
Chapter 36 - Buried Secrets

In a dilapidated base that looked like it had just survived a major war stood Nezu and his companions. They were in a face off against the hidden generals of Japan.

Since the advent of quirks there have been many questions. Like one for example was how did the Government survive or how powerful had they become after the advent.

Most questions remained unanswered but now Nezu had uncovered a secret. No calling it a secret was a stretch. It was a shadow organisation under the Japanese government.

The Pro Rankings, the heroic deeds shown on TV are just a ruse to cover up the real Danger these guys dealt with. Everyday and every year more and more dangerous quirk users are born.

So who had to clean up this mess that non-registered quirk holders did. It was this Organisation whose name and glory would forever be hidden from the world.

They could be considered the most patriotic since they would forever be unable to bask in the glory of the sun. The Generals and soldiers who serve here forego their names once the training is complete.

Instead they would take Pseudonyms based on their actual power and the Squad they would operate in. The General standing in front of them had said the same thing.

"I have long foregone my name. But you can call me General Suzaku".

Suzaku who had long shed his mortal skin still looked like a teenager when in fact he was a hundred year old monster that had survived the then chaotic time by hiding his actual quirk and taking shelter under the government.

So they travelled long until they were in a so desolate area that it could not be traced even from a satellite mapping system.

Nezu then deliberately made a question "Suzaku San, we have lots of questions on the decisions made during this few days".

The whole world had watched Kai as he exploded in power. Power that could be felt but not understood.

Even now the shivers that ran on anyones body when they remembered the ridiculous amount of mechanical soldiers that had come out of nowhere was proof of the terrifying visage that Kai had left on the world.

Amongst the many things and their actions and reactions. One question remained why did The Kirin Family's Lion King commit Seppuku. A tradition long forgotten by the world since its discovery and followings of Heroes.

No one would believe his commitment to his wife since his recent and blatant disregard of her. But all research ended in a dead end and only one Organisation could answer it and so they were here.

Today Nezu had petitioned the Government saying All Might had the right to know. Just what kind of quagmire had they thrown themselves in.

General Suzaku who had till now felt amiable suddenly chilled the atmosphere. He then directed them to a room that was sound proofed or so the sign said, but what was revealed inside was a long corridor with criss crossed pathways here and there.

Don't underestimate Governments, though they may show weakness. It will always be a front. No true governancy allows the knowledge of their weakness to spread. That is why Nezu and no one was surprised when the interior revealed to be a base that was so neat and organized.

Then Suzaku recounted "The Shadow Organisation has long been under the covers since the advent of quirks".

"Few people including the Government know of its existence. What you are about to hear may never leave the confines of this wall".

This was clearly a warning given out of courtesy for the sacrifices that they had to endure during the fight with Kai. But it left everything about courteous manner in the trash can.

They walked a few more corridors and reached a room where stood a man who looked quite chivalrous yet dangerous. The bloodl.u.s.t that he occasionally let out was like a beast mawling at its food.

So he began "I am General Seiryuu. Now all of you have many questions that are off limits for most civilians. So i must ensure that nothing escapes these walls confinement".

Nezu was the only one who was calm "And how do you intend on such a ensurity that feels like a more ridiculous statement than i have ever heard".

It was common sense that a simple contract like they usually do, would not be enough for secrets at this level. So he would most likely rely on a quirk.

Seiryuu then said "There are terrifying quirks that can kill or desecrate the dead. Finding one that can properly seal spilling out secrets is more than easy enough".

Seiryuu looked at their conviction and gave a glance to Suzaku who sealed the doors the windows and everything that could possibly help in learning what would happen here.

"Our division has two Projects that the populace may never learn of. One is the handling of dangerous quirks and acquiring knowledge about them".

This time Suzaku said "Though the second one is a bit more horrendous than anything else".

Seiryuu then replied with enough cinviction to rattle all present "Horrendous, no it is for the safety of all present under The Rising Sun".

"I may not be proud of what i do but i sure know the ramifications of any of those freaks causing damage to the world".

This exchange has left even more questions in their minds than anything else.

"Those sacrilegious beings. Those Mad Reality Warpers".

Reality Warping ! Wasn't that a joke that had long since been forgotten. Nezu then asked what everyone held in their tongues "What do you mean ?".

"Among the various quirk users we handle. There is one that is treated with national level security of danger".

Suzaku then continued "Reality Warpers are those in that category. Normally such power would be more than welcome on any side. But the instability and the lack of realness their constructs follow, show their severe lacking in real power. They are the targets for our study or elimination".

Nezu then asked again "Instability and Lack of Realness, can you elaborate to us what that means ?".

Seiryuu then turned his backs to them and said "Instability because that power wasn't meant for humans. Lack of Realness because their knowledge and imaginations determine what and how they can create anything".

"So if they can create anything then wouldn't they be even more desirable despite the Instability they experience". Nezu had to understand just why the eliminations were carried out.

"Sadly everyone thought the same and gathered a team of Reality Warpers to try a project. Resurrection".

Seiryuu then lets them digest the information. Nezu like a child under the care of a teacher then asks "What was the problem then ?".

Suzaku who had been staying by the side then says "At first there existed no problems. We were even able to revive one Male teenager and let him rejoin society so that we may monitor any mental instability he may experience".

"But then problems started sprouting up. Small tell tale signs that the one who was revived was not really like him. It broke down Kirin the operative who first undertook this project".

Seiryuu who had been silent then replied "It was after all his teenager son that he wanted to revive. But what came out was a product that was never anywhere near the real one. He looked and acted like his son, but thats it, there was no realness to him. All he was, was a construct made by those Reality Warpers based on their understanding of the child".

"Kirin vowed to create the ultimate Reality Warper that could Warp Reality on a scale that he could even resurrect the whole damn world".

Suzaku then took over for Seiryuu "At first nobody believed in his vow. Then he did create one, but the mind of a child was not meant to bear such power. It broke the mind of the child and what came out was a falied product that could not even think for itself. Whatever it was ordered it did without any care".

"The Seventh Shadow who had been a long time freind of Kirin then killed the child afraid of the amount of power that lay in a single mans hand. Kirin was exiled but nevertheless he was still able to keep his legacy ongoing. That is how the Kirin family came to be".

It was a shocking revelation one that shaked the foundation of reality. While the world had been going on about OFA and AFO. Here lay the true Danger that was hidden by the government.

If you were the government would you ever say 'Look we have someone that will guarantee that your reality could not be real'.

"This generation of the Kirin family actually suceeded in creating a low level Reality Warper despite the lack of research and anything else. It was just a fluke. But the love they had for the child could not be underestimated".

Nezu then said "I assume that was Kai". But this story had a lot of holes. Like if they knew Kai was the Reality Warper then why was he roaming around free.

Seiryuu then gave a surprised expression "What are you talking about. The true child that can Reality Warp has long since been kidnapped and has been in this facility since he was five".

Suzaku then continued "Kai is an identical twin we found at an orphanage, at most he shares the similarity. The child who lacked everything while he was born. The true Reality Warper has been with us. We had to erase, rewrite and do many things to ensure that everyone forgot the child".

Seiryuu then said "We keep the child in a coma like state because he was able to warp reality since the age of five. We could never be sure of his stability and no one wanted to take chances".

"Lately the Kirin family had been nosing around for their true child. So we had to add a concept in their mind that would make everything play out exactly like we wished for".

Then Nezu realized "The brother was innocent but you framed him. You wished for the ending of the Kirin family. So you pitched them against Kai never expecting Kai was an even greater Danger".

Seiryuu for the first time showed an evil grin like he expected this play to be exactly like he wished for "Though there were a few complications. The end result was perfect 'The Abyss passed us and we even eliminated the whole Kirin family'".

Nezu was dumbfounded but he asked the question that only remained "Then why was Kai so mistreated. It does not make sense".

"That part was done by this generation Kirin Heads, remaining two wives. Both plotted to remove the favourite wife of the Lion King through this Fake Child. So they ensured and went through great lengths to forge a story that the child was taken in for more love from the Kirin Head".

Nezu had never understood women, but for the first time he heard of women who were willing to drag down another for something as an obscure feeling as the thought of love. It made him both shiver and admire their patience.

Patience in slowly letting out crumbs to let the Kirin Head find the elaborate trap they set by himself and letting him think this was set up by his favourite wife and he found it by coincidence.

Nezu then asked "So eveything played out as you wished and worked out. So why are we here you could act hidden from the world and no one would know".

Seiryuu was the first to reply coldly "Don't act innocent here Nezu. We all know you came here for information on a quirk that can actually heal All Might. If we didn't you would have disclosed this factto the entire Nation level Heroes and we would have been in a pinch".

"If you know then you should also know that we cannot lose All Might right now. Only he is able to fight AFO at the moment. None of us can even serve as cannon fodders in a fight between them".

Seiryuu then clicked his tongue but nonetheless said "You will find the Sage if he wishes to find you but nevertheless we have the location he is set to appear in. Tokyo".

Nezu then stood up and said "Also you might have Glossed over one fact. Kai said he knows everything and i don't think he was joking".

Seiryuu had an incredulous look but before he could even refute it. Darkness had overwhelmed one part the room. There stood a set of blazing eyes like green fire and another set of eyes that could be mistaken for the deep abyss.

Then when they came out of the darkness it revealed Kai and another young boy. The young boy then said "I hate distasteful endings".

Then Kai continued "More so because I wasn't able to clear all the trash that fought aginst me hidden or not".

It was as if one being was talking to them using two different bodies. Then as if the young male alongside Kai was contemplating something. He said "I know people like you. You guys don't fear your own death nor of your subordinates".

Then this time Kai continued "How many subordinates does this guy have anyway. Ten thousand or a few hundred thousand".

As if mocking Kai, Seiryuu then said "We have a million".

Then Kai and that young man's smile widened in a way that creeped out all present. Both of them then said "For each subordinate you have Five of their family members will die. They themselves will also die, this curse will last until this organisation survives. This is what i will of reality and this is what will be imposed".

Then they both left, the curse still ringing in the minds of all those present. The next day shockeningly all the discussion that had happened there had entered the Internet and no amount of skill was able to take it down.

Also Project Argus, the child they had kidnapped with so much difficulty had dissappeared. Reality Warpers are given different names based on Fallen Angels since they are like Gods children who fell from grace and became Human.

It became pretty clear who was behind this all but they had still underestimated the Curse that The Abyss had cast and they would regret it more so since they could not contact him anymore.

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