
Chapter 33 - Test Drive

Well forget the popcorn. I can later on learn what i missed and if it was really cinematic/dramatic. This screen that has been in the air for a while, is the Virus sequence.

Now my plan was to complete this sequence in just one round that is Five years. But it took a hell lot of less time because i had destroyed this worlds destiny somewhere along this gameplay.

I mean it's only been Three years since i came here and One year since the Detainment Collar debacle and the story has just been begginning.

Why does uploading this sequence take that much time. Well its like uploading Zettabytes worth of corrupt data in 5G speed, nowhere near enough time or speed to be uploaded in one go.

Why don't i speed it up. I glossed over this before, certain worlds only take certain amounts of power before they are destroyed. Why, it maybe because they haven't earned that much data in slow bits but rather at once, which results in what i like to call Processing Overload.

Now the most famous character who happens to have this problem is in DC. Darkseid, now if any of you have read the comics you would know that Darkseid's true body resides in another dimension.

That just pushing his finger in any universe destroys it with no exception. Darkseid is so powerful that even if every Cosmic Being in DC banded together to fight his true body. Even then they would lose, and terribly at that.

So that is my problem when i am traversing other verses. I can't just hack it in one go, i would have to add the corruption sequence slowly in bits. Otherwise forget this universe not even this multiverse would hold.

So i have been waiting for a few days for this single One percent. What, patience is still a virtue in my books. This is nearing completion, i can feel it in my guts and i never ignore it unlike many others.

I was watching Midoriya go around like a headless chicken during his exam. I mean sure you are Innovative but Intelligent you aren't. Many people misunderstand that part, but it is true innovation is all that is required to push beyond Intellect.

But he still clearly lacks in the understanding department. He only started working hard when he was given All Mights quirk. That means somewhere along the line he himself gave up on his dream.

Now he is acting all innocent and idiotic. That is perhaps the main reason Bakugo hates him with that huge amount of murderous intent. Don't get me wrong Bakugo works hard, its just his attitude is total trash and psychotic if i may add another word.

What i see in Midoriya is a wasted potential for Anti-Heroism. Well the multiverse is vast and large so he does have Anti-Hero parrallels.

Well anyway why was i saying this is probably because i am here standing at the board meeting in which the Heroes are grading those examinees.

Can anyone tell me if this is logical grading. Okay i get it selflessness is the best trait in Heroism. But too much of this trait is the same as saying you are an idiot.

I mean at the very least lessen the points, why is that girl also getting that much points for saving a suicidal maniac with a body breaking fetish.

As i was just staring at the grading system with disbelief. I feel All Might's gaze on me, this has been going for a few months. Whenever he sees me he goes on complete staring and being defensive.

Whats wrong with you i haven't even started to go Anti-Heroic right now okay. Cut me some slack will you.

Just then my schematic is completed. A 100 percent success. Right at that moment all Heroes who were grading suddenly stood up taking defensive measures against me.

It was only then i notice Nezu staring at me as if he had already guessed the course of what i had been thinking. Well that much thinking will probably become his downfall.

Nezu then calmly states "Did you know Kai that whenever you think of something dangerous your eyes go all smiley and your grin threatens to destroy your face".

Well enough hiding, now that Reality has been hacked it's time to flex. "Nezu tell me what excites you the most. Tell me in all honesty".

He sighs and says "When a plan falls in piece by piece to form the perfect picture".

"Then you would understand why you lost". All of the Heroes are confused, wasn't the one surrounded Kai so what is he talking about. Right at that moment a force that seemingly had not been felt till the moment that it hit, shredded apart the whole building.

Nezu was clearly shocked and so were all the Heroes. But the first to take action was Eraserhead who glared at me with his quirk raising his hair.

"Oye Kakashi act alike, Fly". Then seemingly out of nowhere he was uprooted from his position and flung across the clouds.

"What" was going on was the question everyone had in mind. Wasn't his quirk disabled, that was the question that came in everyones mind also when did he awaken his quirk.

"I still don't have a quirk you know". This was clearly the use of a quirk was what they would say to refute. But the Flying Aizawa was still clear in their minds.

I don't have to explain to these idiots but nonetheless i say "Electromagnetic Field". Letting them ponder on what i said. I quickly levitate myself and try to leave to a better position to view the next set of actions.

Well All Might jumped to my position fast enough. But you know what i grow weary of sacrificial bastards. Before anyone can register anything All Might was suddenly flung away with enough force that a shockwave in the air spreaded out.

He had been flung beyond supersonic speeds at just my thoughts on the matter. Now don't get me wrong the EMF's power is ridiculous but i am here as an Army style fighter so no one shotting them down.

"Me against all of you so unfair. Lets even the odds". As they were still shocked by my outburst and the number one Hero's unscheduled flight. They could not act in sufficient timing to disturb me.

I had activated my bracelets hologram projector and typed out a series of codes in mere seconds and then left as well. All of them had wanted to chase me but out of nowhere Ten Mechanical soldiers came and started on their job to halt the Heroes.

The Mechanical soldier's had no face and though they stood out with their sleek design and black colour nothing about them was too remarkable, but nevertheless it still unnerved all the Heroes present.

As if those faceless machines could actually look in their minds, they stood their with solemn silence. The first to attack was Present Mic but thats when everything went to hell.

Out of nowhere some black coloured sand flew and started gathering on one of the machines arms. When the bizzare sand settled what they witnessed was weapons.

A shield had materialised out of that black sand and absorbed all the impact that Present Mics attack produced. In a gear like fashion another Mechanical Soldier who was standing there suddenly moved faster than anyone present there.

It was then they could see the Boots that Machine was wearing but before they could even try to think on what those boots did. Out of nowhere another machine came from the back and stabbed towards the Heroes.

But the attack was blocked or so they would like to think. The sword then suddenly shifted and twisted like a vine and as if it was a trees tendrils it suddenly moved to hit all the present Heroes.

Most were too occupied with blocking to think or be aware of two of the Machines that had jumped towards another building and were fashioning out their Railgun Sniper Rifle. Then they took their stances and started pumping out Railgun attacks every once in Ten seconds.

Electricity buzzed and all Heores were left at an impasse trying to protect themselves and cover each other. But that wasn't the end of the nightmare. Out of nowhere they were assaulted by a gravitational force that forcefully pushed them away.

No it forcefully flung everyone away from the epicenter in which stood a Machine flying in the air. Then it also suddenly pulled them towards itself. It did that every few seconds in short bursts. This disbalanced the Heroes so much that the fight became even more dangerous.

The main problem though was the remaining Mechanical Soldiers that seemingly took precise an precalculated positions to not only hit but also be able to defend. The frontline held by two of them held Shields that nullified attacks.

Now about me i was there levitating and seeing this spectacle play out in front of me. I had been typing and deploying nanomachines all over the place. It was as if a black sandstorm had appeared out of nowhere and in its center stood me.

The Collar could have been a serious shackle. Could, which means that i had long ago hacked it with nanomachines. Now this Collar is really only decoration. As a plus i look cool in it.

As i look i see Thirteen finally really utilising her quirk. Black hole, that quirk caused a lot of the nanomachines to be erased rather fine grinded till non-existence. I hate that quirk, its too dangerous even for my body and i mean only this one.

Well if you had ridiculous control like me then you would understand that at the base EMF is just push and pull force with extra effects. In other words Gravity just one step below the real one.

Why did i tell you this. I told you this for I am about to shut down Thirteen. As Thirteen is truly the only dangerous factor here, he will have to sleep this off.

I have never turned down another biological beings Bio-Electricity because of the risks it accompanies. But turning down certain parts is still good enough.

I point my fingers in a gun like fashion and then say out loud enough for the participants to hear "Bang". Right in cue Thirteen falls over completely knocked out and in that exact moment two Machines surround his unconscious body.

Everybody is shocked but i am nowhere near happy enough. Then in a machine gun like stance i say "Bang, Bang, Bang". As if a real gun was set on them they fall slump down unconscious.

The test drive was successful all machines are in optimal state. The connection to the secondary dimension is also very stable. Anything more right now is just overkill.

But I guess i can maybe spare a few of those overkills for All Might. Why just him, well he is flying at me fist clenched ready to shout out 'Smash'. Does that count as enough reason to hit him with one of my sledgehammers.

So as his fist is about to reach me the black sand converges on my side and creates a Hexagonal shaped Shield that absorbs all the impact of the Smash. The force that is expelled is enough to move all the Black Sand one step back and wipe out the clouds above my position.

At that moment the Shield that has been protecting me suddenly turns into a huge a.s.s Cube that starts absorbing all the surrounding Dark Matter. Not that anybody could feel or know that.

"Say hello to my Pet, the Mechanical Titan". If you had ever imagined Eren looking Machine like with his blazing green eyes then you would know just what kind of madness i had created.

"As part of my courtesy that i always had". The Mechanical Titan shouts out in All Might's voice "Suuuummmmaaaassssssssssh".

All Might is so peeved by my joke that he forgets to move for a second and Booooommmmm. UA has officially been destroyed right now. Do you know the amount of force that DarkMatter Engine packs.

Well the spectacle is that a miniature tornado is shredding apart the surroundings regardless of the epicenter being in UA. The shockwaves are enough to chill anyone that is seeing this even from a kilometre away.

Meh they will survive, i did not go overboard. I would be dissappointed if they had lost with only that much. Not surprisingly its Thirteen who was helping All Might by containing a huge amount of the force expelled.

How ?, its simple really All Might had to save the remaining Heroes by punching with enough force head on at The Titans attack. Thirteen was there at the opportune moment to gather the Heroes and erase all the debris and extra wind that was in that attack.

The reason i wasn't satisfied with my Bang was this Thirteen wasn't Biological anymore and all my attack did was cause him some pain.

But the Nanomachines in the air at once begin on repairing and in mere moments it is whole again. Though I can't say the same for our contenders. Everyone is unconscious and All Might has become a ragged and bloody spectacle.

His eyes still shine with a blaze of charisma and his overwhelming momentum threatens the surroundings but my own aura has never been weaker than anyone elses. So we have a clash of wills and i dare say he is strong.

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