
Chapter 21 - Outnumbered

Bright beams of light shined from the Earth. Visible even from Mars. These thick beams were pulverising anything that came in contact with it. Reality near that attack was like an ice full of cracks.

Honestly the attack was too overpowered. If Haxcalibur had been made from another metal as Uru. The planet would have faced destruction solely by the aftershocks. Even now the waves of winds were crashing the whole planet.

Inside the bright light one figure was nearly erased and another was sitting there quietly. The beams slowed down after a minute. All that remained was a near dead carcass and a dishevelled youngster.

Ban who was nearly erased said "Why". As if he wasn't given solace by death. I replied back "I wanted to know something".

"Cough.. .. Cough... Can this wait.... cough... i.. cough .... want to die peacefully". Ban didn't have any more chance to survive, he was kept alive solely by the fact that i was pumping him full of vitality regardless of cost.

"The reason, that is all i wanna know". I didn't care why but i know that mistakes shouldn't be made twice so i asked him 'Why'.

"Cough.... Have you ever... cough been so strong.... cough... cough... that you could stand with others as equals... cough". He was coughing out more blood than i expected.

"Since i.. cough... was here, i could not... understand... cough.. my helplessness... I wanted to be equal". Saying so his eyes dimmed and the whole area fell silent.

After a moment of silence i willed my sliver of consciousness inside him back and the whole body dissappeared. Even if his experiences were fake, all of it were still his. So i took the good parts and learnt all his techniques.

I could not understand his helplessness, but i was about to. There in the distance i could see SHIELD Helicarrier, Iron Man, Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-men led by Scott, Magneto with Wolverine and Storm, Mr. Sinister with tens of his clones, Blackbolt and alot of others i could not bother about.

Sigh my epic light show didn't go unnoticed. My battle did nearly end Australia after all. Lots of Supers had surrounded me, the government is also helping huh.

I guess i am against the world this time. I can feel their emotions, i already know why they are here. The forefront were led by Fantastic Four, Avengers, X-Men, Inhumans, Sorcerers and the backside was filled with Supers.

( Ability Recreated )

Accelerator - One Way Road - EX Rank

The power to manipulate vector and velocity. Originally it needed a lot of calculation prowess to even activate, now it has been altered to activate at will. Even then minor calculations here and there are still needed.

Iron Man came in the front and said "Kid i need you to surrender. We can talk at a food joint about the next course of actions".

My eyes were twitching, this guy is an annoyance. Why would i care when you guys have come to capture me. Then Blackbolt sorry Medusa spoke "The Monarch, no The Tyrant Legion we ask of you to peacefully accompany us".

"Hmmmm is that why you guys are all here".

Scott spoke out "If we have to we will use force". Now child that is not how we persuade someone. We sweet talk them and someone then plays the bad cop accentuating the crimes and its harsh repurcussions. Oh right you are the bad cop.

Xavier was also there with Magneto looking fiercely at me. "David please stop this madness". At that instant i nearly erased this whole universe.

"How" how did they find out. No Muir Island has long since been destroyed. My nerves were stretched taut, The Shadow King was done in by the Original.

My armor and equipment was scaled down to my size. It had been years since i used my original body. Now it felt stiff, but nothing a little Cellular Immortality could not fix.

"We have someone who came from the future". Who is it, who could know my deepest secret. Mr. Fantastic then took the stage "It was my son Franklin Richards".

Goddamit i need to escape, my confidence is going to cage me like Cassandra. A little trivia about reality warpers. If there were three classifications for reality warping i.e Low, Mid and High. Then Franklin and I would be at the fourth classification, Peak.

Now i don't really care, i can put up a fight. But you should know Franklin in the future is Cosmic level. He is so strong that he can stand at the End of Time. A ridiculous level and in one version he was even selected as the next Galactus.

How do you fight that thing. Perhaps sensing my intent to escape. The whole Space around Australia was locked down. "He does have rudimentary knowledge of the future".

This was said by Magneto who lifted his hands and suddenly my armor and sword were being pulled to his direction.

If you want it you can take it. I changed the velocity of the items to reach light speed. Magneto sensed the danger but could not stop the weapons. But he dissappeared the next instant.

In the next instant a young man with silver locks was standing there holding Magneto. He was still wounded but Quicksilver is really fast.

( Ability Created )

Subdue - EX Rank

Abilities of an individual is completely supressed.

I know this can't hold Franklin but honestly it can still hinder a lot of people here, and all heroes can't do without their freinds and families. So i unhesitatingly used this skill on all of Mr. Sinisters clones.

Next i changed the velocity of air in my hand and formed a fake Rasenshuriken. I could not care about crap at all. I started bombarding everything within a certain range near me.

The appearing tornado of blades was no joke it almost shredded all the heroes that is until Thor used his hammer and Hulk used the Thunderclap to hinder my Rasenshuriken. Even then it could only hold it off not destroy it.

Then he came and in an instant the whole tornado of blades had quietened down. My mind working beyond its limit as i tried to figure out the newcomer. If i don't know him and he can exhibit that much power.

He is Franklin Richards, he stood there flying in the air looking godly. Black hair, Black latex like looking suit. The difference between us was glaringly obvious. I was like someone demonic and he looked like someone sent from the heavens.

If i had to say who was the most beloved in Marvel, it would be this guy. All of us stood still, one against many. F.u.c.k you guys, i am the one outnumbered and yet you guys are apprehensive.

As if someone had said start every body rushed me. Psionic chains came at me, Mystic Chains came at me, Psionic beams disrupted my dodging. I reverse engineered both the chains. The next moment Wolverine came at me.

I telekinetically used Wolverine as a sword and shield. Then Thunder rumbled and i was struck by two different styles of thunder. Repulsor blasts came at me. Hulk used Thunderclap at me. Blackbolt used his voice. Medusa tried binding me.

Wrong move, i pulled in Medusa and just like Ban slammed her at the forehead. I grinned but she was safeguarded by a Psionic Shield. The next moment more attacks came at me and i used Mystic Chains to bind Mutants. Psionic chains for Sorcerers and Heroes.

The next thing i felt was a hand wrapped around my waist and it slingshotted me towards Iron Man. I used Technomancy to make Iron Man fire repulsors on all his allies. Shock force was concentrated on my fists.

I punched out, but next moment Franklin was erasing the damage done by shock force. This guy, sigh you don't fight drawn battles with me. I can learn everything i can see.

The next moment the chains dissappeared. I was able to maneuver more. The first priority is Nathaniel Ess.e.x. So while i am fighting with Iron Man and Wolverine as my meat shield. I target Nathaniel more andFranklin wasn't firing his dangerous moves in fear of hitting others.

Honestly i don't think i would like fighting Franklin. But i need answers, so i could at least know why. Then i coat my fist with Psionic Energy, Chakra, Dark Matter, Magic, really all types of volatile energy. Add on Shock force, change my fists vector to light speed and Smash the ground.

Boooooooommmmmm. The whole area of nearly 100 kms sank a whole km deep and even then the penetration power wasn't stopping. If anything else it was going on like a prelude. I am going to take Earth as hostage. Sorry Gaia-Chan but if nobody stopped the force then a miniature black hole is your least concern, a singularity would be your bigger concern.

Franklin understood my intentions, he immediately began damage control and reparations. I close my eyes and threw some bright textures on the ground.

Everyone was heavily disoriented. I will end this in the most minimalist moves.

Conqueror Haki - Ranks depend on Willpower

I then combine it with Indomitable Will and i have the most broken willpower checker in two different multiverses. The next set of actions is to weed out all weaker Supers.

Conqueror Haki and Indomitable Will are combined and activated. The next moment, the air turns heavy, my hair spreads out and flies upwards and boom. The debris around the area of 20 kms are sent flying. All weak Supers burst into meat paste. Get a clue already and get lost you stupid side characters.

Major characters survive the willpower check but even then its only barely being alive. I mean i sent Tony and Captain in a coma. So it truely means being barely alive.

Wolverine, Thor, and Hulk have gone berserk, they can't differentiate between foes and allies anymore. I let them run wild, the Helicarrier which has been barely surviving since the beginning starts firing at me with cosmic shots. They must have been on the testing phase or were given by someone else.

Seriously how long has Franklin been preparing for this battle and why is he not showcasing his full powers. The next moment i see all weakened

Supers standing up. Goddamit stay down already. I manipulate the vectors in space and hold a miniature black hole.

I throw it at the cl.u.s.ter of Ess.e.x and they are ripped to nothingness. I clearly hate that guy. Why does he have mutant gene suppressors. The next scene makes me rage even more.

I see villains all around helping their counterparts. Argh can somebody tell me whats going on here. Franklin cannot be the reason. There is someone else who is controlling everything from the shadows.

"Took you long enough to figure it out". I sense another mind inside me. It is only talking so no repurcussions have yet to be applied.

That voice continued on "Honestly Franklin was hard to control. But anything can be done when he is but a toddler".

Another reality warper, but who. Why did i conclude it was another reality warper. Do you think something can subdue Franklin so easily. If i am right then this reality warper is here constantly controlling everyone to do a drawn out battle with me, but for what.

"I see you haven't realized yet have you imposter".

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