
Chapter 32 - Trifles of Avalon

Back at Marvel verse, chaos had just started to begin. All the nations around the world had started to express their intent and interest on the Evolution Codex.

But like a puzzle that God had never intended to fullfill. It was too be the hardest to crack, no it was near impossible and could take upto generations to just flip the first part.

It gave them perspective at how terrifying The Monarch really was. Its only condition being the life of one for the power of ten.

Every leader would clearly say that The Monarch had made this with a grudge in mind. It was his ultimatum, its price for use : one human with no power. No amount of intelligence could even crack the code it sent after a modification, and complete a successful replication.

It was as if God had given the Key to Eden but yet erased the Gate itself. All geniuses around the world could only say that it was truly bordering on God's work.

It could take upto a millenia just comprehending the Codex and most did not have that much time. So when they heard that The Monarch had not been sighted for weeks they were at an impasse.

But when more news came that The Monarch had dissappeared for a few more months. Everyone's Greed overwhelmed them.

All they saw of Avalon was a fangless Dragon sitting on its old accomplishment. Avalon was nothing without their ruler, that thought became rooted in everyones mind.

So they threathened and tried making Avalon cough up its treasures and knowledge. A whole world against one kingdom. The odds were in their favour it seemed.

It was time for a rebbelion against Heaven. God had dissappeared and all that was left to guard his treasure was a small kingdom. His gift would become his kingdoms curse and lead to its demise.

After a month of negotiations, they gave up and declared war. They had foolproof news that the military force of Avalon was only a few dozen. It did not have enough time to consolidate its power and potential.

The remaining were Robots it was assumed. Automatons with high power but they were only allowed to operate within the kingdom was the clear cut info.

So forces from around the world gathered. They had confidence that what would follow would be a massacre. They had only sent their elites to ensure looting a piece for themselves.

They knew her, Ash the General of Avalon. She stood there with pride, the wind fluttering her hair as she looked with no fear in her eyes. That day became the debut for the Mad Goddess.

Like a Boss at the end of the game who had power beyond reasoning, she stood there facing the representatives of the whole world.

Wherever she flung her fists vast expanses opened up. All who came to face her ended up dissappearing in bits and she was relentless.

Hunting down the last stragglers with her Eaglelike eye. As if she a God, had decided their death, they died before they could even shrug of the fear they felt.

The world was shocked at the strength she had shown. But nevertheless they never expected even Skip to be beyond reasoning. He was the diplomat of Avalon who always had a smile on his face.

But when he was ambushed by one hundred Supers, he displayed a vastly different attitude. At that time attacks were hurled at him in such a pace, it was as if the whole space was locked down with bright attacks.

There was no gap in their plans and co-ordination. That was his debut, Evil Buddha. Since then wherever he fought vast expanses of forests grew.

Forests that became the nightmare of every fighter. Trees that could reach Skycr.a.p.ers. Branches that could suck the vitality out of all its victim.

The first generation of Supers, the Avengers, SHIELD, Inhumans, Mystics, Mutants could only look at the foolishness humanity was condoning itself to.

The villainous organisations, the nemesis of the first generation. They made the Superpower countries mad with Greed. Immortality and Godhood was at their reach and the only obstacle Avalon.

Like a puppet on strings all the countries became mad for the benefit Avalon was assumed to give. As if their mind degraded every day, they became even more drastic and desperate for Immortality.

They then came to a consensus and sent even more Supers to bring down Avalon. But no matter how unique and dangerous an ability was. All became nothing in any fight regarding the Mad Goddess.

It was as if she was Omnipotent. If she came to see you, death was a sure ending. Then came Evil Buddha who at his peak rage made Black Fire that burned for three days and three nights.

All who came in contact died in an agonizing way. Not even ashes were spared, it's name was later found out, Amaterasu.

When that name came out one superpower gave up the war. Japan wasn't willing to fight someone chosen by the Three Heavenly Gods of the Shinto religion. So they withdrew their forces and asked for forgiveness.

The Freinds of Humanity was the staunc.h.e.s.t supporter of Avalons destruction. They were even able to Bomb the whole country with a sky full of Nuclear warheads.

They had ensured that every country was able to either truly or forcefully use Nuclear warfare at one kingdom. It was frightening how purity was viewed inside the human mind.

They had after all chased after perfection since they could remember. Every human wanted to be perfect and if they couldn't have it then none could have it.

Avalon in a month since the declaration of war became the Tyrants Kingdom. All of humanity demanded the knowledge of Gene Modification to be shared.

But as if what the whole world was doing was only a mere trifle in their eyes. Avalon continued on with its original lifestyle. Angered the Warheads were launched.

That day all the first generation Supers tried stopping the disgusting plan created by the leaders of the whole world. But instead they bacame the silent supporters of The Tyrant in the eyes of the public.

That day Avalon starred The Sun in all its glory. Apollo came out and wherever he went Sun's rained down. To warn off the whole world of what awaited them at the end of the line.

He destroyed their staunc.h.e.s.t supporter, The Freinds of Humanity. They became the dead chicken that warned all the monkeys. The country that supported The Freinds of Humanity was wiped away from the face of the Earth.

What remained was only a region still burnt and brimming with lava. That day was still clear and memorable in all of humanities mind. A sun descended and its heat which on ordinary days was warm sheared the landscapes.

Mountains, Plains, Cities, Lakes, anything that stood before its path was laid to ashes. The country had only hiddenly supported the Organisation and they became a wasteland. No they became a Plain Land.

Land where the lava still burns bright. It was as if the Emperor had condemned execution on the nine generations. Instead of the usual nine generations its scale became nine countries. All the neighbouring countries became unhabitable.

It served as reminder of why The Monarch was capable of creating The Codex. They had clearly underestimated The Monarch. No they had clearly overestimated themselves.

The world was in chaos and it became even more so when a group of heroes declared war on Avalon stating that destroying ten countries was going overboard.

Who was spearheading this agenda. It was Doom, it would later be found out that he was the one pulling the strings from the back. He was also the one that made sure that Avalon became enemy number one in Earth.

But right now he came with many Heroes, as he would like to call them. He first trapped the Mad Goddess inside the Negative Zone. Normally it would not be possible, but surprise attacks do exist for a reason.

Then he fought the Evil Buddha with his army and team of Heroes. He lost many soldiers and Heroes in this one battle but he managed to make that monster with near endless amounts of energy faint.

The Automatons were also kept busy by repeatedly attacking the children with his robots and since it was assigned to protect rather than just fight it became a stalemate. The Automatons could not kill the robots using the children as cover and neither could the robots destroy the Automatons.

When Doom had finally reached a room guarded by a Dragon. He became sure that behind it was The Heart Of The Universe. Yes this Doom was one who had come from another parrallel reality of Marvel.

But as soon as the intent of stealing it came to his mind, his vision warped and he was standing on the Baxter tower. But what made his knees buckle wasn't this sudden transportation.

It was when he looked at the Earth from a satellite's point of view. What he saw may have been his last view of the Dragon of Dreams. All he saw was a huge Dragon who stretched miles and miles with no end in sight. His humongous body looking as if it was trying to devour the world.

All the world saw was a sudden manifestation of a whole galaxy right near planet Earth. Only Doom knew the Grim reality. Black and Gold coloured stretch of asteroids they had thought when they saw the view.

Everybody became sure this was divine punishment on them for touching God's work. All began cursing The Monarch for stirring God's rage.

Perhaps The Monarch had run away thinking of this situation was what everybody had started thinking. But the Dragon then telepathically said inside everyones mind. "As amusing as seeing you insult my father is. It still is insolence".

Many had understood what had just happened and then came a feeling that had been forgotten for centuries by humans in this Earth. Helplessness.

It truly was insolence thinking that The Monarch dared enroach on God's territory without having sufficient strength for himself. That day has since been regarded as the Tragedy of Insolence.

That day the mighty beast of Apocalypse roared in rage and all life was nearly extinguished. Everybody that day lost someone. It is estimated that about a Billion humans alone died that day.

Later on research into their pasts proved their deep hands in shaming Avalon as a Nation. Avalon who had no interest in the world became the worlds first Kingdom to remain undefeated despite the amount of enemies it had.

Then what had happened to Doom. Well Ash had been brought back by Kuro and she had been very unsettled by the fact that Doom caught her off guard by just a flash grenade and another that displaced her into the Negative zone.

She slowly destroyed him atom by atom. His deeds were later revealed. Since then Latveria has dissappeared off the Map and Victor Von Doom's name has become a Taboo.

Back at MHA universe, our Mc was staring at the examination that Deku sorry Midoriya was performing in. He then glanced at a screen in the air that said 'Uploading Reality Hackimg Schematics 99% Completed'.

Then he said "Why do i feel like i missed a good show that i could probably have watched with an enormous amount of popcorn".

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