
Chapter 31 - Faith

Urgh the voices are getting annoying. Ehhh i am in hospital bed again. Sigh i feel nostalgic. Before my eyes have even properly opened Power Loader shouts out "An act of aggression was carried out by a Hero and Kai only retaliated back".

Another voice then says "So we should lift his punishment and allow quirk wielders to act willy nilly".

A lady then proclaims "You know the amount of chaotic thoughts it puts on the society".

Power Loader is not willing to back down "He is quirkless, and his exploits has been seen by the world. So you are one sidedly deciding on a harsh punishment to quell down all quirkless people".

"You understand don't you Pro Hero Power Loader. It is just wishful thinking that quirkless can fight against any one with a quirk. But now that Kai has easily defeated two budding heroes, can we expect the quirkless to forget it so easily". The lady has pointed out the main problem of the situation.

"So what, can you decide on what somebody dreams or aspires to be. Aren't you just isolating a weak person saying all this justified things. In reality you are just depriving them with no cause or reason".

The lady stays silent for a while and then sighs "Its not that the quirkless are deprived. Its rather they were already impoverished the moment they were born. You yourself know just how many of them have died in this Hero duty with no results at all".

MHA Dad then says "It was their choice to stand tall, heads held high. Not ours to decide if they had made a wrong choice or not. I may have lost a few freinds but it still does not make it right to deprive their choice of freedom". You go MHA Dad, tell that bitch what humanity is all about.

"But can you explicitly say that you don't regret never asking them to back down". This time Dad was eerily silent.

I guess time for my entry "So a madman can be a King but a kind man can be a Sacrifice. Tell me lady how do you weigh people".

Dad is astonished but doesn't point anything out and he stands tall and says "Even if i regret my silence back then. I think i would have regretted my voice even more. Saying to your freinds that they can't is worser than saying nothing".

"It still doesn't change the situation any bit. Tommorow people will emulate his actions and somebody may, sorry somebody will die. Then who will they blame". The lady is right though, you don't pick fights with Gun weilders whilst carrying a sword.

After a while of silence i say "Sigh what is the punishment ?". Power Loader suddenly stands up and says "Even if you may be right in someway, can we also be sure that the ones who will die tomorrow will not be you".

"Are you threathening me Pro Hero" The lady exclaims. Then suddenly Dad stares at her and his tall stature makes for an intimidating sight as he asks "I am stating facts here. Nobody in this Hero Biz is invincible, not even the number one Hero. So can you say for sure that someday you won't meet someone who will outclass you or completely counter you".

His eyes shine vigorously as he says "Everybody in this Hero Biz risks their life knowing what we have to protect and why we should do it. So why is it unfair when it comes to quirkless people. You aren't superior to anyone, none of us is. So until you can say that protecting them is making them happy you cannot say that trying will kill them".

The Lady then unkindly spits out "The difference between a Predator and Prey is very obvious at first glance. Since talking will not add sense in your mind, orders will have to do. The government has ordered the Detainment Collar for Kai who has shown a rebellious attitude against the Hero Organisation itself".

Then with a harrumph she turns to leave but before she exits she says "The Detainment Collar must be applied before 24 hours and any objections will be met with harsh punishments ranging from being Imprisoned to losing your career".

Sigh this world is seriously brutal to the quirkless. Dad looks extremely mad. So before he does something stupid i say out "I agree to the terms".

He looks shocked but nevertheless backs down. After the witch has left, the whole room is awkwardly silent.

"You don't have to do this Kai. I can stand up for you, what you did was not wrong". Sigh he makes me more and more attached to this world.

"I can take it Dad. How long can they cage me anyway. Though she was right about one thing, Predator and Prey are obvious at first glance". I am an immortal god, in terms of genetic, mental, and soul related matters i am the pinnacle no i am beyond the pinnacle than anyone else.

"Also Kai". I know i will ease your worries more. "Don't worry Dad i can handle it".

"When did your voice get fixed ?". Okay i was not expecting that. But i can guess after all he was waiting for his old freind Recovery Girl. I mean it, don't do so much for someone you adopted. It makes me feel guilty.

"Nanomachine, my throat wasn't irreparable. Just no one was willing to help me at my lowest". Sigh Original Kai's feelings mess my emotions.

"Kai, you can depend on me. I may not be someone you can connect to but whenever you need me i will be there standing tall in front of you. So sometimes take my hand when i say i can help you".

At that moment the whole world was shining. Is this a storyline effect. But i have to say Power Loader right now feels like a True Hero.

Are these tears in my face. So Original Kai has passed on, sigh like i once said satisfaction is dangerous. Now Kai's soul no longer exists. It has been satisfied by Power Loader's unwavering commitment.

I cried for a while, because right now Kai's true feelings were at its peak. This guy even had the nerve to add an extra clause in the contract before dissappearing.

'No destroying the world'. Sigh the loophole is i can still destroy the universe. Lol Original Kai you should have seen a glimpse of my true power and yet you think i won't do it.

Why does everyone believe me so much. I am an Anti-Hero for goodness sake. But i will abide by it. I am quite attached to this world.

The whole family type moment was destroyed by one rude entry. "I am entering like a normal man". Jeez you are so loud.

Dad stands up and says "Ahhh Kai meet one of my oldest colleagues. The number one Hero in Japan 'All Might'".

After glancing at each other Dad then says "We will be having a discussion for a while. Rest well during that time".

I know eavesdropping is a bad habit but I can't help it. So i followed their sounds using my EMF. I can hear whatever they say now.

After reaching a sufficient distance away from the hospital. Dad then says "All Might what were you thinking. Attacking someone without any knowledge of the situation beforehand".

All Might then fidgets before trying to explain saying "You see i felt a very intense aura while i was patrolling and its source was Kai. So i thought that a villain was jumping around. Also he was beating up the Heroes so i became even more sure he was a villain".

"Sigh Kai is complicated. His whole life story is complicated. That is also partly the reason why I don't question whatever he does. But the main reason is i believe in him".

All Might then looks surprised and says "Why ?".

"After living with him for sometime i can feel his unwillingness to take revenge. If he can forget about those bad things that were done to him and even go one step beyond and forgive them. I believe he is more Heroic than any of us".

I am shocked, its not that i don't want revenge on Kai's mistreaters but i know that when the time is ripe. They will come crashing at me. Thats when i will annihilate them off this world. So i am biding my time. Let them misunderstand, helps me more.

"But rage supressed is not rage lost but stacked to let loose one day. His weapons today may be no threat but after studying for a few years. It will pose a threat to everyone. Are you sure he won't get lost in the way". All Might has a better grasp of Heroism than anyone.

"Well if everything could be solved with knowledge beforehand this saying would not exist. 'A blind leap of faith'. I believe in him, even if one day he loses to the rage he won't kill them".

All Might then says "Blind faith is sometimes worse than blind worship. But today i will believe in him and you. Also it is my mistake that i attacked him first with knowing what was happening".

A few minutes later they both arrive in the ward where i am staying. All Might then suddenly does a Dogeza and shouts out "I am sorry Kai shounen. It was my fault for attacking you recklessly".

Right at that moment Tsuyu with her mother opens the door. The mother looking at this scene suddenly shuts the door. Oye somebody get that Frog family. Kidnap her and make all the misunderstanding go away.

Well now the misundersandings been cleared up and Tsuyu's mother thanked me and left. Seeing her smile makes me smile. I guess laughter really is a disease.

With all that done i take a look at the Detainment Collar. Its nothing serious, it only contains my strength and power. Which i already used to do, i mean i haven't even used the EMF until now so its next to nothing. It won't even hinder me, even better it looks hella cool.

Dad looks at me and says "I will have a unique surprise ready for you at the end of the year". Well he must be busy and it could be a blueprint of something unique.

Also my plans are nearly completed. The Mechanical Force is at its last stage. The virus like sequence in reality has also been nearly uploaded. The world will must be freaked out right now.

So i went on to my mundane lifestyle that is untill i heard that Power Loader has taken a stance and made it so that Quirkless will now be able to take UA entrance exams. Damn that is indeed a very unique surprise.

That means without intending to i broke apart plot. Since Midoriya can take the exams only two years later. That means he won't be the most unique anymore.

I just don't attend school. Since i am still smarter than anyone there it just makes me feel like the teacher there. So nope not doing it and the Detainment Collar also makes me have negative favorism from anyone that looks at it.

Its like the shame of cone multiplied by a factor of Thousand. My patent has been earning me quite a good sum. So i have been giving out a little bit of Gene knowledge every now and then.

They are enough to have an impact but not enough to be applicable. Like the Gene Editing Theory, enough to be true but not applicable without enough experimentation.

Even if they try it will be so hard that it could take upto a Century. So i have been crowned the Detained Genius. It only makes the government rage more.

Also news about my family came to me. I heard that the Younger brother of my Father was sowing discord and when found out dissappeared into the night.

Yeah good luck trying to make me believe that dissappearing part. Rumours say that there were sounds of clashes during the night of his escape. My guess is my Uncle must also be detained right now. He must have become an experimental mouse for the Lion King.

Thats my fathers title, turns out he has three wives and lots of children. The title is based on his quirk and usage of authority. His quirk is Tremendous Strength and Beastial Transformation.

So a Berserker class has unveiled itself. That is also why the Gene code of Kai's body is so messed up. A mental Quirk, A Perception quirk, A physical Quirk and lastly a Mutant type quirk.

Not a good mess unless you acquire them one by one. But i have no interest in it. I already have the EMF and it's f.u.c.k.i.n.g OP so no attachments to my DNA Code. That is why i have been editing it to increase my body's strength.

Since Original Kai has long since vanished. This body has become more like a Doppelganger of me. So now there are no strings attached to make this body serve me. All in all everything's going well.

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