
Chapter 5 - Deductions

My view shifted to that of a woman overseeing the salvaging and reconstruction of the facility. So i use Time Video to view her past, about four to five months before.

Then a myriad of colors flash by as i see the view shift to a copy of files she is reading. It states that the doctors have found a reality warper at either mid or low level.

Guess they are talking about Legion or rather the Original and since i don't need to hear her thoughts on the matter. Lets continue till i see a good piece of info.

Huh there it is, lets see what it says 'David claims that the whole island is controlled by a shadow and he is in constant combat with it in his mind'. This is from about 4 1/2 months ago.

This is absolutely insane, right i remember all mutants in Muir Island were in fact controlled by The Shadow King. Well less trouble for me after all Ban killed them all. The Shadow King was said to be only second to Xavier in the mind arts. After all he is an entity that has lived since the Age of Apocalypse.

The Shadow King wasn't able to infect the original from what i remember. So that is the reason. Damn Legion sure is coveted by many, well his powers are on the broken side of the spectrum.

As i fast forward again another file catches my eye 'Project Gabriel'. What this project states is absolutely sick. Since the Shadow King was busy fighting against the Original, Moira concluded that allowing Proteus in on the right timing could allow her to not only gain Legions body which houses his mutant gene but also destroy the Shadow King.

Gain back control of the whole island and have her son get the power of reality warping and construct a body that can host him without breaking down. But i can guess what happened. Its really simple Proteus bit off more then he can chew. Even in a constant state of mind fighting, both the Original and the Shadow King were still easily able to expel Proteus.

They might have even gone as far as damaging him severely. Well that explains the minimal visits Moira made. Since she must be busy searching for materials to resurrect or rather regenerate her son. Since i know Proteus can't be killed conventionally.

With me acting as having selective amnesia. She must have thought i didn't exactly remain unscathed in the battle and with the illness serving as the side effect. She must have been saving me for later when her son came back.

Getting all the info i need i leave Cloaking mode and think about what to do mext. But first lets get rid of one baggage. I will just erase his memories of me and my mindscape and throw him in Hong Kong.

I just will it and he loses his memory of me and manifests in Hong Kong without any problems whatsoever. How i can do this ?. Thats easy i took reference of what the Original's personalities could do and concluded that since his personalities could lets say escape and manifest in the other side of the world. I could very well consciously do that.

Now that i think about it, i am rather very tempted to create a switch in my mind which destroys each and every personality wherever they might be. But i wont, since i dont know if it could affect my psyche.

Dr. Nemesis once tried terminating each and every personality Legion had later on during the Originals treatment period and it became very ugly. It was because the Original went on to subconciously create the Age Of X. A pocket dimension that housed the original inhabitants of Earth 616 he forcefully took.

Mainly the X-Force were taken and placed here to fight along with Legion, as he became a hero of this world. That only happened because it was considered harmful for his psyche subconciously, which was terminating his personalities.

As in fact they are considered a part of his mind.

I could very well do this with my knowledge of Anime but the problem is my memories are very Fragmented. It can be considered a miracle that i am even able to remember part of Ban's life. Oh shit i forgot adding memories of his son.Well he wont learn of my mistake, i simply won't tell him.

On the other hand i need to stretch the limits of my powers and possibly discreetly act as an information broker. Need to remove a lot of baddies. But David you can create money from your powers. The answer is no i won't do that, as doing that is harmful not only for the worlds economy but also puts me under observation.

This is not the MCU and many cinematic-verse knowledge is not only redundant but rather outdated. And the version i am in which is 616 is even more dangerous both technologically and culturally. Here Thanos destroys the whole universe not half of it you hear me, and you should also know all the heroes of this entire universe fought him and lost.

Lets see the skills, techniques or i have learned since the escape.

( Abilities Learned )

1. Jumping - S Rank

2. Gamer's Mind - ??? Rank

( Skills Learned )

1. Observation

3. Helping Hand - SSS

4. Cloak - F/???

( Techniques Learned )

1. Crazy Hunt

2. Physical Hunt

3. Assault Hunt

I only need to play it safe and before i know it i will be the most OP existence of all. But my fragmented memories are being a real problem. Since the term knowledge is power applies even more in Marvel-verse, i need either an ability or a personality to catalogue my knowledge.

So i think, because while creating the earlier characters i hadnt put much thought in them. But this guy that i will create will know my deepest and darkest secrets. So i need him to be completely compliant to me.

Let us make the character timid and weakly, overly dependent on me. I always wanted a little brother, so i will base his looks on Prototype-Arthur before he became a knight. Give him some skills to help me. An ability to protect his domain which will be my knowledge.

Complete and unconditional trust in me. My younger shouldn't listen to others so mental barriers are needed. Make him naive and kind, kindness is usually good all the time but in a world as the one i am living in. It becomes a barrier to the hardest but best choices one could make.

For example Xavier could end Magneto many times but due to his disposition and morality combined with the kindness he needed to portray, made it so he couldn't kill the man. Batman didn't kill the Joker for his moral compass. In my opinion that was stupid.

Even with the crap about all kinds of heroism and the right choice or whatever they call it. It doesn't make sense to why Batman doesn't use his money to erase the corruption Gotham city faces, which creates all the problematic villains he later faces. Why did Xavier not contact the entity inside Jean before sealing it. Majes no sense right.

You see what i am getting at, the ones who despite their smarts are truly mad. If Iron Man was given the choice of killing Magneto for protecting Earth, he would try to bend around the rules and try stopping Magneto but when all is said and done and he couldn't stop him he would eliminate him. Kindness beyond a certain level becomes a block.

( Character created )

( Arthur : Legion's Librarian )


NONEXISTENT ( By virtue of his ability )


1. God's Mind - SSS Rank

Allows the user to have inhuman rather even above a god's level of computation. As a side effect, it is very insane to try and control his mind because of how his mind is computing which make all mortals and many immortals break their minds.

2. Legion's Trust - ??? Rank

As the user is trusted by his creator he is allowed various uses of Legions power inside his mindscape. It can also be considered that he is Cosmic level inside the mindscape. It has been granted as he is the protector of Legions mind.

( Please do note the Ability Gamer's Mind has been overwritten )


1. Creation - ??? Rank

2. Compiling - A Rank

3. Searching - SSS Rank

4. Simulation - ??? Rank

Hidden Ability

1. Be My Guest - ??? Rank

In case the holder of this skill betrays his creator, it will self-activate and make the holder a mindless puppet. This ability overrides every attempt to escape, use powers and even slows the mind of the user to a 0.00000000001% of their original speed during activation.

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