
Chapter 4 - Fragments

We were able to succesfully not only escape but also destroy nearly 3/4 of Muir Island. Now you may say why would i kill the mutants captive there. Well its to erase all evidence of me and create an even bigger ruckus for all to notice.

When i say all i really only mean a handful such as lets see X-Men or SHIELD or Hydra. Anyhow since i will be freeing Ban it will make him serve as the target.

Now where were we, right the great escape. If my memories don't fail me then i am in the northwest coast of Scotland. But i am too lazy to swim. Let me recreate one character for better transportation.

( Recreating Character )

( Character created )

( David Rice from the movie Jumper )




AGI - B/S ( Aquires speed through jumping )



1. Jumping - S Rank

This allows the user to teleport to locations based on memory alone. Though it leaves a warp signatures after a jump.


As soon as that is done a character suddenly shouts in my head "What the f.u.c.k, where am i ?".

I dont want to keep on explaining to everyone my powers. I will need to create two skills to help with that.

( Skill Created )

1. Helping Hand - SSS Rank (Depends on the power he needs)

User is able to use the power of others by just being in the vicinity or near them. Beyond SSS Rank skills aren't able to be replicated.

2. Cloak - F/??? Rank

Allows the user to consciously use a percentage of the set personalities power. Beyond 80% cloaking is considered as permission to host the users body. Depending on the percentage, skills and stats and personality are strengthened.

Now that is done i say, "Shut up" and i see Ban near the edge of a cliff. Well he can still escape while swimming but i rather not, so i take conscious control of my body and Ban gives it back.

Slowly as if being powered down my body shrinks, white hair turns to black, red eyes turn back to black. The well toned body is shrunk to a weak and thin figure. As i stand near the cliff i can feel the ocean, smell the salt, hear the waves crashing and wind roaring.

Until a voice in my head shouts out "Will someone explain what is going on ?". I think and say to Ban "Handle it". With that done i access a bit of David Rice's memory and jump to the location he threw Rolland.

With the help of the skill Helping Hand i use David Rice's powers. As i think about the place, suddenly space is displaced, time is slowed and with a sensation as if the world was in motion i am sent to the place i wanted.

I was standing there thinking about the next set of path i should take when i hear fighting sounds in my mind. I delve in to see David in anger and Ban with his hands in his pockets as Ban dodges and David tries to catch him whilst jumping around acquiring speed.

Looking at their charades i feel helpless so i offhandedly say "What happened here and why are you fighting". As soon as they see me they stop with their actions as Ban sighs "He doesn't believe the fact that you created him in your mind".

"Well that is hard for any mortal to understand since sometimes its even beyond me to understand the principles behind my powers". I mean it literally, since i will it and it happens so i dont really care and i wont ask for a headache.

Even with the advanced and superior thinking given by 'The End', it still ignores many laws to do what i do. In short ignorance is bliss. So i look at them and say "I will free you guys, what you do with your freedom is beyond me but i will keep a connection between our minds".

David looks like he doesnt understand the situation he is in and stays silent. While Ban says " So you want to monitor us ?, yare yare, are we dangerous beasts or something".

Ptoooi you are a danger to the whole world if you wish, dont joke here with me. I grumblingly reply "Not as a means to monitor but as a means to communicate and know of your wellbeing".

After thinking of the ramifications of my words i swiftly say again "When i say well being i only need to know whether you are alive or not. That is all".

David who still hasnt come to says "If what i heard from the other guy is true, then what about our identification tags, visa, passport, bank accounts, etc." Hey this guy is a bit smart.

I dont need to babysit them, so i say "Upto you, do whatever you want. Be whoever you wish to be". As i said this i manifested them on reality and said "Go shoo dont disturb your maker".

Hearing this David is miffed but begrudgingly shakes his head and disappears from that place while Ban gazes at me with a Fox like gaze and says "Our deal...". Before he can continue i reply back "I know but my tasks must be completed before any advancement on the topic you are referring to".

He looks angry and suddenly holds me in the neck lifts me up in a choke and says "You wouldn't be thinking of deceiving me are you ?????". The amount of killing intent laced with that tone was shakening. So before anything else can be done i rushedly say "It will be considered a transaction".

"It better be" he says as he leaves jumping from the cave to the other side of the ridges and leaves. Why wasn't i choking and wheezing for air, it's because of 'The End' which allows me ridiculous level of control of my body.

As i see him going i understand how fragile i am compared to many beings. Why i dont use my power frequently has to do with experience.

If i cant even use what i own, it is better not to covet more.

I am smart intellectually but not wise as that comes with age, and right now i might be 14 or 15 i guess. Another thats stopping me is my fragmented memories.

But from what i can gather even a cosmic being is not an amalgam of different race, gender, powers, etc. What i do when i use my powers to keep on grafting on my body is make an amalgam of a DNA sequence.

As soon as my power stops working, which is totally possible my body will implode and that i deduced using the little info on biology and the advanced intelligence i acquired. Any further requires knowledge and as such i am not editing my body if i do not understand the consequences.

Powers from external means can be kept but racial specialities are kinda hard to graft. As i am thinking i start remembering some parts such as Muir Island and how it was the nest of the Shadow King.

Then why didn't i face or meet any important characters such as Moira MacTaggert. I met her only once and that too for a brief moment. Shadow King, nope didn't see him or maybe i did. Proteous, well that is kinda lets say unknown.

I need a character to view the past for more concrete info. Let me see who to create, why don't i create an original creature. Let me see giving background, making up history, accomplishing deeds.

( Character created )

Crack : The Temporal Displacer


STR - A Rank

VIT - SS Rank

AGI - C Rank

INT - EX Rank

( All Stats Rank are raised by virtue of his ability )

1. Temporal Manipulation - EX Rank

Allows the user to manipulate time above a God's level.


1. Time Voyeur - F/SS Rank

Allows the user to learn things of the past through anothers POV and as such can be considered to have firsthand knowledge of what they experienced, even their thoughts on the subject.

2. Time Video - S Rank

Allows the user to fast forward, pause or skip as if a video player during the effects of Time Voyeur.

With this done my mindscape manifests a guy that wears headphones, some black clothes, mask and all as if he is a hacker. He looks handsome and is aged around 15. He looks around before saying "This isnt my time. When in the world am i ?".

He is speaking like that mostly because he is rather accustomed to viewing time from 4D than 3D. I made up his history as world's best hacker and his encounter with 4D beings granting him Temporal Manipulation at an age of 12.

Anyway i only need his powers so lets just seal him for a while. Then i say "Cloaking Crack's power : 40%". Then my world view suddenly shifts as if time were but a concept. Then i had an epiphany, time is absolute as long as two conditions are achieved i.e Space and Living beings.

Before i can go any further i remember my goal as i say "Time Voyeur : Moira MacTaggert" and my eyes go blank staring at space in the direction where Muir Island is supposed to be.

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