
Chapter 38 - Reasoning

I had calmly warped Wanda right near me and slapped her across the Earth again. Why did I? I wanted to. Because her reasons are frustrating okay. Not every family drama is welcome all the time.

She was a Reality Warper, one that was too attached to reality. One who could never look at the world like a game as i do.

But nevertheless when things go wrong, it is this same power that she relies on with no thought in her heart.

Everybody is afraid of Reality Warpers. But not the X-Men, I don't know where such confidence comes from but i guess 'Skudos to you guys'.

Now Magneto is realistic, he was once so afraid of Wanda he caged her. Not a good set of actions to take against a Reality Warper that was only blooming, but logic was out the window once i knew this was a Comic world.

Yeah Wanda is that ridiculous. It is often stated in the Comics that Wanda's curse was so potent it did not stop only at Marvel 616. It seeped throughout the parrallel dimensions and nearly ended Mutantkind from every dimension of Marvel ever.

Pretty neat considering that Marvel 616 is not the Ultimate Timeline. The Ultimate timeline is Marvel 1610, and even there no Mutant was able to escape her curse.

If Hope Summers did not exist then Mutantkind really would be extinct from every reality. Hope is that incomprehensible, just her existence was able to not only stop but grow the ever deteriotating numbers of Mutantkind in every reality. Mind you, every f.u.c.k.i.n.g one of those realities, her existence itself jump-started Mutantkind that faced extinction every second.

Now i am not angry. Oh f.u.c.k it who am i kidding, i am angry. Why ? Is that a question to ask. If you were a Mutant during the Decimation Day Era. You were pretty much screwed.

Discrimination at its worst, was what could be described about Mutants who barely survived Decimation Day. About a million died that day itself due to being massively depowered. Not a good effect on the Genes i tell you, being depowered that is.

All for what, a family squabble. One that was taken out on the entire race. The story in a nutshell goes like this, i liked Vegetables and my Father liked Meat.

So in order to make him Vegetarian, i went out of my way to extinguish any sign of another animal so that he may not consume meat, but also relish vegetables.

Now i don't know about you guys but i am a preacher of Mixed diet. Balanced food and I don't like telling someone what to do, which in this case would mean 'Dont f.u.c.k.i.n.g bother your terrorist father, when you already know he won't really care no matter how you tell him'.

The way Wanda handled this family squabble not only angers me but makes me want to wipe out all minor inconveniences like another Rogue Reality Warper, which is David Haller.

Not me obviously, but i do keep notifications of his exploits and it is safe to assume he lost control. I mean he created the Age of X version of reality again, and is that another me that has no power.

Is he trashing my fake avatar for shits and giggles. Okay i am not gonna mind that and continue on.

I had thought that logic dictates this so called scientific universe. Its only now i realise, nobody follows logic here, nobody, not a single one.

F.u.c.k it, if the timeline followed its original course then this time 616 would start lacking the numbers in every community. It won't just end up implicating one race or community but the entire world.

Why? Oh its because of the nifty piece of tech called the Evolution Codex. Cool right, but i guess Wanda in rage doesn't reason. So she really is hell bent on wiping out Supers this time round just to get back at Magneto.

So i had just warped her again and went for the slap. This time she was ready to retaliate and she did. She attacked me with a torrent of murky red Psionic Beams. A tide of red wave like attack came at me.

All the bystanders were ready to lend a helping hand to me. You would also think like that if you saw a skycr.a.p.er sized attack and only one defender. A Tsunami of Psionic Energy was threathening to crash at me.

Its roars could be heard from Ten Miles. The wind naturally displacing itself to make space for the attack. But all was naught, for the next moment my slap had not only shattered but dispersed every sign of the attack.

The force which went through the wind made it seem like an attack that wasn't even targetted at her. It truly was an off hand attack that wasn't even aimed at her.

The bystanders were so shocked by this, their jaws were left hanging. It was only now they could understand completely that i truly wasn't here to joke at them.

Even if all of them had fought her here, no one would survive Wanda. In the end a Reality Warper is still an above 3D being who is nearing 4D. So no matter what kind of attack would hit Reality Warpers, we would still survive somehow.

Again I warped her in front of me and this time she fliched and thats when i knew, she understood a bit of the wide gap that seperated our realms of power.

She could not retaliate even when she was warped here. She could not do it again when she was attacked. She could not even escape this dimension. It was as if her whole being warned that the moment she did, she would truly end up lost.

Now I had a Treasure, you know the Omniversal Yggdrasil. I had to integrate so many laws, so many codes to ensure it survived in the void and would not be discovered by anyone else.

She had calmed down and was ready to talk. She started with "Don't interuppt in my business Monarch".

"It would have been fine if you punished Magneto and were done with it. But you dragged the Race i was crowned Monarch of. So give me a good enough reason to not throw you in the void".

She was shocked but nevertheless her madness and obsession grew. It was as if she was tired of Mutants and anything related with superpower.

How do i explain it. It felt like in the deep depths of her heart, she dispised the power that she and many others wielded. I would too, if it led me to being caged, given the responsibility to save the world and what not madness.

But the problem here in lay with the fact that Wanda wanted the problems to be felt by the world. She wasn't being self destructive but Atomic at everyone.

She then says "I have judged this matter and am dishing the results they don't d.e.s.i.r.e but should be given"

"Don't bullshit with me Wanda. Don't drag down an entire Race with your Mad Obsession over trying to be your fathers twinkle in the eye".

I had hit deep and that had left her gritting her teeth. But i had no plans on stopping, i continued "Instead of mettling out punishment for the guilty. You wanted to curse an entire race for a reason as flimsy as your brothers death".

She for the first time shouted out "Its not a flimsy reason. My Brother Pietro was killed by being beaten to death by his ever so glorious father who only preached about Mutantkind. Even with the Era of Supers he would not relax for his kind. I am tired of his constant obsession over Mutankind".

I had let her rant, made her cry but i wasn't here to comfort anyone "What is the problem here?, you resurrected Pietro didn't you. Ahh, right deep down you still think of yourself as a normal naive girl, don't you".

This time i had hit even harder. This was the truth for every X-Men or Mutants. While they were young they had wanted to be Normal and this became their sole obsession, which later on resulted in the destruction of the first Three generations of X-Men.

Why would you want to be normal when there are millions readily wanting to slip inside your shoes. It truly is Ironic and more so it sounds sarcastic when they say this despite the immense power they wield.

Before she could continue and prattle on about her bad Father i had had enough. The whole universe then started trembling. Every bit of it was slowly enshrouded in a Crimson colour with a ghastly vibe.

My control over reality was truly shown here and no matter which Reality Warper wanted to stop this baleful and murderous aura. It was useless, my understanding and control over reality had been well studied by me. The results were obviously unfavourable for everyone.

For the first time i was going to wipe out a Reality Warper. But hey Legion didn't you say Reality Warpers are hard to kill. Yes that bit is true, but not for Wanda who still believes she is a normal human.

No she deludes herself, and as such she is everything but invincible. If i kill her before she can react and vaporise every bit of the Data that makes her herself. I would have ended a Reality Warper.

So why didn't i do this with the Original. If you read the comics you would know. The Original's power is so vast that he subconsciously doesn't die everytime. What about Franklin Richards then. That guy is so smart that he made himself immortal the moment he learned he could.

Wanda was scared, of course she would be. Not every one can feel the shift in Reality and the massive amount of control behind it. Right now she was powerless as hell and i was planning to end it in one move, which naturally made her instincts scream 'Death is near'.

Sorry it isn't Death you should fear but your non-existence for i am not going to stop at only your death. That would be too easy for someone like you who is insane and deludes herself with a teenagers love dream.

She screamed "Monarch you are being unreasonable, you cannot do this". Her shrill and scared voice enough to hint everyone that something bad would happen to her and i would be the sole reason.

Let me joke at her just this last time "And were you planning on distributing hugs for everyone". Right at that moment she ran, she had to try.

The bystanders were confused but not for long for in my hand i held a spear that sparkled with a radiance unseen and unheard by the world. But the feeling of Nothingness it held was enough to make everyone confused.

Then i said in my Chunni voice "Before everything existed there was nothing. Okay let me cut the dialogue short. The Spear Before the Divine". I flung my spear at her direction and it flew like a loose arrow that did not seem to hold anything.

It was only then the bystanders understood that we had long since transitioned from discussion to immediately killing each other. Everyone tried coming at me which soon became the worst choice.

Why ? When you were supressed till you could not breathe just by bloodl.u.s.t itself. You realise just how easy it would be for that man to kill you.

Especially so if he could stand there unwavering regardless of the action he had taken. This decisiveness is what defines a king, for he doesn't regret his choices.

Scott shouted out "Stop this...". But my cold and beyond reality gaze had shut him down. For if he continued the next moment he would cease to exist. It seemed like he understood my level and quieted down or it could be something else entirely.

But my true target wasn't Wanda but Magneto. The root of this problem was Magneto so naturally i would have to kill him. This show was more to demonstrate my power and the gap between us to Wanda, who all this time had no one to counter her.

She stumbled and fell down, utterly powerless and spent trying to Warp Reality when she could not even grasp it anymore. The spear coming at her and the X-Men down for the count, made for a pretty despairing scene.

That's when the brilliance in the spear dissappeared. The spear itself had dissappeared seeping inside Magneto, and the scene that next came about would be engraved on everyones mind.

Magneto had shattered, he had shattered as if reality was enforcing the fact that he had become Nothing. The cracks spread at a pace that seemed slow in everyones eyes and before Magneto could utter the next word he had dissolved into space.

I had stood there and then i declared "The Root cause has been punished. Now Wanda don't bother about this idiotic incident anymore. For the next time it would be you and not Magneto at the end of the spear".

Then like a King that had enforced law and order, I had gone back to Avalon not knowing the Waves i had caused.

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