
Chapter 18 - Understanding

Its been a month and the whole world is at war with each other. The Inhumans have come out as the nation of Atillan. Wakanda has also come out in the open.

SHIELD is busy helping the government contain the flames of war. Why did the war happen. It can be traced by the fact that all humans have ambition.

The smaller countries which already had volatile relations with the major countries took to using the newly created Supers into war. Boy did those Supers shine. Wherever they fought casualties of the opposing faction rose.

This pushed the others to fastly create Supers, giving out the reason it is to protect their nation. I had already created the Codex to require only human vital force.

What i was effectively doing was turn not only the whole world into Supers but also remind the government of their real moral values. You should know that in the future it was the same government who publicly announced that they were hunting mutants.

Now that they are too busy to mind me. I can finally start Project : Genesis. I named it like that because to me this represents the beginning of my advent.

I start kidnapping..... ahem shelter some orphans at my base every once in a while. Why do i do it once in a while is by the fact that they will open up more if i act more benovelent.

In a nutshell my Project tries to explore the possibilities of my power. How much can i create without knowledge. How much dangerous does an item become with enough knowledge.

How is detailing my creation helpful or neccesary to me. So in a way its more of a research. My end goal is to create the World Tree that is mentioned in every mythology.

I want to create the Yggdrasil of The Omniverse. This project that i am doing is so low key that not even cosmic beings will be able to understand what i am doing before i take hold of the power.

The kids have started being enough in numbers. Now i have a dozen to experiment on. First things first is Techniques testing.

The technique that i give without knowledge. I gave a child the Kyotoryu technique from the anime Katanagatari. All i have to do is let another one be taught, not given this skill. And we will know which is best.

So the child who learnt the Kyotoryu style has to practice and pass it on with enough details, that i will later on add to really see which is best.

Kyotoryu in the anime was considered a 'Completed Deviant Blade' even though it was a technique. It was able to break all its siblings with ease.

The style still comes with a heavy debuff, that is no more sword holding. The title swordless swordsman fits them. I see to it that she is training on the memories i grafted for her.

What, i see it as penance for the Genius Shichika that didn't survive. She could have been many things, but it was only her body that held her back. So a girl learning it is considered penance from my side.

I think it's mainly because i like tomboyish girls more. Is it my preference or the Originals, who knows. Enough of that, i can see she is following the memories i got her.

Another thing to note, do all absurd things reach completion even with my lack of knowledge. Kyotoryu can be considered as an absurd Technique. It can destroy any sword is what was said.

I will let her try after she is more proficient. The next is Energy related knowledge. The main problem that i faced after i came here was, i didn't know if i created something that runs on something entirely different would even work.

Lets say Magic, here magic isn't as absurd as in the Age of Gods of Nasuverse, or as odd as Harry Potter. So i opted to not create anything dangerous from both sides. I was really tempted by Legillimency.

I gave another kid Shirou's reality marble, and it went from bad to very bad to worse. So i had to create a program that added in the kids Origin and Element the word Sword.

It was f.u.c.k.i.n.g hard, the kid kept on being shredded by the reality marble then by the real reality. I had to expend a lot of vitality to keep him alive.

Imposing as Shirous reality marble maybe, the Marvel reality is also absurdly sturdy. ( Remarks : It is actually not sturdy enough for me. In comparison it can be said to be too brittle ).

Get lost Wade i was hypothesising. I am feeling tired from your antics and Wade why did you go back to pencil colours. Did you lose all your money in a bet. I think i know what happened. Hey answer me.

( Remarks : The person you are trying to contact is busy finding markers for a prank ).

Anyway Shirou's reality marble is a byproduct of Avalons sturdy textures and his own understanding of himself as the incarnation of the Sword. It can also be considered protagonist level plot canon armor luck.

Too many vital coincidences happened for him to get his Unlimited Blade Works. It is near the level of true magic in Nasuverse. Why isn't it true magic there, because it can be replicated if you get a hold of Avalon and experiment a bit here and there.

This is also why i don't casually take powers from every anime i have ever watched. The next is Psions, i know this exists. But it is also governed by the Pheonix Force. So i wanted to know the adverse effects of introducing something world breaking.

So i gave a kid one of Tatsuyas skill 'Demon Right Decomposition'. What is wrong with the Shiba family, this is an OP skill okay. You don't deconstruct and destroy everything with other magics.

Even though nothing happened, more info will be needed to know what will happen with Regrowth. Since Regrowth is destroying not only Gods boundaries but also other cosmic beings.

Decomposition uses Psions to deconstruct everything at molecular levels. Regrowth from my theory is completely absurd.

Revival of beings, items, and even reversal of time with no constraint except pain. What the heck is wrong with the Shiba family. Though i like Demon Right more than Divine Left.

Then i went with the most famous powers needed for the World Tree. Plant Manipulation or Agrokinesis. The first set was easy, i did recreate the Otsutsuki genes. The second didn't have enough basis, since both Marvel and DC work in odd ways.

The first child i gave Senju genes is under Skip now. He is working on the Agrokinesis. Why am i taking these things step by step. It is because without a foundation, you can't really say you know what you are doing.

Like the Original who didn't even know how he created random characters inside his mind. Its like having a gun but not knowing whether the bullets would really kill someone.

The next problem i faced was in the technological department. Do you really think i know how and why The Compass really works. Its a fluke that was made with the remaining details under my ability.

So i created what could be best known as Haxcalibur. It still hasn't been tweaked very well so it hasnt chosen an owner yet. It has extreme Light affinity, extendable to nearly kms, explosive light show attacks. The chance to grace someone with High Light affinity. Can clone itself to thousands. It can also fly and change to different weapons. Boosts wielders strength by a factor of five. Can repair itself and return to its weilder.

Yeah i was testing my brokenness and this happened. Now i keep the weapon under wraps inside the bas.e.m.e.nt of the tower. What, its a failed product anyway. I mean to use Light affinity means i must be one of the goodest cookie out there.

It can shift to the users d.e.s.i.r.e so although i say sword, in reality its just a keychain. Pffft Artoria would be so mad. I destroyed her legend by merely making an even better item.

I call it a failed product mainly because of its durability. Its base is after all still Iron so it is too brittle. To the point that one fullpowered attack would only destroy an island whilst destroying the weapon itself. So yeah a failed product it is.

Next is recreating already existing materials with and without knowledge. I do create Titanium and other elements but i know their molecular makeup. So i will try Vibranium but in a very small amount.

Good news is i did create Vibranium. Bad news is, it isn't like the original. The one i created forcefully absorbs kinetic, potential, and all sorts of energy until it explodes. I had a field trip that day. Skip kept on scolding me and Ash wasn't even supporting me.

I named that metal Anti-Energy Metal. Simply put a block of metal that explodes on contact with the atmosphere. It nearly creates singularities by just existing. So a black hole bomb.

Then i thought why not try with Adamantium. It is simple and does not require much knowledge on my end. Well it was a disaster, the Metal was so heavy it nearly ended up creating a black hole. Ash had to use Atom Hunter to the limits to erase the existence of the metal.

What i had created was not Adamantium but a dwarf star on its own. It was nice that it could be contained that easily. Otherwise a supernova would happen in the solar system.

So i simply sat down on small projects for a while and created the infamous Stark's Arc Reactor. It took a day to create it and another day to install it in the tower. Hurray for clean energy.

I actually want to create Ascalon from Ben 10 universe. It can be considered a galactic scale weapon even in Marvel universe. But as we know i can't create something without enough details.

I asked him to steal Vibranium and Anti-Metal, from Wakanda and Savage Lands respectively. I gave a bit of the details i knew of both locations.

Wakanda is under a force field, the Savage Lands is accessible only through the air i guess. One is somewhere in South Africa, another in Antartica. I don't only want to study both metals but also try to combine them.

I could possibly do it since i did create The Evolution Codex. But then again i need its molecular structure and integrity. Scientific stuff, not suddenly being at the level to destroy the universe.

I know my power makes it possible but i want to be able to do it even without my powers. So i am taking the neccesary steps to later on burn the world even whilst lacking power.

'The End' is very useful. Why does this work without causing problems for me. It is because of my mindset, i am a practical human. I believe that for something to happen something must be in place. So even if i create something missing out on details. It makes me uncomfortable.

That is why i want to know what i create. I wish i had been born a mage. Then again researching knowledge is nice and all but application is the harder part. So i am quite happy being the reality breaker Legion.

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