
Chapter 35 - Distasteful Ending

Never had i expected the concession to be so fast. But then again when you have a Moon about to fall on your head a measly family is really nothing compared to the after effects it would cause.

Its just, i wish someone from the Hero side had made that decision. Then i would have added a major crack in the so called Heroism they practice.

Dissappointing, anyway i was here fighting this sad piece of trash that relies on his Quirk so heavily that I can't even enjoy it anymore. Literally his hits don't even reach me, can you imagine someone like him being called a Hidden Dragon.

So i just walk around him observing his pitiful tactics which by the way is to exhaust me. Am i that touchable nowadays. Didn't i display overwhelming power just now. Can he get a little bit smart or have common sense.

So i let him get a few hits on my body which are absorbed by the Hexagonal Shield that keeps on forming from the black sand gloating around the Machinery.

I still have an abundant amount of Nanomachines and Machinery Soldiers still stashed away in my Secondary Dimension.

So while he goes about trying to exhaust me, i start adding designs in my Nanomachines and you can see the black sand forming a Trench Coat.

After its formed i turn my holographic designer and keep on designing the accessories for me to wear. The Collar on my neck transforms into a Kakashi styled mask which covers my mouth and allows me to look even better.

Me ignoring this stupidity must have hit a nerve. For his movements became disastrous. It seems like he planned to trade hits for hits. Damn he must have High confidence in his resilience.

But isn't that the loudest joke, to me he is like paper. My first hit might even end his life. So i keep on dodging and working on my designs. While i was colouring on my designs, he is able to hit my shoulder and my colour schematics was disturbed.

What happened next, well my coat turned pink and sparkly. Now i could withstand many things, even Wade f.u.c.k.i.n.g around with a sparkly Pony.

I have patience but this hit a line that i didn't even expect to have. So i did what every one in a rage mode should do.

No I didn't throw the moon at him. Why would i extinguish a whole planet for this kind of reason. Well those who saw can die right. I can kill them all and no one finds out about this right.

My aura for the first time since this stupid exchange had intensified and the bloodl.u.s.t that exploded out of me wrecked apart the Lion King. Before he could even understand my rage his body had exploded in pain.

He had not died he had just suffered severe attacks at his whole existence. Now all of this would have been fine to look at if i wasn't wearing pink. Now i look like a Gay man beating up his lover. Wade cannot learn of this and for that The Lion King must die.

So i used my EMF and pulled him towards me all the while turning my coat black again. I had just about had it. So i did what should not be done i let him glimpse at my power.

The whole world flickered and went static around me. My existence had grasped a piece of being 4D and like nothing all kinds information flew to me.

When this was happening everybody was sweating, nervous and holding their breathes. But their expressions betrayed their thoughts. Just how much does this guy want to power up before he truly reveals his power.

Ignoring them i grasped at the knowledge no epiphany that came in my mind. Thousands of calculations, millions of possibilities but at the middle of it one core. I had finally found this tricky thing. The core of this universe, the one that governs its existence.

Now learning is as much a needed process as applying is but more than often application allows the user to learn faster. I had grasped a bit of knowledge on the universes. But the gap had frightened me.

What the f.u.c.k was wrong you ask. Well you would be scared too if you learnt that there exists peoole who aren't bounded by reality. They are so strong that reality is a mere trifle to them. There exists many like them in Marvel-verse itself.

For the first time i had felt like i had stepped on the true knowledge of power. Power so vast my Reality Warping would be considered a simple aspect to them. That also explains why Cosmic Beings are so carefree.

Why would you not be when you are the peak power even in 4D. Why would you care about the trifles of 3D. At most it would be entertaining than anything else.

That must mean my Kotoamatsukami was seen through or the 3D Avatars aren't as strong as their true form. I lean on the latter more than the former because if it was seen through then i wouldn't be here nor would i get the HOTU.

This means i must hasten my plans. My Omniversal Yggdrasil will allow me to be Administrator of the entire Multiverse. But that still means i must be the proxy and keep on adding universes to the Omniversal Yggdrasil.

Being the Administrator will grant me enough power to let me ignore entire 6D beings. But am i not strong enough, why yes i am. I mean even i can shatter reality but that does not mean there won't be someone that is stronger than you.

You always have to be ready for the Just In Case it ever happens scenario. While i was contemplating the future set of actions i had forgotten about the pressure i was inducing on this reality.

No it didn't shatter, but what happens when you experience an amount of fear that makes you think your whole existence was a joke.

Well you break your mind and when that happens, decisions that normally would be suicidal becomes mainstream thoughts in your mind.

Like for one 'Kill the Dragon that is inducing this fear, Kill, Kill, Kill'. So Berserkering due to immense stress on the mind. Well just when i had stopped the pressure and the static reality that was being stretched had become stable again i was attacked.

By the Lion King, well not like i did not expect it. But the ferociousness and disregard for his own life that was displayed made me raise my eyes. I am not really experienced in these types of situations.

He clawed at me, tried biting me. He had fractured his arms and legs but had no intention of stopping. Especially his gaze which clearly said 'You and I can't exist under the same reality'.

But, But, But. All becomes useless when you are so weak that you can't even make a difference. So what if you wanted to kill the Dragon for destroying your city. The difference would still be glaringly clear even without pointing it out.

Would a Man hunt a Dragon alone. Even in many fantasies when power that seemed beyond you existed then you would acquire the help of others not blindly charge in.

But this guy and his family are always in odds with each other. He is very dangerous and has dabbled in human experimentation. Who would come to his rescue.

I had made a NanoCarbon Blade and striked at the Lion King who was fighting with flesh for the bones style. At first he suffered numerous wounds but because the adrenaline was at its peak right now, he felt less and less pain.

But when he started becoming tired i had casually walked towards him and tried stabbing him in the heart. A heartless creature would not need one right.

But my plan was to puncture his lungs so that I could deprive him of the strength and stamina to fight me for more long since he wasntin a state of mind to do so. I also had a lot of questions to ask.

But all in all when the next second had resumed she was in front the Lion King and through her heart was my Blade.

She said "Please forgive us, Kai".

But instead of me getting happy or anything else i had to grit my teeth at this foolish woman.

"I wasn't planning to kill any of you". My declaration had stunned the entire gang of heroes that had gathered for damage control.

She looked stunned and that might have been the last thing she heard before her eyes dulled. The Lion King at that exact moment came back to his faculties and when he saw his most beloved wife fall with her heart stabbed through. Yeah he has three wives.

He fell in despair, never had he thought that someone would lose their life here. He had thought of somehow surviving against me and sate my rage.

So i said out loud "That mad woman". It made everyone angry but what could they say about her impulsiveness. All Might was impulsive wasn't he and it worked out for him, so why did she have to try to do that.

"Sigh after all my plans to bash out my family and it plays out like this. Can't somethimg happen according to script for once". Well Man proposes and God disposes, but the God here was me. So the proverb had worked in reverse.

I had lost the d.e.s.i.r.e to know or do anything more than what was already in the happening. I could revive her, sure but i could already see my Distaste for this entire family rise even more.

"Tch now my moods been ruined". I could not follow up anymore due to the immense disgust i was feeling right now. It could be because this was the first time a life had dissappeared right in front of my eyes in my hands.

But ignoring them i started rewriting strings in reality. After a while, i was done and then i announced "The Kirin family and its subsidiaries are henceforth not able use their inborn quirk for an amount of Three generations. If it is found out that even after this their actions still remain the same. They will be punished with loss in life at the hands of an unfortunate accident".

So my army went back to the secondary dimension and i had made a gateway like door to the Marvel world. I had carried the core of MHA to add to my Yggdrasil.

The actions were so decisive that the Heroes could only say one thing "The Abyss has passed us". Oh how wrong you were, we are connected by fate. So imma add your universe to mine.

I had entered the Marvel reality with my Kai persona so when i was attacked by Ash it didn't hurt as much. But when even Skip attacked me i could only say "F.u.c.k You, Why are you being so

manly now. Where is my Girlish Skip".

That ended the incident, now i had to control Kai's body like an extra appendage to my mind. Easy to say but really hard to apply. I don't know how Pain does it or is it practical training.

So i went around in both my Kai and David Persona and got the hang of it in a few hours. More like a few minutes, i was just fine tuning the controls, lets say that.

I had started adding the core reality of MHA in my branchless and leaveless Yggdrasil. One day i promise that it would have lush green leaves that represent every possible parrallel timeline. So many branches which means many universes will have to contribute to that.

Once it was added it became like a rose in its bloom. It started creating and becoming the first branch then instantly million of leaves sprouted on it. It would have been lush and green if it was not so f.u.c.k.i.n.g large.

The Yggdrasil is so large MHA universe and its parrallels are like a twig to it. But nonetheless that ends the first universe, i guess i can rest for a few months before my next one.

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