
Chapter 22 - Hacking Reality

Franklin appeared in my vision, but his appearance started changing. He started becoming The Original David Haller, but he looks older for some reason.

Sigh shit just hit the fan. I hate reality warpers, they simply can't be put down. If they lose, then they start using the imaginary reset button and start again.

In my case it just makes me rage more. So the Original has been alive for a very long time. Why is he even here. Oh right nobody likes somebody using their body. So he must be here for me.

So he has come to absorb me like Lord Trauma. "So how are you still alive, i thought you died in a suicidal move with the Shadow King". Yes i really shouldn't have made guesses.

"There is one thing you misunderstand Imposter. I did come from the future. But i wasnt sure where you were. Your Presence and any information about you was very obscure and hard to find". Yeah Presence Concealment for the win.

"But lately you have used it less often. This patch of continent that you are currently fighting in is a mere replica". Wow, then why didn't i feel any spatial or any kind of fluctuations on reality.

"That answer is best given by you". Right my reality carving attack. It gave him the best chance to invoke this world when reality was repairing itself.

"So that means you were doing all those oddly unappreciated events". Like Iron Man giving his speech. Or the Genosha event being delayed. Most probably he was using his reality warping to change a targets thought subconsciously. Like an overpowered Kotoamatsukami.

"You see memories are a two way road. When i created you, i didn't know you weren't a persona. But a real soul forged in me". Eeeew that thought is disgusting. But with infinite timelines and infinite possibilities eveything is possible.

"You are giving my body back. I don't care what you have been doing".

"Sigh My plans are so unappreciated nowadays. But let me take a guess your memories are fragmented as well".

Otherwise he could have found me without even trying. He glares at me fiercely and then he says "But not completely, since it has made me have a lot more control than before". His eyes turn red and heat up and shoot lasers.

I dodge all the attacks and i taunt him, "Well, Well if it isn't Superman. Hey where is your red cape and u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r". He doesn't bother and keeps on firing lasers at me.

Well time to use reality warping to its best stage. "Did you know, that universe has an even more better version of laser eyes". This time my eyes turn red and laser erupts from it. It is about to hit the Originals laser when it curves in 60 degrees and moves towards him at maximum speed.

That is speed of light, he just flies higher and suddenly sees the laser following him. To make this battle easier for me. I shoot an enormous amount of laser that immediately start following him. "I should term this attack, Unlimited Omega Beam Works".

Omega beams keep on following him. Lets make sure that he can be kept busy for a while. So i used Technomancy and used my reality warping powers to create a huge amount of Mercurial soldiers from Terminator.

The golem master is here, all of the Terminators are equpped with Laser guns and Atomic Shots. As a plus they come in the form of Nier from the Automata series. They just have a too much cold look in them. Not that i can see their eyes.

You see i am stalling for time. Normally all reality warpers are like hackers of the rules of reality. You want unlimited energy, MOD an effect on reality that the source of yours never end.

You want an item, MOD reality to recreate items from nothing. Really its like having all 5 True magics inside one human body. Which is a totally insane thing to do. I mean the mortal mind can only take so much.

My plan was for the Omniversal Yggdrasil to enter other realities. But how was i gonna do that. For that i need an item that is best centered around the world itself and luckily we have one item in this world.

Chronologically if the battle between the entire universe and Thanos did not happen then that means it still exists. The Heart Of The Universe, did you think i was gonna state the Infinity Stones.

Those are mere jewellery compared to the item i am thinking of snagging. But i can create whole realities, why don't i create another Heart for myself. Well f.u.c.k you, that item is a limited edition item. That means after the Universe VS Thanos debacle, it will dissappear completely from every universe.

Do you think the Writers of this comic world would allow the duplication of such an item so easily. When i said the whole universe was against Thanos, i really meant it. That means Thanos with that item fought whole armies of superheroes. In which reality warpers coincidentally exist.

The item cannot be duplicated, that item is the center of this whole universe. It itself won't allow its duplication. No matter what a reality warper is still a part of the universe. So it still enters that items jurisdiction.

I can see the Original maneuvering around. He then dissappears from my vision and is standing behind me. Oh he is going to try that trick. Well normally i would limit myself and try to understand my powers but i am against a reality warper.

So all those limitations can go to hell. Instantly those Omega Beams hit me, the original was smirking but he is in for a bad surprise. Those beams instead of hitting me just pass through me. He instantly moves around, some beams destroy the ground we are fighting in.

Kamui really deserves the title Authority of Gods. He seems to be thinking of a solution to those Omega Beams. He then starts chanelling an odd amount of power. Oops can't let that happen, Physical Hunt.

Instantly his body feels strained, his attack stopping before even firing. What, i wont give him an opportunity like the others. He is after all equal to me. Anyway he was charging a huge amount of energy.

I don't care for that. I point my finger up and say "Supernova". He is still being hit by those Omega Beams. Those Beams still lack Darkseids Divinity so he won't be trapped in an endless loop of reincarnation. Lets take it a notch higher.

"Hypernova". The huge ball of flames above my finger turn even more larger and brighter and for a split second it was as if a star had come crashing down. The luminous ball was sent at him but he held his palm and said "Cancel".

Instantly the attack is cancelled and disspapears. The wind clearing the area full of dusts. Tch this guy is also using his fragmented memories to fight me. "Its pretty clear that we can go nowhere with this".

He looks dishevelled but the next instant he looks better than before his fight. See we can't keep on fighting, "Why are you so obsessed with this body. You can create a new one without any need to fight me. I am not even using your face as my true identity". This thought has always bugged me.

He sighs and calmly states "I was ordered by the Celestials and all the Cosmic beings. You are after The Heart Of The Universe". Oye i was just thinking about using and researching that item.

"They said that if it went according to the One Above All's script then that item would dissapear forever. But you have laid eyes on what you should not covet". He then takes a stance. "So i have been tasked to recover my body and also destroy you before any of your wishful thinking can be completed".

"Hey One Above All, are you Omnipotent, Omniscient or Omnipresent. That is what your description said right". Well my smirk just widens even more "I disagree".

Instantly a fist comes at me from the Original. I dodge it using Ban's experience. I hate being interrupted. "Eight Gates, Gate Of Death" instantly the whole area trembles and debris start floating up. My hair floats up like a Demon King flaring his power. The Original is sent flying a few meters away.

Blood rises from the continuos destruction of my body. I then graft Might Guys Taijutsu experiences. He is very m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic, i like this guy. Normally this technique couldn't be used without sufficient strength and would result in my death.

But not anymore, i pull a fist imbue it with shock force and punch out. Boooooommmmm, the Original who was starting to near me was instantly twisted and like cracks in a glass burst into pieces.

He reformed instantly and tried moving about. Do you think i will give you the tine to even breathe. The next punch was imbued with Ki blade, Shock Force, and Deconstruction. I have to be careful to not destroy reality again. Because this time i have to use this pocket dimension as a cover for my true plan.

He was again instantly destroyed, but he reformed within seconds. But the next attacks were done in by the hundred stationary Niers who had now started firing Atomic shots at the Original.

"Oye keep him busy will you guys". The next moment one Nier suddenly lunges toward the Original. He shouts "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh". That bit of physical attack is useless. I can see Original being wrapped around by liquid metal. Then an emotionles voice says.

"Self Destruct Sequence is a Joke. Starting Metallic conversion into Anti-Energy Metal". Boooooooooooooommmmmmmmm. The whole area is, forget it this reality itself is trembling hardcore.

That ought to keep him busy for about ten minutes. Original then uses a storm to keep the Niers in bay. Hmmm scratch ten minutes it might last only ten seconds. Without my help that is.

I then Chakra cloak myself and then go Sage Mode, then burn my fake potential, Susanoo time and take a sword stance. I can't belive this, i am doing the same thing twice. My sword is added with all kinds of energy, then Shock Force and then Atomic Deconstruction and you know the kind that hits hard, goes hard, and ends hard.

"Haaaaaaaxxxxxxx" boy this is gonna be good "Caaaallllllibuuuuuurrrrrr". The surrounding shockwaves are enough to send reality crashing. Its as if a rainbow was set ablaze in this fancy wonderland. The resulting damage not only destroyed the whole reality, its aftereffects created a massive singularity in space and time.

Lets cheese it up and say, Milky Way was wiped out. Now in a bad sense lets say a Super Massive Black Hole was created. It was the size of ten whole galaxies. Now i didn't want to do this, but i was pulling all the stops against a reality warper.

There he is, he reformed again. Sigh this is getting old really fast. "You bastard" he shouted at me. How in the hell is he shouting in vacc.u.m. Lets not sweat the details, this is Marvel Universe after all. I mean i am pretty sure Blackbolts voice could travel the vacc.u.m.

"You destroyed the whole world for your selfishness. You are nothing more than a villain ...".

"Wait i have to stop you there. I am pretty sure i am a reality warper. You are too right".

He nods at that statement but my next line must have hit a nerve. "Whats the problem, i mean i could reset this universe no problem whatsoever. You could too so what is your f.u.c.k.i.n.g problem"

"You... you... you...". Whats their problem, can't they not make a normal thing such a harsh crime.

Before he could utter the next word. I grinned, my Megawatt grin caught his eyes and he was unnerved.

"Can you feel it". This statement made him check everything in his surroundings twice, he did it with a cautious look. But its not his fault really, the comics writer said that the One Above All had the three O's but even he could not predict any of the extra crossover events in Marvel.

But me i just now went from low class to completely being an Admin. Since now i wield The Heart Of The Universe. I open my hand and you can see a miniature star like item. Today i present to you HOTU in short.

Original could not keep his calm he stated "How ?, thats not possible"

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