
Chapter 20 - End Of Ban

Most of the time my powers make no sense. I mean i can create stand arrows with little to no reasoning. But I can't create a complete Vibranium without understanding it.

I think it must be me. If i can learn something, then i subconsciously make mistakes in its creation. Like with Vibranium i know it exists and i can learn its structure. So i subconsciously think that the one i create without basis is fake.

Like how people know that money is mere paper without value and yet they add the value to it themselves. Its like trying to reason with an unreasonability.

It could also be by the fact that i am not ready for the next step. The next step logically for an insanely powered being like me is going 4D. A jump in existence itself. But my mind would collapse in itself.

Its like having a good graphic card and best games but not sufficient level of hardware to run it. Even if i went 4D i would only exhibit the most basics of a 4D being.

What i learnt of my research is that the basis is only necessary when i think i need it. Otherwise there is no real difference between what i will to create and what i do create.

The Absolute Control granted by 'The End' makes it easy for me to differentiate my mind between do and will. But as i said before, if i detail my creations enough they are more dangerous.

Its merely saying that i have a more detailed game than another of the same version. We all know which is better. So if i add enough details on anything that i want, it is upgraded.

So i created the Omniversal Yggdrasil seed. I shaped it like a chip, any extra detail from other worlds can be slowly added on the Yggdrasil. Before that i make it energy proof, that means it absorbs all types of energy directed at it.

Even the Pheonix Force will take weeks to tear it apart. Since all the energy in the attacks is turned into vitality. It will only empower the tree even more. I naturally made it an Anti-Energy Attack type of Artifact.

So any type of energy attack at this point is just food for it. I program it to only listen to me. We all know the debacle that happened with Ban. I will also make it so that it doesn't gain sentience. Last thing i need is a sentient Artifact.

Well this is the theory i cooked up. I want to make it so that dying and destroyed universes become nutrients for the Yggdrasil. Also for it to be able to enter universes at will and take root there. Like a virus, but one that acts as a helpful bacteria.

I suddenly feel Ban contacting me. I can feel his apprehension even from here. I cannot take any chances so i create the armor Proto-Arthur wears. He can't kill me anyway. Just in case i take Haxcalibur with me.

I Jumped near his location and stood near him. Look at him standing there holding the pocket dimension in one hand. He looked at me and i knew what he was thinking or at least where his thought process went.

"I already know half of what you are thinking". He believes that i won't honour our deal. True, after all he is a faulty creation. Like Lucifer who fell from grace, he was like a prototype toy that was strong and useful. Until he rebelled that is.

He replied to me condescendingly "So the Great God has graced us". Okay that was completely odd and specifically stupid sounding.

I now can add details on my items later on so it doesn't really matter. "The items for our transaction". He looked a bit off and i could guess.

"Both of us know you weren't going to honour the deal anyway. So lets cut the pleasantries". Okay that was not completely wrong but not completely true either.

Then he threw the triangloid in the air. Oye that pocket dimension has Anti-Metal in it. It is already at the stage where it is unstable. What the heck are you doing.

Anti-Metal has astounding features one of which is pocket dimesion creation. I don't know how, neither do i care. But right now that triangloid is so unstable it could wipe out Australia.

My eyes are on the triangloid making sure to try and contain it. Also i need the items inside. But what i felt next was intense rage. My heart was suddenly in that bastard's hand.

'Fox Hunt', he used Fox Hunt on me. He looked gleeful and relieved. He felt accomplishment on doing this. Am i a trophy for you to feel so much accomplishment.

I don't need a heart. But the fact that he tried hunting me itself makes me mad. Before his instincts could warn him of the immediate danger. I fired several Psionic beams.

He looked surprised that i was even alive. Ban dodged most attacks. But thats the problem he doesn't need to dodge. But since he did i made sure to throw Cosmic Fire on his pathways.

He used his Courechouse to change course, but was i giving him some pacing. No way at all, before he could completely maneuvre. My Telekinesis uprooted a tree and slammed him towards the Cosmic Fire.

Ban was hardly burnt and only looked dishevelled. He then looked towards and tried using Physical Hunt. Tried being the keyword, in that immediate moment i also used Physical Hunt and both magic abilities clashed mid air.

I was gonna experiment a bit more but now i don't care. I imbued my Psionic beams with Cosmic Fire. I am gonna call it Cosmic Beams. Now raging fires erupted out of my hand.

Ban knew that even if it did not damage him he was still gonna be pushed around by me a mid range fighter. So he recklessly charged towards me. Do you think i am just a f.u.c.k.i.n.g light show.

Using Telekinesis i made my Beams able to home in on his position. It was like my hands controlled raging serpents that slashed around him like a whip.

So two is not enough, lets be BazzB for today. I stopped the output of Cosmic Beams from my fists. Ban took the chance and came near me in a split second. I unwillingly clenched my fists and slammed him with Shock Force imbued with Cosmic Fire.

He stood up and smiled and said "Yare, Yare, aren't you being stupid". Oh am i being stupid, right i can erase him whenever i want.

But you misunderstand me Ban, my grin grew the widest it has ever been. I don't need to erase you when i can destroy you before. "Says the fallen. You just don't understand my d.e.s.i.r.e for logic and battle".

He laughed and suddenly Courechouse blocked my vision. I instantly Jumped near a tree to find a punch coming my way. I used Psionic Shield, but even then i was pushed a few meters away.

After gaining this distance i extended my palm in a knife like position. Then my fingers were freed and blazing Beams of fire erupted from it. It was thinner at the beginning but later on ended up looking as if they were pillars of flame.

My other hand, i used to add a detail on my sword. Now its made of Carbonadium, since it base has changed, now it can do a lot of damage before getting destroyed.

The Beams of fire were keeping Ban distracted when he used the extension of Courechouse and used Assault Hunt. Immediately as if a picture was slashed apart. My limbs flew apart and a few deep gashes were formed on my body.

With Telekinesis i kept the Beams of fire going. I also joined my body parts back using Telekinesis. Then i punched the ground with huge amounts of Shock Force causing a level 4 earthquake hoping it would disbalance him.

But he was already mid air. So i forced Haxcalibur to turn into a whip. I made it extend until it was near Ban. He had a crazy smile on his face. Even when he was hit he just maneuvered his body mid air and kept on targeting my neck with the extended Courechouse.

All my attacks were hitting and destroying the sound barrier and he was easily tanking those hits, and whilst at it also dishing out equal amounts of damage to me. My body kept on healing as if i was never hurt before.

He instinctively dodged the attack and instead his shoulder was hit. It could not be twisted, but it did damage him as i could see blood was trickling out of it. He still extended Courechouse and attacked me.

Why is this guy out for my blood. I should be the one doing that kind of thing. I can talk later, i imbue Haxcalibur with Shock Force, Cosmic Fire, Psions. It started shininng like a light of mixed blue, green and purple colours.

While i used Assault Hunt, i also used Telekinesis to root him to the ground. He was still for a moment before he jumped right out of the attack range. How was he able to do that. Damn he ripped the whole concrete floor with him.

I keep on imbuing Haxcalibur and fighting with him. Going in blow for blow until Haxcalibur shatters. He uses this chance to hold my palm, pull me in and deal a devastating chop from Courechouse. It hit me right at my forehead.

Then he threw me up and dealt a massive amount of blows mid air. Man this guy is savage. He held me with my collar and took a full swing and hit me full force until i was sent flying a full 100 meters away. Most of the force was dissipated using Telekinesis.

He then jumped to my position in seconds and used Crazy Hunt. Then he used Hunter Festival and acc.u.mulated all the power within a 10 km zone. He smashed me so hard with his weapon that a deep crater was formed.

He kept on hitting until he was satisfied. Now there was a valley sized crater in the middle of the ocean. The water never nearing due to the sheer force of the attacks hitting me.

After nearly an entirety he became tired and ridiculed me saying "Oh look a Mad God falls today". I could not help it as i kept on laughing Ahahahahahahaha hahahahhah ahahahaha, Hehehehe.

He looked creeped out by me. I took a deep breath and said "You lost". He could not understand what i was saying. Wasn't i the one at the bottom and him at the top.

Then he coughed out blood, he could now feel it. The damage his body took and sadly it wasn't recovering anymore. No more regeneration for him. He looked peeved at this fact, but still he grinned and said "Yare Yare you aren't in better shape either".

Motherf.u.c.ker, i only look bruised and dishevelled. On the inside i am completely fine. But you on the other hand are not completely as fine as you portray. Time for the finale.

With Telekinesis i threw him high above the sea level. With no foothold to maneuver around he flew straight in th air. Haxcalibur had already started to reform in my hands. It had turned into a sword.

I was saving this for a chance and now that he is tired i can use it. I imbued Shock Force, Atom Eraser, Deconstruction, Psionic Beams, Cosmic Fire, Haxcalibur's Sword Beam, Fox Hunt, Assault Hunt, Crazy Hunt, Physical Hunt, Time Erosion, Spatial blades, Spatial Co-ordination, Spacial Lockdown then I extended Haxcalibur to 100 meters and turned it into a huge broadsword.

I always wanted to say this "Hax" the beam turned violent and reality itself started crashing. "Caaallllibuurrrrr". Ban could only look at this nonsensical type of attack that i mustered to hit him.

His eyes though conveyed something else, why didn't i do this since the beginning. After all his instincts already told him this attack would hit him from anywhere.

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