous. I am already lucky enough that i am not in the Ultimate version of comics. If i was there i would have commited suicide.

In a sense i am still scared of all those cosmic beings. My power comes with its own limitaions. Omega level mutants are easy to create when your own power scale is beyond Omega. Even beyond Omega is a bit understandable.

But what is beyond me, like the concept of infinty is near impossible to recreate. What you dont think i want to create the Holy Grail, or the DragonBalls, or Alladins lamp. It just doesn't work that way.

The only difference is the latter would have more loopholes and the first would be more apllicable even in all sorts of situations.

What would happen when i create the Genie from Alladin. At worst my whole timeline will be erased to non-existence and at best, it would be me being caged for eternity by the One Above All. Why you may ask, it is because i effectively created a cosmic being.

Hey the DragonBalls are another way to go at it. Do you even know how f.u.c.k.i.n.g scary Godking Zeno is. What about the Holy Grail, don't talk about that world at all. The Root is also f.u.c.k.i.n.g dangerous and it is because the Root is like the One Above All in that universe.

So why am i still destroying timelines, it is still manageable since it doesn't matter until i do something as drastic as make Anti-cosmic items.

But that doesn't mean i am going to let her go off scotch free. Do you know what is scariest for people like her. Surviving barely without any hope. Do you think she can live a worriless life after fighting.

Since i can't encroach on domains, i will have to work around other ways. Like this one.

( Skill Created )

( Basis Kaleidoscope : Fate series and Room : One Piece )

Pocket Jail - EX Rank

In reality its only a 10 cubic meter pocket dimension. Its space time laws are meshed in a way to make the victim experience an endless loop of constantly coming back in circles. The victim will surely go in one direction but always come out the at the point where he/she started.

As a plus i made it so that all Astral, Mind, Soul escape techniques are completely banned. Well unless you want to experience your soul being eroded by time. Not a good experience i tell you.

I look at my right Glove where the Compass is attached and d.e.s.i.r.e the location of Cassandra Nova. Look she is trying to control the Shi'ar already. I guess i made her make a lot of choices earlier than their intended time.

I need something to grab someone in Astral form with.

( Item Created )

Astral Hunting Gloves - S Rank

Its only function is to be able to touch and grab Astral forms.

I wear it in my left hand. I then Jumped near Cassandras Astral form who was already trying to control Majestrix Lilandra. Consider her my stepmom. It doesn't matter no one will ever learn of it anyway.

I swiftly grab her Astral form. She must have thought i didnt know but things never go the way you expect when you assume things. I grabbed her neck with my left hand.

I then look at her and say "What do we have here a little parasite is thinking she can escape The Monarch". Lilandra can't fathom what is going on when Cassandra starts becoming visible.

She now understands why the mind splitting headaches started right when she entered the room. Seriously though travelling in Astral form may be fast, but it is fraught with danger. Astral beasts roam the Astral universe.

Frankly there they are extremely buffed up. Only when they enter the main universe are they debuffed very insanely. I know i am ignoring Lili but Cassie is the top priority now.

I then say, "Cassandra you keep on assuming things. It is amusing at first but frankly now you are boring me". She doesn't understand why she is in this predicament. She is just like Scott right now, without understanding or verifying things she has been jumping to conclusions for a while.

I don't like Scott for that very reason, also it could be because a d.i.c.k like him got Jean. I am not thinking on the prospects of a romantic interests. But i need goals to keep myself going.

I then say "To your eternal damnation i wish you good luck. Pocket Jail". As soon as i said that a cube expands in everyones vision and consumes Cassandra. You know what to make sure of her eternal damnation i should cover the cube in layers of cubes like Russian dolls.

Every layer more sinister than before. What i want to do is destroy their willpower so much that they can't tell fact from reality. Hey maybe i could throw Deadpool in one of them.

Nope it won't work since he is already insane enough. I don't really like doing things in a halfway fashion so maybe i should start a country like Genosha.

While i am contemplating the future, i am attacked by the Shi'ar Imperial Guards. I don't have time for these plot like situations. I take the first attack, which is oddly a punch.

Hey guys you have swords, so why did you punch me. Like i care, i stand back up and clench my fist. The area where my fist is cracks and shattering noises can be heard.

I don't want to fight for no reason at all

So i jumped to my already healed tower. I guess i can call it a day.

I then jump to the city Ash and Skip were shopping in. I take my a.d.u.l.t form, camouflage my items and walk round the corner.

What the heck, is that Spiderman. What the heck, why are Ash and Skip around him. Granted he wasn't in his superhero identity.

Did you know that the Avengers have long since existed in Earth 616, chronologically since 1990. That begs the question why was Iron Man unveiling himself now.

My Marvel knowledge maybe weak but i do know. Even the main universe according to Alan Moore is nowhere near special to the ultimate version. Then there are the crossovers.

I need Wade around for this cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k.e.d up information to make sense. I can guess to a certain extent why Wade went mad.

Its just that 616 universe is from where comics are mainly based. That means there are thousands of universes with each a single point of difference.

So how do i know Spiderman is Spider powered right now. Its fairly simple, he isn't wearing glasses. In all iterations of Spiderman, it is shown that when he wasn't with superpowers he wore glasses. I don't know why but Marvel didn't create contact lens for one of their favourite superhero.

So why haven't i been hearing any news on him. Right my event buried all other news by a huge difference. Its not everyday you unveil a Miracle grade item for the world.

He must have started a few months ago. Looking at his lack of confidence, or it maybe because he is in his Peter Parker persona. I wave at them and shout "Ash, Skip".

Both of them look surprised by my a.d.u.l.t form. Hey don't go making assumptions. "Well who are you, little guy". Peter looks towards me and says "Hi Mister I am Peter Parker. I was just introducing Ash and Skip around the city".

"Oh my it looks like little Ash has a crush. Though I wouldn't recommend him". Peter looks red like a tomato and Ash is just being tsundere. Oh my I need a camera right now.

Skip is, "Wait a minute why are you wearing lady clothes". I can see Skips eyes twitching "Its a male kimono". "But you look more like a lady" I refute back. We can see Ash and Peter snickering on the background.

"Well jokes aside its getting late. Lets go back home". Ash then bids farewell to Peter and goes with me. After a turn in the alley i use Presence Concealment and then hold Ash and Skips hand and then Jump to Fake Babel.

I let them do their usual whatever they want routine. I need more Skills to complete my Matroyshka doll like prison.

( Skill Created )

All The Worlds D.e.s.i.r.e - SSS Rank

A pocket reality shaped like a cube. It has been created to mimic the world and subconsciously like an epic story fullfill all the victims d.e.s.i.r.e.

Samsara Reality - EX Rank

A pocket reality shaped like a cube. It has been created to mimic the world and it erases the victims memories before making them go through a false birth. At the end of each life, memories are forcefully restored then erased. The cycle repeating on and on viciously.

( Skill Created )

Eon Cage - S Rank

A pocket reality shaped like a cube. It mimics the world, although the laws of this world is messed up. Every thing here is indefinite until the end of a victims sentence.

Those guys think they can go free without worrying about retribution. I say hell no, the Pocket Jail itself is maddening. But layer all of them around one another and you have the worst reality checker Matroyshka Doll.

The first will test knowledge and willpower. Since it could take Millions of years to learn Space-Time laws. Granted it is learned not to apply but only escape.

The second will test willpower and control of their d.e.s.i.r.es. Most villains often lack these, and if they lose themselves here. They can hypothetically be made to commit suicide, since all their d.e.s.i.r.es are now complete.

The third one is more me being mad about being attacked then any other reason. This one won't test willpower or any other thing for the matter. It will just sinisterly keep on repeating itself.

The last one is more to reform villains than anything else. This reality has to be lived completely, and an Eon is a very very long time. By the time this reality ends, villains themselves will question their existence and actions.

I know some may say even if its mainstream universe this is too much. Well f.u.c.k you, if i start leaving villains here and there then wont i shame the title of 'Strongest Anti-Hero'. This is the Marvel comic verse, you don't underestimate the willpower of any character here.

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