
Chapter 3 - Escape

So i sat down explaining the kicks and kinks of my powers and it must have shocked him for he stood silently for a while. After what i think a few hours, he must have made his mind and said "You said i can be granted my freedom ?"." Well yes !" i reply, after all Original Legions personalities could escape his mindscape there is no way i cant not free him voluntary.

"But with conditions attached" I say. To which he replies " What conditions ?". To this I reply "You will answer my call when i need help or am in need of your personal skillset". You see my powers create and replace reality to the point my personalities continously gain their own set consciousness and try escaping from me 0and with how i plan to later create even more stronger beings.

Freeing them is a must, i cant allow several divine beings to host my body. Most of all i will be able to learn their powers with my abnormality known as 'The Box' as such i really only need to create and use them once in a while.

You think i should cage them like the original. Pfft dont joke with me what if i decided to create Rick from Rick and Morty, can i even keep him caged. So its better to hide in the shadows and amass power.

While letting my personalities take the attention away from me. See it serves as a bonus, also i can employ them every once in a while. Imagine having Rick at your beck and call to make obscure and dangerous weapons, but i wont create him, too high risk with his intelligence after all he was able to trick 4d beings and i am nowhere near.

Ah i lost myself in my monologues i see him looking at me with a contemplative gaze and says " You can craft anyone in your mind and make them real"."Practically yes, dont undermine my mutation, even the goddess from your world will be like a knockoff compared to my prowess".

I know what he is thinking about 'Elaine' and 'Lancelot'. But i quickly reply back again "It wont be free, i will ask you to do something and then you can go on your honeymoon after the job is done".

He looks at me as if saying will i make him do heinous things, i quickly shut him down, "I only need you three times, one for i created you, two to create Elaine and three to free her. My first task would be escaping this place which will earn your freedom. My second task would be stealing something. My third task would be excavating from somewhere".

He looks at me and says back "Are you sure ?". No matter how he sounds confident in actuality he must be relieved that i am not asking him to destroy nations totally possible with that END of his and regeneration not counting his thieving skills. So he says "What must be done ?". Before i give him control of my body i need to put some failsafes.

I reply back "Wait for the perfect opportunity and then i will ask you to destroy this facility as we escape". Now the failsafes are hard to create since i dont have enough direction to look towards. Hmmm let me think what failsafes would be better. Lets create that skill.

This skill will also make me immune to mind reading, mind control and any other mental debuffs for the matter. It will also shield the mind from my bald pissass dad 'Proffessor X'.

( Ability recreated )

[ Gamer's mind ] - Rank ???

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Immunity to mental disorder

Unless the mind control is beyond cosmic level nothing can effect the users state of mind (This is an extra effect created specifically by the user to be invisible to all cosmic or non cosmic beings in the mental plane )

Now that all is said and done i look at Ban and allow him to use my body, as soon as he does my mind recedes back to the mindscape. My body which was originally lean and weakly suddenly buffs up, countless scars surface, my eyes turn pink and my hair starts to grow white with a mettalic tint.

Being in my mind and letting someone else do the job is like watching a live performance through the performers eyes, its fun in its own way. Ban gets up equips the clothes from the inventory and then swiftly sends a punch to the 6 inch thick steel door and "Boom" the whole door with the wall is sent flying and squashed the guards outside.

For a moment silence reigns the area, when suddenly bullets start being fired all at once. I guess they have a kill on sight orders for those who try to escape. The bullets hit Ban and all of them bounce of his body as if he was invincible. Standing in front of the continuous fire he suddenly says "Crazy Hunt" and as if the beginning to beautiful prelude everyones limbs and heads are sent flying.

Damn i really underestimated my powers didnt i. If i could create an endgame Ban and even now when he is just starting to get used to his new body show this much prowess, then i shudder to think about creating King Solomon from the Fate series or even Great Red from DXD. Damn Legion is so OP.

As Ban walks through the corridor getting more in touch with his body he encounters a group of what i assume a ragtag mercenary team, but each exude a good amount of killing intent. They must be experienced mercenaries.

As Ban looks at them in intrigue the team of five also stare back. The team consists of two females and three males each armed down to the teeth and before Ban can even inquire more or at least completely appraise them.

The slender woman suddenly takes out a bazooka and fires at Ban which reaches him at astounding speeds. You may be wondering why Ban didnt dodge it. Well the answer is he doesnt need to, nothing beneath a god level attack can hurt him, heck even some primordial attacks wouldnt be able to kill him, and as i expected except for the destroyed clothes he is still fit as a fiddle.

Damn they must have run in a few high powered mutants before and look they are setting up something that looks like a sonic blaster. As if Ban was satisfied with his understanding of this new world, he pointed his palm towards them and said "Physical Hunt" and suddenly all of them dropped down losing all their physical strength.

This must have shocked them for they looked completely surprised. A little while later i can see the gates through his eyes. I smile success in sight when Ban again says "I need a good weapon", as he looks at the gates near his eyes.

Wait was he asking me, if so here you go i dont really mind. So i recreate the Holy Rod Courechouse in his hand and before i can think about the type of monster i created and buffed he suddenly let the staff extend completely around the facility and said "The order was to destroy and escape right ?".

Well duh the more setbacks they have the harder it is to track me plus with Bans skills i dont think they can track me. As if coming to a concensus he suddenly says "Assault Hunt", and swish the whole facility is ordealed ten different slashes while he moves forward to the gate.

As if time had stood still for a while when suddenly buildings, human parts and all are sent flying. Hahaha this makes me anticipate my future so much.

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