
Chapter 39 - Analysis Report

I am Hank Mccoy, you might know me as 'The Beast'. This is an analysis report based on the activities and information acquired of the resident Mutant God 'The Monarch of Supers'.

There has always been a hint on the possibility of Mutants reaching the level of Gods. A level that is with certainty beyond Omega level.

Mankind, no we ourselves witnessed the birth of several. Wanda, Jean and lots of names that are hard but not that rare to find.

Amongst them one stands out the most. It was certainly a given, since he was the youngest. Yet we found out the hard way, he was the most Chaotic of all present.

Every Beyond Omega level being has d.e.s.i.r.es to do or be something but, he would rather learn and apply than wait on thinking.

An impulsiveness that is rather hard to understand given his scope of power. But it could also be his temperament due to having power beyond reality.

We had first contact, a decade ago where we had proposed him to join us. To which he quoted us as Hypocrites and cited what would be an argument that divided the X-Men.

Nowadays we are hard pressed to find Wolverine taking our side even on decisions where he would have reluctantly agreed. The collapse from within our own ranks is so strong that Storm has left for Africa and news state she has been named Queen of Wakanda.

We ourselves were s.u.c.k.e.d into a dimension Wanda created, to let us fulfill our d.e.s.i.r.es. We were under Magneto but nevertheless Mutantkind had seen peace.

But it is a delusion that we had crafted for ourselves with certainty. The Monarch had realised peace in a time, where we ran and hid from the world.

We had Wanda, Jean in our ranks. Myself and many like minded poeple could have worked together to fashion out a serum like Captain America's.

But we held back, we took asylum from the government but never gave them what they asked. The give and take relationship left unfulfilled was going to get us killed. But we were blinded by the speed at which things were progressing.

Everyday new problems would crop up, every time, every mission we would send kids fashioned for war in the name of saving someone.

The analysis report i have made has less bias in accordance to my thoughts. We are too blind is what i was trying to say. There were thousands of options but we opted to not make ourselves public, which made us not more than the vicious monsters, Heroes slay in fairy tales.

The first report contains about the populace of Avalon. It is a relatively secluded type of nation. It sends the thought that The Monarch would not care even if it ended by itself.

But that analysis has long since been proven wrong. Its not The Monarch does not care but he doesn't need to. There are Automatons patrolling the whole vicinity and the first step with hostile intentions would end in a Laser Circus on their body.

Chances of Attacking and surviving - 12%

Danger Level - Nation level threat

Then comes the kids. The kids are orphans pretty much like ours, but the thing is most are mere civilians who are later turned to a Super.

A kingdoms rise and fall is dictated by the Geniuses it produces or the Bastards it raises. Both are non-existant in this case since no vassal here can step up to the Monarch's majesty and he might have the most potent version of the Evolution Codex.

Chance of a Rebellion - 3%

Dnager Level - The Monarch might intervene

Then we come to their squads, although most weren't unveiled before the Tragedy of Transgression. It is still confirmed that the squads are relatively new and still at its infancy.

Which begs the question, at maturity how dangerous will they be. They have three squads which come under the Mad Goddess, Evil Buddha, and the Knight Squad.

The Mad Goddess commands the most destructive squad which goes by the name Hunter Squad. Evil Buddha commands the Shinobi Squad. The Knight Squad is the mainstream force of Avalon.

The chances of hurting Avalon in either political or economical maneuvre - Not Possible.

Danger Level - The Monarch will scoff at you for your misplaced efforts

Unlike other Reality Warpers The Monarch not only focuses on using but earning and hoarding his power. Pretty unusual for someone who likes to act Omniscient.

Ash is hard to fight since non of her attacks are blockable. Surprise attacks could work but that is also in consideration of her strength. Her strength and range is her most surprising factor. For a melee fighter, she sure can knock down planes flying from the ground.

Chances of Defeating Ash, The Mad Goddess - 1%

Danger Level - International Threat

Then we have the Diplomat who can fight, Skip the Evil Buddha. His powers are a little reasonable, but harder to understand. Since he is basically a Demi - God fashioned for every bit of anything that we can think of.

Chances of Defeating Skip, Evil Buddha - 17%

Danger Level - International Threat

But of course, Avalon likes to keep their own version of WMD (Weapon Of Mass Destruction). Sun God Apollo, Nothing is known about this guy except the fact that he came and ended Nine Nations at once, a feat in itself.

He ended the Freinds of Humanity in one day. A feat that is not possible at all. We ourselves have fought them and understand their zeal and madness, their fever and thirst, their cultish mindset, which just proves the potential danger they point at.

His strength is like that of Hulk, but of course his speed is the deciding factor that makes sure that Hulk will be fought at a standstill by him. His ability is based on the Sun. But unlike Hyperion who harnesses the power of the suns. He is the Sun. He still holds a lot of powers he hasnt shown.

Danger Level - World Threat

Then we have the nightmare that caused the Tragedy of Transgression, The Dragon of Apocalypse. Not much is known, but his appearance and his wordings itself points to the fact that he exists in Earth, guarding something that The Monarch entrusted.

Just his presence was enough to induce fear in the minds of the strongest. His roar comparable to Blackbolt and his mastery of Magic, Sorcery or whatever it was using is still in the unknown.

Chances of Defeating The Dragon of Apocalypse - Non-existant

Danger Level - Universal Threat

Then the main character appears, The Monarch. Not much is known about him, except that he was the one who created the Evolution Codex. It was assumed that he would be the strongest link in Avalon. That assumption was true, but we came to learn of it very late.

He only attacked once with what Wanda says a Reality Altering Concept. That not only turned Magneto, Erik Lensher into Nothing but all his virtual or real time data was erased. He showed a level of control on his extreme powers which is ridiculous.

Wanda claims that if she had that much control forget altering reality, she might be able to recreate reality. In other words what we are facing when we look at The Monarch is not a powerhouse but power itself.

Above all he considers himself a King so he does not shy from killing or announcing the fact that he did what we would normally hide. Even his conditions for using the Codex should have negative impact on its usage but nonetheless everyone still does use it. He knows and considers every thought one can have, which means he is a good but fortuitous planner.

Danger Level - ???

When the briefing had been done. We can see the collective and thoughtful looks of those present. Attilan represented by Medusa, Wakanda by Black Panther, X-men by Xavier, Brotherhood of Mutants by Mystique, Avengers by Iron Man, Sorcerers by Strange, Kunlun by The Iron Fist, The World Government and so many names who should have been busy with their own works.

Tchalla then says "It is pretty clear from a third person point of view that The Monarch does not care much unless it is his possession or a very dangerous situation". He then took up and left giving out the message 'we are done here'.

Iron Man nods in agreement, Mystique nods in agreement, Strange has a contemplating look, Xavier patiently waits for his turn to say something, Medusa agrees.

It is one of those rare moment that everyone is ready to agree on something. But then again all have their own opinions.

Tony then says "Personally i would like to invite a scientist of such caliber and have a talk on theories, pool parties, clubs. You know to foster a relationship".

Almost everyone here knows Tony's attempt on decoding the Codex. A massive failure but it still earned his technology a massive upgrade which should have not been possible. He is enroute to creating the first Mechanical life, which is completely stable by the way. So he in a sense admires The Monarch.

Medusa then says "My liege has told me that fighting or thinking of doing something hostile to a being like that would be foolish. Atillan withdraws from the mission God's Advocate".

It is agreeable since Atillan rarely takes a stance in World Politics. The mission itself is hilarious, a few countries trying to reason with a being like that. Who in their right mind would do that.

Medusa then stands up and leaves the room. The silence that descends sends the picture of a hopeless meeting. Then Danny stands up saying "If you are on the mission, convey our gratitude for suppressing the Immortal Dragons even if it wasn't their goal".

He then walked away, since the threat of the Immortal Dragons shimmered down, Danny has had to do a lot of things to ensure Kunlun walks a path of peace and prosperity. Peace that could end any minute after all a Dragon does not forget its treasures.

Mystique then says "Magneto is a perfect example so don't bother". She also left, then Xavier suddenly said "We already have enough contact with The Monarch. So we know of the unreal amount of power he wields. The X-Men will leave".

Xavier was actually contemplating that whether the steps they had truly taken to save Mutantkind were right or wrong. If it was a small number that ever surfaced at the begginning then after the Era of Supers came about, Mutants are now considered pure Supers. Ones who didn't need the Codex. Maybe Hank was right after all was what shook Xavier's will.

With this everyone left, the World Government trembling angrily at the fact that no one was there to help and the only one left was Strange.

But even he got up and left saying "You have impure intentions, since you just want to use The Monarch's Halo of a reasonable God to operate under and above the tables. You should be careful for should he learn of it, your Ninety generations will be at stake".

The World Government had yet to say anything when Deadpool came about and said "Looks like everyone wants to co-operate with an Unknown God rather than a Mad Government".

Obviously Wade got bored fast and left the scenes early. The World Government leader who had proposed the plan took a phone and said "Abort Mission : God's Advocate immediately".

The other end of the phone asked in a raging manner "Why, weren't you the most enthusiastic ?".

But the reply was cut short "The Monarch knows and, we are out of time.....". He had dissappeared into non-existence. That day Ten leaders dissappeared from the world.

Many heaved a sigh learning of their untimely demise since they were certain The Monarch was a completely above the world type of being. Nobody crosses The Monarch without losing their lives.

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