
Chapter 55 - Heretic Nation

With all things in order, we had entered a period of peace and stability. My troops were getting trained and under my guidance, now we truly had top level weapons and armaments.

But hasty development would only lead us to our Doom. So every once in a while I had to step down the race and let them understand the gains and implications of their discovery.

The war was erupting in a truly gorish fashion and Ishvalan Rebels were losing more ground.

This meant that the vantage my Fort held had been lost. Now we were at the forefront rather than the once moderate distance we had.

Amestris had not attacked us for long due to various reasons and I did not understand why. Would you leave a problem unchecked, especially if it was during a war.

So I did not understand what they were thinking, but I continued my regime. My nation is called Lashvi. It was just to spite Ishval, and I did tick them off.

I heard that my nation had been given the title, Heretic Nation - Lashvi. Even with that infamy my nation actually attracted a huge amount of people and talents.

I mean I would rather be a heretic than someone who loses every Battle. To be perfectly honest, even the Rebel's Commanders were unsure of the War.

It was out of their control whether they won or lost and the Alchemists were no joke. Every time an Alchemist entered the field, it was painful. No matter what kind of elite troop you sent, they died.

In that regard my nation had good esteem, we did manage to wrangle down one Alchemist. This was just one Alchemist, but the implications held true and the question was, could we kill more.

This kind of allure actually brought me a huge amount of Ishvalans, all of them ready to forsake their faith for just one stab at an Alchemist.

Truthfully they were like Dragons to a fantasy, hard to kill, harder to respect, easy to fear and easy to emulate, thus no one could replicate my Accomplishments, not even Amestris itself.

My infamy should have brought forth the Wrath of Amestris*. But they showed no signs of movement, it was as if they were told to stay low against us.

*See what I did there, huh.

Who else but the Dwarf could order this type of command. So I traced back my steps and tried finding out why were we allowed to develop stably in this war.

Knowledge, my weaponry and education are at least few centuries ahead of this worlds. For the Dwarf who coveted knowledge more than Truth itself.

I was akeen to a huge slab of meat, a delightful dish so savory that it was planning something entirely different for me. Far beyond just killing or destroying me, I guess it was thinking of enslaving me.

It made me smile at just how ludicrous the entire situation was turning out to be. So to rock the entire world, I announced the Alchemy Ban Array.

I did not give them the Circle, but the world came to know that the Heretic Nation of Lashvi held something that made all Alchemy inane and useless.

In an instant I had become enemy number one for Amestris and partner number one for all the nations surrounding it. The North was especially ecstatic when they learnt of this.

In an instant, Amestris had started concentrating all of its attacks on our Nation. But sadly or hilariously enough, they had given me too much time.

The Fuhrer was admonished and the Alchemists were furious. Why, it was because their thousand strong troops had been gunned down, ambushed before they even reached their targets.

Information was a nefarious thing in war and that had become my specialty. In the three months I was silent, I had developed an International Level Circle or Array, whichever you like.

Remember how my Circle absorbs heat for energy, well this circle absorbs heat from an entire nation. So the normal temperature of my entire Nation is 12 to 32 degrees at most.

It fluctuates according to season, now with this circle connected to a wall just outside of the castle. It became a sort of projection of the entire landmass.

The entire circle which from its epicenter, our castle, covers a huge radius of about 1200 km. I had to run around so much, just to ensure that the Circle could be laid down in a perfect manner.

Its not that I don't trust my subordinates, it's because the slightest miscalculation and adjustment would cause the Circle to fail.

In this manner I had laid down this worlds first livetime feed of heat signatures. The entire wall was painted with another Circle and it monitored the entire landscape of about 2400 km Diameter.

The Circle painted on the Wall itself was a whopping Twenty meter tall. So to say it was an open secret was no exaggeration. They just didn't know why I had erected that wall, until Amestris sent that thousand strong troop.

It was like watching an Elephant hide behind a coconut tree. Perfection was ingrained within me, so unless Amestris decides to send troops in a Five or Seven man team, we would always know where they are.

So Amestris took a step back, but in a war taking a step back is tantamount to preparing for a leap. Like a Tiger on a prowl, countries would take a step back in war for a mighty leap.

But would I give them that chance, if Amestris was like a Tiger preparing to leap, then Lashvi was a fox that would call all the other ferocious animals to ambush the Tiger.

So within two months the entire world aside Amestris were given the Alchemy Ban Array. Now you might say I was being foolish, but without the core component, you could say this was the most brittle Circle in FMA verse history.

The core component of my Circle is another Circle inlaid within it, to repair itself and yet be able to function the Ban, all at the same time. Without that component, one knock and the entire Circle would crumble.

Now the other nations will find different ways to circ.u.mvent this, but only mine can be the hidden blade of all ambushes. You know how someone will plan to knock down my Circle and only alert my people. So yeah a hidden blade, a siren, pick your choice.

Now the Circle I have given to all the others, have to be laid down and manually activated, which is a big No in my eyes. For my Circle as long as they push a small brick to complete the last piece of the Circle, it will almost run forever.

So before Amestris could even try to spy out the information of the Alchemy Ban Array, they had it. Not because they got it easily, but because now the whole world knows it.

Honestly I was working on another type of Alchemy, so to be fair I could care less what the world was upto.

I have already said this once before, that creating something from nothing requires an enormous amount of energy.

Little things can be converted with enough energy, but higher level materials require an enormous amount, an amount so vast, that if I vied for it, this entire world would fall into an Ice Age.

So to say, to create Vibranium or Adamantium out of nothing would require about an Atomic explosion of energy. Even then the amount would be lacking. It would be only converted to about Two or Three kilos of the said Item.

I did not want to plunge the entire world into an Ice Age, but I had a way to Circ.u.mvent this and that is the Dark Matter Engine (DME).

Kai or my persona's entire collection of Nanomachines, Armed Robots, Mechanical Deity, Satellites are powered by this baby. If I said that it had enough energy to power a galaxy, it would still be a lacking statement compared to the energy produced and outputted by it.

But my most prized creation, when I was in Kai's persona has to be the Anti-Matter Engine (AME). I know Anti-Matter is volatile, but using Wakandan technology as the base, I had found a way to not only contain its explosive nature, but rather convert it to another energy source.

Vibranium absorbs the explosion, and it is then extracted by Wakandan science and turned into energy ready to be harnessed. With this I can continuosly harness energy without ever losing the source, so in terms of danger Anti-Matter Engine dwarfs the Dark Matter one.

Both have their Pros and Cons, but arguably Dark Matter is better than Anti-Matter. Its just that Anti-Matter to me is more stronger and more better. Well according to scientific tests, Anti-Matter the size of a human or about 40-50 kilos could end the entire Earth in a cataclysmic explosion.

For everyone who supports me in saying Anti-Matter Engine is the better one, I will bomb Thanos with that shit, and the payload would be higher by at least a Thousand Times.

So I worked on my projects in secret and continued Ruling, Administrating, Guiding in my, ummm all the time I guess.

Well it was until I felt the ever loving need to run out of my Nation, during an evening, for about a few hundred miles. So before my jog in the distance I shouted to Damun "Code : Red" and scrambled away.

Followed by three shadows, I could feel three Philosopher's Stone converge towards me and one entirely below me.

So I stopped and turned around to face my pursuers, and Sam came to view who said "Commander why are you strolling around, lets head back".

"I was quite suspicious of you from the beginning, since your stats were monstrous compared to all who began with you".

It was my honest opinion, that even if I had trained my troops to their peaks, Strength, Stamina, Agility so monstrous could only be acquired by few and all of them were Enhanced in various ways, like Ash or Skip.

Then his entire aura took a huge turn, and he cackled at me saying "Lookie here, do you know how much of a pain it was to act like this bitch for a year".

"Must have been hard". What could I say, the always talkative Envy to stay cold and silent all day.

"It must have been distasteful, but if you think you can take me down with just you, I will give a hard pass and be done with it".

L.u.s.t, then next should be Greed or Gluttony, as I thought this, a fatso directly jumped from above me, I had dodged, but the aftermath was a huge crater, spanning twelve meters and seven inches deep.


"Ara ra, Gluttony, be patient, we have to keep him alive after all".

But unperturbed to the scolding the fatso said "Can I have a few limbs ?". It drooled for flesh and it made me unhappy, hey I agree to L.u.s.t, she is a milf. I don't want a fatso stalker after me.

I was watching this lineup and I felt honored or should I say disgruntled "Are you guys all there is ?".

Envy snarled out understanding the underlying meaning of my words "We will be more than enough !".

"Arara Children shouldn't be so naughty".

"Gluttony is hungry, can I eat a little bit of him ?".

"I have never said this before but fine, Might as well dig Eight graves for you guys to lie in".

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