
Chapter 6 - Planning

After a while in my mindscape Arthur manifests, he has gold colored hair and sky blue eyes. He looks around timidly completely looking scared. As i enter my mind, he looks at me and comes dashing towards me.

With tears in his eyes he says, "Big ... Big Brother sniff where were you sniff i was scared". As i look at him with a kind and endearing look i soothe him and say, "You are in my mind Little Brother".

He looks surprised for a bit before his brain computes the possibilities and timidly asks "Big Bro, did i really die ?". Honestly i dont really care, but cant have my little brother break himself can i. After all i still need him to compile my fragmented memories.

"Yes, but i used my power to keep you alive, at least inside my mind". To which his eyes hollow out, i know with his computation speed that leaves supercomputers eating dust, he will understand or at the least think of the possibilities. So he thinks for a second before he asks "How ?".

Sigh no matter the computation speed all is lost without knowledge of the subject. That is where i step in, i can provide him knowledge beyond this multiverse. I say to him, "My powers have left my memory fragmented, anything beyond some basics and i am but a lost child. So i need you to compile and catalogue all the knowledge i have flowing in my head. So that when i need it, you will be able to find and keep me informed. Also it serves as the information you require about the subject at hand".

Kids like him need a directive, a straightforward goal to strive for which will keep his mind busy, but before anything else i need to add another hidden ability in this persona.

( Hidden Ability Added )

1. Never Amiss - ??? Rank

The holder of this ability will never find anything amiss in his strange consequences. Certain information even when flashed before his eyes will be completely ignored in favour of believing his kin and thinking of them as lies.

Why did i add this, its because with Arthur's computation speed he will certainly find or start feeling suspicious, and when that happens it is certain that somewhere conflict will arise. I want my power to benefit me not shackle me.

With that done i think of what next to do. Obviously I can't go out saying i am David Charles Haller with the little stunt i pulled on Muir Island. I will be considered lucky if they don't cage me for that and honestly there are too many threats on this planet.

Every week someone, somewhere sets out to destroy the world and every time it is foiled by someone else who happened to learn of it. Like the lady in the movie Glass said 'It escalates when there are two different sides'.

Now i need to set objectives -

1. Learn which year we are in.

2. Create a permanent persona complete with all the files required for citizenship in America.

3. Amass all the knowledge this planet can provide. We must not leave anything apart.

4. Be ready for every problem. Since in this world i expect surprises to be commonplace.

6. Befreind heroes more i guess, i mean information brokers are tolerated by heroes i think.

7. Compile a list of who to always escape from, by the way put Deadpool on top of this list.

8. All the knowledge i can get on the mind arts.

With my short bucket list done, lets create my persona and since the little brother i added is designed to look like young Prototype-Arthur let me make myself the teenage version.

As soon as my thought is processed my body shifts to a lean but strong build with all the muscles in the right places. My hair turns golden, eyes sky blue and i grow taller. What the heck my clothes are still the same.

With that thought, suddenly my clothes start to look like its morphing and turning to a black suit. I will keep myself in this form mostly as my go to persona. As a plus i can also create The Excalibur with its original specs except i have to tinker here and there so that i can use it.

With this done i jump to an alley where David Rice used to jump so as to avoid suspicion. Again the world shifts and i am in a back alley of some street. I don't know, don't really remember its name, even Rice ignored it.

But before any of that i need a skill to keep getting round without being noticed and it should be toggle able. Hmmm 'Arthur a list of skills or techniques please, to be sneaky or stealthy. Give me the best option'.

'That would be Presence Concealment from the Fate series, especially if it is ranked EX'. I think about it for a while and say to Arthur 'Can you give me the info on how it works'. Arthur shyly nods and replies 'Originally it makes information, knowledge and presence of the user obscure. So it depends on the ranking at how much information about the user will be obscured or hidden'.

( Skill Recreated )

Presence Concealment - EX Rank

Makes information about the holder obscure, unvlear or unintelligible. Allows the user to become one with the World itself. At this level the presence of the user can be hidden from the World itself. ( Toggle Able )

Why did i make it toggle able, its for situations when i need to invoke my prescence. Now i start looking around and see a few tourists holding some maps. I go towards them with my Prescence Concealment on. I snatch the map and keep on walking away, even then nobody stops me, It's as if I don't exist.

The tourist looks completely confused by the fact that his map dissappeared in broad daylight. But as if he thought of something he goes around for another map from his freinds. I can guess he thought that he was tripping.

Looking at the map i can see all kinds of places but i specifically only need to know of the Libraries and any other clove of knowledge that i can find. As i walk by i see the newspaper stands. I offhandedly grab a newspaper without paying and walk by.

Looking at the date it states April 7th 2000, so 8 years before Iron Man unveils his identity. Why is this event so important some may ask. Here is a trivia, this event sparked the fire of heroism and as a side effect exploded the rate at which superpowered individuals came to be known or rather came out of the shadows.

So about 8 years till mayhem begins, amassing sufficient wealth and power should help a lot during the times. Now that i think about it, i must do something about the Sentinels. Those will be a real pain in the a.s.s, like whats with their adaptibility and also some of them can cancel out mutant gene accessibility.

Makes me wanna get the f.u.c.k out of this cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k.e.d up world. So i make my way to a restaurant just to go round and have a bit of food. What i am still human you know. I need sustenance. I need a pocket dimension to help store things. Let's create the Knights Gauntlet, Proto-Arthur wears and install a pocket dimension of lets say 1cubic km.

I walk around and looking at the map i must have reached the Library. It looks very grand from the outside, now would you look at that even without any identification papers I am roaming around Central Library Brooklyn that means i must have Jumped around Pacific street.

Normally i need ID to even think about walking in but with Presence Concealment, i don't need it.

So i walk in as if i own the place, ignore the Librarian and any other forms of registration, take a book and sit on a table and start reading.

I plan to complete this whole Library by the week. As to why it would take a week even with my advanced intelligence. It has to do with the amount and the new type of knowledge i have to relearn from this verse.

What new knowledge isn't this world completely similar to our own. No sire, with the Stark family nothing is really as simple as it seems, plus you should know they were able to successfully experiment with a human during the Second World War.

When even in our world with ages of advancement after the Second World War, we are nowhere near even succesfully do gene modification. So i take all the books in troves and keep on reading.

New Skills Learnt

1. Presence Concealment - EX Rank

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