
Chapter 56 - Purification And Assimilation

Acupunture is a technique used by Chinese Doctors to accomplish many things, which range from blood circulation to stimulating the brain.

It was a technique devised for healthcare, but under the hands of a killer, an assassin or a martial artist, it had lost its core purpose and become the legendary acupressure knowledge.

Why was I saying this is because the moment my statement had ended, Envy had jumped at me. Ready to tear me limb from limb, but before he could even comprehend, he had been hit by me, in a dozen acupressure points within moments and punched so hard, that shockingly he was sent back flying.

But before his body could even be considered to have been flying back, his organs exploded, his blood burst out of his body and then and there he died, a few dozen times.

But in a battle who had the time to admire their own artistry. During the attacks I rained on Envy the fatso had also hastily moved towards me in an almost childlike manner.

He ran towards me, and to be fair he always ticked me off. So in a fluid movement I had grabbed his head, rammed him with my knee.

Envy was still in mid flight, letting out a blood curdling scream, when three sharp glints came to my vision, hurtling through the air. Picking Gluttony barehanded, I slammed him at Envy who was mid flight and sent them both rumbling together.

Then with the force and momentum acquired by doing such a task, I had swiftly maneuvered to the sides of the spear like nails. L.u.s.t had stayed in a safe distance, keeping her hands near her mouth in a 'Ufufu' manner.

Then I walked a little and rushed towards L.u.s.t, who to reciprocate sent out her spears in an almost Berserk Frenzy.

But to her attacks, I took a step back, a swift side movement, a hop in the air, a screwdriver parkour and I had already reached a very close proximity to L.u.s.t, only to cross my arms and be sent flying back by a huge fist.

But before I could even take the effects of gravity and stabilise, a huge Chimera like being crashed at me. With its skin riddled with human faces it roared at me. I forcefully took the brunt of stopping myself and jumped up.

"This is not how Genetics work".

Not a good thing, especially when you are supposed to be an Amalgam of various different creatures. In an instant I jumped of his back and his entire body inflated, like a balloon on the burst, he exploded in a gorish fashion, until only a Blood Red crystal had dropped down.

Without caring at all Spears, sharper than steel, at terrifying speeds had moved at me. Erupting with the force to suddenly move sideways in flow alike water, I had encountered a mad Gluttony charging at me, who was only met with a Tiger Claw at his face.

But within my claws, the wind roared and as if each finger were a sharp sword, I had shredded apart the entirety of his torso. I even had the leisure to back away from another set of nails that came at my arms.

Then spreading my arms back at full force, like a crane flapping his wings, I pulled out a move straight from an Anime "Whirlwind Iron Fist".

As if the wind had a mind of its own, it roared at my beckoning and slammed towards L.u.s.t who had always been staying at the back. The force enough to send her flying with deep gashes in various places.

Taking this moment I took a deep breathe and ran towards L.u.s.t. She was the only one I truly felt annoyed by. In the seven sins Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, and Pride were not my match.

The only ones experienced or smart enough to face me were Wrath, L.u.s.t, and surprisingly Greed.

The attack I had made on L.u.s.t would have normally teared apart a Tank, but she was still fine and regenerating. Hmmm how do I curb that Regeneration was a good question. Until Marvel came to the equation.

So as L.u.s.t was healing and sending out a frenzy of spearlike nails at me. I gathered energy, just in time to see Envy in his human form rushing at me, I grabbed his arms, absorbed the heat from his entire torso in a split second and froze him into an Ice statue.

L.u.s.t, then immediately shifted her spears and stabbed through Envy and broke his entirety into rubble. Pretty cold and s.e.xy, might I add. Fighting three against one was already hard enough. She did not want the odds to be two to one.

Within the rubble was a shining Philosopher's Stone, but I lacked concern on that issue. With the right amount of energy gathered from a few days, I fashioned out Thirty Five Carbonadium Dirks.

"Lets fight as Equals shall we".

Each Dirk was thin, sharp, had a length of about 1.2m or 120 cm, of which 20 cm was fashioned out as a handle. It may have been a good weapon for anyone, but for me its main function was flesh locking.

I had no time to carry all the thin needle like swords, so I pulled one, took a Javelin stance and threw it at L.u.s.t who was instantly nailed down to the ground.

But without pause I had picked a few more of the swords and thrown them in the air. The angle being just right and just when all the Dirks were reacting to gravity. In a flurry of motion, I had nailed down the newly regenerating Envy, Gluttony, and L.u.s.t each with seven Dirks, acting as a stake, punched in various spots.

But without caring I had ran towards L.u.s.t who was screaming loudly and already trying to pull out the Dirks. By the time I had reached her she had already taken out Two of the Seven, I had attacked her with.

She was in a frenzy and her wounds were not healing. But before she could figure out why I was here, I had taken the one of the Dirks she had pulled out, and stabbed it right through her forehead.

To make matters worse I transmutated the tip of the Dirk and made it bend like a flesh hook. Unable to pull out and unable to bear the pain, L.u.s.t was thrown into madness.

Her hand movements and nails annoyed me the most, so I took one of the Dirks that was stabbed through her c.h.e.s.t somewhere and forcefully grabbed both her arms, lay them on top of one another and stabbed the Dirk right through it onto the ground and Transmutated it.

It might sound easy, but she was in a frenzy trying to pull out the sword that had gone through her head. So if I said it required skill, I would be underrating the deed I had done.

Finally Envy had gazed towards me and tried to bolt. Hey take responsibility, I have your woman at my swords mercy. Wonder why that sounded so wrong.

Normally Envy would have been able to heal and escape very fastly, but Carbonadium had curbed his healing and the various wounds those seven stakes had given him made him limp. Trying to run away at his fastest from the fate he knew he would beget was his first choice.

But would I let him, I had taken another Dirk from the screaming L.u.s.t and thrown it at his back. Then I took another one somewhere from L.u.s.ts abdomen and stabbed her through the heart, transmutated it and ran aside to deal with Gluttony.

He was a moving annoyance but because he was sluggish and in rage he had broken his rule, he had activated his Wormhole stomach.

Because he wasn't able to heal, those jagged teeth on his stomach lined with dripping blood and various viscera flowing out of it, made him look like a bloodthirsty maw like creature.

Now Gluttony is certainly a hard kill but his stomach is not a Black Hole, it is in my view just a wormhole that is connected to a secondary space. So how do I counter it, simple really, Spacetime Anchors.

Those who have read The Legendary Mechanic might know what a Spacetime Anchor is, but let me recap. It is machinery made to stabilise all space time fluctuation in a certain space or area.

Materials are easy to create anywhere if you know its structure, because they follow a certain property, but Items that mess with laws already set in stone are very hard. It seems to me that I was lacking time, but then again with Alchemy at my disposal, it became a mundane task.

So when Gluttony tried to devour my entirety, all he was met was a missing enemy. I was above him and reaching out for his head, then without bothering I tried something, I never felt like doing.

Now Alchemy is a written code, an order inside a Circle. The Circle is to channel Energy to function the order, but it always struck me, does the outline have to be a Circle. So I searched for the very best Energy channelling source besides physical shapes, and what else but the Gene of an enhanced could best channel Energy.

So when I forcefully injected my Spacetime Anchor Circle inside his Gene, I was subjectfully destroying the entirety of what constitutes as him, as Gluttony. With him flailing around, I certainly had a hard time coding the order in Gene Sequence.

But with that done his mind broke down, his body turned into frigid state of Spatial/Organic being and the only insurance of his life was the Philosopher's Stone inside him.

It was a curse of sorts, such sad kind of immortality, it only led them to a fate crueler than just dying. What I did to them led to their minds crumbling, their spirit breaking, and their will collapsing.

But nevertheless when the desert was filled with nothing but the scream of a mad woman, the groan of a deserter, and a now unmoving mass of fat.

It clearly said I had won, but the fourth Philosopher's Stone was still moving underground, digging, uncaring of what his brethren suffered. For the first time I was about to use visible Alchemy.

Snapping my fingers, I raised my foot as high as I could and slammed down to the Earth. The huge tremors, the rage of the Earth on my move was felt throughout the continent and it terrified millions of people. If I had a Ritcher Scale, it would most probably a scale 9 Earthquake.

Now if it was Greed or any other Sin, they might be able to escape, but it was Sloth we were talking about and that hulking mass was not something that could maneuver in an agile manner. But just for cautions sake, I had increased the Radius of the hole to a whopping 10km.

I just wanted to see if a Philosopher's Stone powered Homunculi could survive a never ending burn inside the Earth.

Seeing the disaster I had caused crashed Envy's mind. Not even his creator had that much strength, power or versatility and I had done this all with an unknown form of Alchemy, this scared him more than just my deeds.

But he held true to his loyalty and spat out "Father will come for you, and at that time you will beg for us. For we will never truly die".

"I know, let me reiterate what I said before 'Eight Graves' for all of you, your Father's counted. But how can I kill Immortal Homunculi, that must be the question you have. I don't have that question, do you know why ?".

Envy was terrified, my saying things in such a manner made it feel like something bad was about to happen. The Unmoving Gluttony and madly wailing L.u.s.t in the background did no help to calm his nerves.

"Its because I have another one. What if you never die, never heal and always stay in pain, so the question should be how long will it be before your soul, will, and spirit becomes weaker than the ones whose Energy your siphoning ?".

My smile had stained his consciousness and fear was just an abhorrent word that couldn't compare or scale the mad solutions I was trying.

Right then and there L.u.s.t's wail quieted down and her body withered at a pace that was visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. All that was left there was a Philosopher's Stone shining brightly amids the dust.

Before Envy could object, I had stabbed him through the head, in the same manner I had done with L.u.s.t.

His face took a dark turn and he wailed, his body then hastily transformed into a gorish mess. He tried pulling it out, but the hook had been stuck in his head and all it did was enhance all the pain he felt.

His head remained, but all his body parts bloated and akeen to a beast he roared and rampaged. To which all he got was another stab in his head, heart, throat and eyes.

Now unable to heal from his transformation, all he could do was wail and rampage. Envy was a tough nut, he rampaged for 5 long hours until his spirit broke, another two hours until his will collapsed and one final hour before his soul collapsed and was finally assimilated in the Philosopher's Stone.

His anguished roars and demonic wails had scared the people of my nation stiff, more so than the world shaking Earthquake they felt. They held their breathes in hopes of my return until the roars died down.

Then I came back at dawn and Damun ran towards to me, relieved and said "Code : Red initiated Commander".

Unlike what everyone, even all the spies inside my Nation think, Code : Red is not about danger but the Third Phase of my Plans, Crusading Time and our target was none other than the Nation of Alchemists, Amestris.

But before that I had one more thing to do, I stood above the castle walls and held out three shining Philosopher's Stone.

To the common people and many around me, it was confusing and an unknown item. But to the researchers who knew about the Origin of the Stone, they held lament and disgust at its sight.

But under my hands the Stones cracked and became one. Then in an almost ghostly fashion the entire dawn was submerged in ghostly wails and anguished madness.

No one knew what I was doing, but when they saw the number of wails only rising, with no sign of stopping or diminishing.

I said "This is the Philosopher's Stone, refined by Alchemist to break the law that holds them back. What is required to refine this item ?".

I held them in suspense and when the entire city was blanketed with the projection of what felt like millions of soul. I said "Human lives, each face you see here is a human life, refined to create what I hold in my fist. Alchemists consider this as the pinnacle they hope to achieve".

"But at what cost, isn't it already enough to be an Alchemist and stay happy and satisfied. Its discontent, discontent at their mediocre lives, discontent at them never having a presence, discontent they cruelly project onto others".

Murmurs rang across the city streets beneath, quite a few spies jotting down what I said "What does our mother nation Ishval do, nothing. They stay ignorant of what is even being done behind the scenes, they condone me and the country we have built together as the Heretic Nation across the world".

"To them I say 'F.u.c.k your opinions, kill an Alchemist before you talk to us'. For today regardless of what they say, and how they object, we the Heretic Nation take arms against a Heresy they will never understand. A crime against humanity as a whole, a crime breeded by our ignorance. The Heretic Nation Lashvi announces the Crusade against Amestris and requests the entire world to participate".

I was doing a propaganda, I can't see my Nation disappear due to a flimsy reason such as Heresy after my leave. I have invested too much in this world and its inhabitants, to considerleaving my hardwork to something like luck.

To top it all off "Purification".

In an instant a bright light shined and the Philosopher's Stone was being reduced at a brisk pace. All souls had stopped their wails and as if given freedom, slowly shined in a translucent light and dissappeared into nothingness.

Though what I had done was just manipulate the light elements around me and destroyed the Stone by taking away all the Energy it held. It has the effect of making it look like I had truly sent all those damned souls off".

With that I shouted out a statement to the entirety of my nation "Time to Crusade".

All soldiers, civilians, really anyone who had witnessed this scene shouted out "For Justice", "For Glory", "Time to Crusade". It was a mix of cheers that ranged from relief to anger, anger that was incited by me, but meh Amestris was already enemy number one.

Lets just end them once and for all.

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