
Chapter 37 - Ruined Rest

For this week i had no plans. I intended to laze around for a week before going onto my next world to steal. Damn i have become the most strongest heister ever.

Anyway the MHA world has quirks but they lack a strong one, even the so called Ultimate Reality Warper in that universe is a big joke.

That was going by the standards of Marvel, where Reality Warpers had no conditions to activate their skills. MHA went around the curve to make their reality warpers heavily dependant on Gene Vitality.

And when Gene Vitality is completely used up, Gene Deformation would be the next step as such descent to madness would be a common thing. It could be also be said that the MHA universe core was evolving slowly.

That is why Argus is so low levelled that i can't even say he is a reality warper. I mean sure he can create something from nothing but the more he uses his power the more he will experience Gene Deformation, which will result in constant mental and health illness.

The more the core would evolve, the more the organisms under it would gain power beyond understanding. So maybe a few hundreds year later a true Reality Warper would be born.

In the case of evolution, the Marvel verse has already reached the point of transitioning from a 3D universe to a 4D one.

Its just that we need to endure a few more 'End's of Time' to be completely refined. But the hassle was i was only free until the next End Of Time.

So in the eyes of Cosmic Beings, it would be like what, a few years. Well we stole Argus from MHA and it would likely be a few more years before i gain permission to add MHA Earth near Marvel Earth.

I had petitioned this to the Cosmic Beings to allow me to protect Marvel 616 or let me steer it and make it Marvel 616.8. But it seems like the One Above All has other plans.

Man its such a hassle, i know Kotoamatsukami will allow it. But right now that same trick looks more like time bomb to me.

One in particular i could never hope to escape from. So i had to slowly steer their subconsciousness otherwise i would risk being found out.

Also lately Kai has been granted Autonomous thought and Movements. Well he is more like a Shadow Clone right now. An upgraded Shadow Clone though.

Kai is more like an outfit for me more than anything else. He is the one outfit i would wear when i do something or anything related to machinery. Man it feels odd treating living beings as clothes.

The next world i want to go to would not be random. It will be selected but the racial and gender selection would be random. I like it when the odds are even more stacked against me. It makes me understand why mortals grasp for power is so iron clad.

So i was lazing around looking through the Dataverse amd what do i find. Material that i can watch with a lot of popcorn. It was Skip working towards the Kotoryuu girl. I kinda forgot her name.

Romance at such a young age, the drama that will ensue and all of it excites me. Eh, what thats it, you only hold hands and kiss each other. Skip i am dissapointed, i had thought that perhaps you had become more manly. But you are a maiden at heart even now.

But before i can continue on, i see the one and only Deadpool taking my popcorn and saying "Dissapointing".

Oye why the heck is he here. Can anyone explain to me ?. Deadpool then takes an offended look and says "Look at you being lazy. My younger bro has to be more active so that i may shine more".

What the heck does that even mean. "Wade tell me what you want or go bother someone else. I am pretty sure you have lots of other people to irritate".

"Look at that guys, my brother knows me best". Then weirdly enough he dissappears off this entire universe for a second and comes out with a. Is that a f.u.c.k.i.n.g Comic Book and that too a Marvel edition at that.

"Wade you know thats not allowed isn't it". Comic books are an item that only 4th wall breakers like them can acquire but even then its not allowed to be propagated so easily, especially so if its a Marvel one.

Wade then continues unbothered "Oh its just a draft no one will find out".

Okay now you have my interest piqued. Just what comic would Wade show me.

It was a Gwen Poole comic draft. Now i am thoroughly interested.

Wade then says "Look at my little brother having a crush. But aren't you aware of her psychotic personality".

"Ahemm anyway Wade what are you doing with that". I am curious about what he wants to do.

He just says "Playing God". He then takes a marker out of nowhere and keeps on scribbling on the draft.

He was drafting a ridiculous amount of 4th wall breaking powers for her. "Wade you have to chill down, i know you are lonely but this is no way to go about".

Looking at my 'Are you so desperate' eyes, Wade made a serious expression i never thought was possible with a mask.

He then said "Little bro I don't make characters okay. I just throw a few idea's here and there. Its the editors choice if they get accepted".

"So why were you here again ?...". Right at that moment i felt it. Reality Warping on a scale that was vast and dangerous.

It then clicked in why Wade was here. "You bastard". But as if he already expected this he threw his hands up saying "Hey I don't decide things here. If anything else Decimation Day is a major keypoint in Mutant history. Also it doesn't really matter for you isn't it". It must be the voice inside his head.

Before any of his shenanigans could continue on, i had lifted him by the neck and thrown him off my island. Decimation Day would have been fine and all before, but right now about 45% of the populace was a Super.

The second words for the curse has been said. In my anger i had lightly tapped the air. But due to this i had ignored the hand that had grabbed me and pulled me down.

The tap had sent Wanda who was about to conplete the curse flying like a ragdoll across the Earth. While i had been pulled by Wade in the 'Comments Section'. Why the heck would i be here.

"Argh shit i knew you weren't a Comic character. If you were one, your Comic book would be here".

Okay i am just going to leave and leave i did. I already doubted my realness, i didn't need Wade ensuring that fact.

Wade then popped out too all the while saying "You should let Canon follow its original lines, you know for more knowledge on the futures you can predict".

"Wade there are literally infinite timelines of the universe we are in. Destroying one timeline doesn't matter, you yourself devastated a few, so why are you disturbing me ?".

As funny it may seem, there even exists one version where the Deadpool is more psychotic and dangerous than he is right now.

He did destroy the universe, kill the publishers and many other things in said universe. That is the Red Voice inside Wades head, a murderous and ravenous being of immense danger

"The timelines are already a mess. I want one to follow its f.u.c.k.i.n.g route". As absurd as it sounds i think Wade would really attack me for that matter. I mean thats just how insane he is.

He himself says that all timelines even confuse him to the point he makes analogies to point out similarities and oddness in the stories.

Damn you Wade if i really did follow the same route won't i end up broken down and insane. As a matter of fact even Supers would cease to exist.

Wade then says out "Why would i say out something, when i can proclaim it. Also why is it that this book focuses a heck lot on me and you. Am i so shiny".

"Wade stop with your references people won't get". I don't care somebody shut him the f.u.c.k up.

"Thats a task that is impossible, and by Pokemon standards aren't you like an Arceus and the Missing No. who had been untimely fusioned".

Okay that sounded disgusting yet true i guess. I mean, "Wait a minute, you are stalling for time !".

At this Wade clicks his mouth and says "Time for Plan C". He takes a pose that would be reminiscent of an era where hip hop was new and then out of nowhere comes a BoomBox which started throwing out the Crazy Frog Beats.

He then started dancing. Okay pretty weird but nonetheless very distracting when he is actually dancing very well. Peak human body for you.

"Wade have a sunbath". He looks pretty ready and shouts out "Hah you won't be able to do the same trick again". Then comes out Chaos Counter ready to show the Chaos energy it had acc.u.mulated.

But "It does not have enough Tally". At this Wade sweats a little and says "You know i was busy and all, so i rarely used Chaos Counter".

I can already guess what you used it for and what you were busy with. "You were busy taking bullet and sword wounds in a bid to look cool isnt it. The only time you used Chaos Counter would be when you need the remote in your table or an invisible hand to feed you soda and pizza while you lazed around".

At this accusation even Chaos Counter flinchs. What the heck, you really used a Galactic Buster Weapon as a tool to open cans you could stab through. Again common sense sometimes even escapes me.

I look at this bullshit and say "Apollo cremate him". I have more pressing matters to handle, which is one Rogue Reality Warper. Wade then shouts out "Damn it follow the script little brother and try throwing me into the sun like before".

To this i can only say "Apollo is the Sun and i have thrown him at you. No problems in your so called script whatsoever". Then Apollo who had just entered starts gathering energy for a Cruel Sun.

While that is happening, i Jump at the position from which i slapped Wanda away. I Warp her here and it can be seen that she had never expected a planetary scale attack out of nowhere.

She looks confused, it was only a few moments ago that she had stabilised herself. I look around to only see surprised expressions from the X-Men and Brotherhood of Mutants present.

So i naturally said what came to mind "You guys haven't disbanded yet". It came out a bit sinister and cruel, but i did make Superpowers easy to acquire. So half the reason why X-Men shouldn't even exist.

Scott looks at me and calmly replies "The Monarch sure jests, we still help orphans and other Mutants in need that allow us to.....".

Before he can continue i had slapped Wanda across the Earth. They were completely gobsmacked, since they never really expected me to attack and when i did nobody could follow it.

Literally, out of nowhere a sonic boom came and Wanda had disappeared from her initial location again. This makes it the second time today and they were mostly shocked that i could display this level of power.

"A sense of self. Pfft, since my pet nearly killed 70% of all the usual bad guys you fought. You guys haven't been able to fight anyone. It has made you anxious and restless, making you question if the world really needed you".

Scott then tries to come up with a counter but before his reply i had already said "Nah i am good. Don't need cookies Scout Boy".

I already know what drives the X-Men right now. A bid for existence, even i would be desperate to prove my uniqueness if suddenly the entire world would be able to gain powers.

Nowadays Mutants no longer hide in the shadows, they come out from the shadows and civilians welcome them saying 'Hey Lucky guy, won't you join us for a meal'.

What made them odd and dangerous no longer exist since most governments now have Two or more Evolution Codex's. So one or two is reserved for civilian use which is every ten days.

So in this way i had made the problems Mutantkind faced completely dissappear. Also the countries may not want any war for now since the Avalon debacle, but give or take a few years. They will again start vying each others Evolution Codex.

After that the pace of a world with Superpowers will fasten even more. So in a way i made peace and acceptance for Mutantkind that Xavier and Mageneto fought for with their Movements, a huge joke.

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