
Chapter 19 - Ban's POV

I was created out of non existence or that is what my creator said. I had memories true, but he denied any of them being real. It made me angry but no matter what, i could not get angry.

Thats when i realised something was wrong with me. He asked me to help him escape. I did it, i took over his body. But i could feel it, a block that existed somewhere inside my mind. It did not let me have complete control. Like a switch it existed to forcefully take control from me.

He was an odd one. He had the innocence of a child and yet had the cruelty of a beast. Just to throw off his pursuers and tie up loose ends. He would rather kill than save any. As if he could care less if those who died were even real humans.

I helped him escape and even relinquished the control to him. It seemed as though he didn't like it when others hosted his body. So to get rid of this feeling. He created another guy.

But instead he forcefully used his powers. He teleported us somewhere. I knew it wasn't my world since the weapons here could deal more damage than any crossbow i had ever seen.

Normal humans here were averagely stronger than my worlds with those weapons. But they lacked special ability users. Or that is what i thought until i saw the world and its hidden side.

Inside the cave, he just made us and threw us. We were just toys in his hand. He knew everything about us but we knew next to nothing. He ordered us as if he expected us to completely do his bidding.

It pissed me off. But i held it in and tried to talk about the deal we had. I could care less about this psychopath. I had only one reason why I didn't want to end him so fast.

But he said that he knows, it made me mad. He was like an Omnipotent being in my eyes. But what triggered me was the fact that i felt tens of different gazes on me.

Beings who were beyond me, they kept looking at me. But i knew their goals of watching me. It was to observe this madman here. So i was completely ignored and downgraded to a viewing crystal.

It pissed me off so i held his throat in my hands. He looked fragile, but i knew. He was like a Pandora's box waiting for the moment to be opened. The moment i kill him, in retaliation he would do something absurd. I could not understand what, but i could still feel the odd sense of danger.

But he continued on that the deal would be fulfilled. So i left him alone, i wanted to explore and know this world. So i travelled places, many a time i had to use Zero Sign because I didn't have something called an ID.

Those weird gazes left me alone but every once in a while it would look towards me. As if i knew or was in the vicinity of my creator.

For some months this happened until it went silent. Completely still silence, it went on for a few years and it unnerved me. Then one day i saw the TV or thats what they call this odd box.

I saw him, i instictively knew it was him. He looked like another man. But i saw his face and those eyes. What he unveiled that day was his own version of Pandoras box.

I knew how he felt like. He felt like Chaos, the one who created the Demon King and The Goddess. The danger i felt from him suddenly increased several folds. My entire being warned me that no matter what, he would kill me.

For months the whole world was thrown in chaos. Streetfights would happen everyday. Gunfights became commonplace. Everyday thousands of Mutants or that is what they call them, would talk about The Monarch.

Like a king, he had added a policy and even given the resources to enact on them. But i knew this guy. He wasn't a king but a God. He wouldn't willingly play with mortals.

What i thought had become reality one day. He was in another video talking with someone. She said something along the lines that the Evolution Codex required human vitality.

He was surprised, but still he looked unbothered by the fact. It could be said to be a scheme he enacted. He wanted everyone to know of it. Everyone knew that a clash was inevitable.

The last attack was the nail in the coffin that made all people want to use that Pandoras box. He alone singlehandedly changed an entire continents climate. That attacks force could be felt from the other side of the continent.

That was the tip of the iceberg. I knew that someone who could create me wouldn't be so weak. But it seemed like he enjoyed fighting others at his set level of power.

It was like a God was fooling around. Someone like him enjoyed destroying others. He was an upgraded version of a bully, who liked only fighting those who provoked him. The main reason should be, he wanted a bonafide reason to attack. So others couldn't blame anthing on him.

Then as if he remembered me after a long time. He contacted me and asked me to steal or get two things from two places. Both metals were called Vibranium and Anti-Metal.

The first metal was in South Africa. So i took to searching information for it and came across Klaw. He said he knew where the country had been hiding itself. I knew he only wanted to steal more of the metal himself.

So i did what i was usually the best at. I stole from Klaw and put it inside the pocket dimension 'which oddly looks like a triangloid', The Madman gave me. The next one was harder. I didn't know anything other than the fact that it could be found in Antartica.

He mentioned something along the lines like jumping from a plane to enter the place. It makes me angry that i had to do something that required money and connections, when i had none.

Then i remembered a lady who had once offered me a ride for a night, in her private plane. So i searched for her and she was still on her high seat searching for males to use and throw. I only needed her till Antartica.

So i offered myself and set the destination to pass by Antartica with the excuse of watching the Aurora lights. The whole night the lady kept touching me here and there. She was on me and kept offering me drinks.

I had already informed the Pilot to tell me when we were above Antartica. I gave out a flimsy reason such as wanting to see it. He did warn me, and as it was night the Aurora lights shined beautifully above a barren winterscape.

I forcefully opened the door and directly jumped down the plane. The scenery changed and i kept falling down. The wind roared near my ears, but i was still freefalling. I saw something that resembled a jungle and pushed myself there.

I fell with a huge thud formong a crater. I had no idea what was in here. I walked along the edge and saw lots of prehistoric animals. Savage is the true word to describe this land. As i was walking near the huge lake.

I saw some people hunting, they weilded crude spears which were surprisingly able to deal damage to the animals. I think i know what i am here for.

The metal is crafted and crudely used as a spear but the metal in actuality is very dangerous. So i followed them using Zero Sign. I saw their tribes and the way they function.

What i wanted to know was the mine for Anti-Metal, so i followed people for days with no sign. In the end finally a young tribal boy had recently completed his rite of age. So they needed to make him a weapon.

Finally they were willing to walk near the deposits of Anti-Metal. They then took turns and went somewhere. It was near the lake. The Anti-Metal deposit was near the lake at the point of what looked like a crater like area from afar.

It took them a while to mine but they took only about 50 kgs of Anti-Metal. After they were done, i went near the mine and tried mining it with a pickaxe.

Said pickaxe abruptly turned into liquid state. I could care less about what to do. The Madman did say that even a small piece of it would be fine.

The freezing cold air striked my senses. But to me it feels more like a cold whisper than anything else. I left the place, jumped to the ocean and kept swimming towards where he would meet me.

Halfway through i found a fishing ship. I boarded it and explained to the Captain that my small yacht because of some technical problem sank a few hundred kms ahead of here.

I was finally able to reach Australia or that is what this kingdom is called. I waited for him to arrive. I can guess his intentions quite clearly. He wishes to fight with me and end our contract.

I know he can erase me, but it makes my blood boil when i think on the prospects of killing a God. He will fight me and try to win, without using his reality breaking powers.

He wants to prove a point to himself that even without his true powers. He can still be called a powerhouse. He doesn't believe in his own powers.

He will most likely handicap himself to fight on equal grounds. He is after all a beast in human skin. No matter how he acts, he cannot hide his cold thoughts. Everything he does is for himself. I stood near the ocean my Sacred Treasure with me.

Then he came, he was wearing a knights armor around his body. He had a glove with an attached compass, a sword strapped in his back, a leather glove that briefly shined bluish. He looked at me and said "I already know half of what you are thinking".

"So the great God has graced us" i replied. He looked at me and said "The items for our transaction". Look at him acting calm like a Dragon that knows of its own power. The confidence he displays is beyond my understanding.

I replied back "Both of us know you werent going to honour the deal anyway. So lets cut the pleasantries". Immediately i threw the pocket dimension he gave in the air.

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