“Naruto, I have almost finished watching the Baolian Lantern and Journey to the West, what shall I watch next?”

Kaguya stared at the TV intently At the same time, start to talk to ask Naruto who is studying how to train Kekkei Mra.

“Sister Kaguya, watching the Journey to the West post, this plot is super exciting!” Naruto answered without looking up.

This Kekkei Mra is really amazing. If the training is successful, then his bloodline rank can be improved by one step further, beyond the bloodline source of Yuyi, reaching the same level as Kaguya.

When the time comes, his strength can be one step further, reaching the level of six levels.

When Black Zetsu was brought back from Moon by Sasuke, he saw such a scene.

Looked at the two people who are enjoying themselves, Black Zetsu feels a bit unhappy in his heart.

“Does it feel like I have lost something?” On the side, Sasuke start to talk asked.

Black Zetsu is subconscious nodded, Sasuke is right, he feels that Naruto has taken his place, and the person who should be so close to his mother is Black Zetsu!

“This is careless bereaved mother, hehe.” Sasuke said leisurely.

finished-speaking, fearing that Black Zetsu would ask Kaguya to beat him, he decisively opened the Space Teleportation door and ran away.

“!!!” Black Zetsu.

“Son, you are back.”

After watching TV, Kaguya noticed that he had been standing by for a long time and felt that he was a superfluous Black Zetsu.

Kaguya smiled and stretched out his hand, touched Black Zetsus bald head, and said in a gentle voice: “You have worked hard for thousands of years. Naruto has told me. Its really hard for you. From today I will give Your real body, and recognize your identity.”

Although the words were plain, but Black Zetsu was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and the emotions in his heart were mixed. If it werent for the function of crying, Im afraid this time Tears have fallen.

For Black Zetsu, nothing is more important than getting Kaguya’s recognition.

He is just the incarnation of Kaguya Willpower. If Kaguya is willing to take everything back to him at any time, Black Zetsu has no opinion on this, but it would be better to become an independent existence completely.

Kaguya’s hands are glowing.

The extremely complicated Yin-Yang-Style rays of light bloomed, and the appearance of the black Zetsu began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

From the look of a different kind of appearance, it began to transform into a real human being.

“The Chakra fruit formed by exhausting a lot of Earth’s heritage is truly extraordinary. Kaguya’s Yin-Yang-Style attainments are much stronger than Sage of Six-Paths.”

Naruto watched this scene and whispered in his heart.

He has read the memories of Pu Shi and Yi Shi, and he also understands their abilities.

In Yin-Yang-Style attainments, they are almost the same as Sage of Six-Paths level, and at this moment, Kaguya’s method of shaping flesh and blood out of thin air is a few times higher than them. .

“Yes, look back and learn from Kaguya sister.”

During thinking, Black Zetsu has completely transformed from a ball of briquettes to a big barrel with white eyes and white hair. clansman.

His face is just a youngster look, which is similar to Kaguya and the two big brothers Hayi and Hamura, but there are many differences that can be seen.

Although the current strength is very low, only at Kage Level, the bloodline rank is very high, and there is a high potential for training growth in the future.

Looked at Black Zetsu, Kaguya was satisfied and nodded. Although it cost her a lot of Chakra, it is also the reward that Black Zetsu deserves for her thousand years of hard work and hard work.

“From today, you will be called agarwood, Agarwood agarwood.”

Kaguya thought of the lotus lamp plot that hadnt been long after watching, and then recalled Black Zetsu’s hard work and hard work in this life, I feel that the experience of the two people is too similar.

The name of Agarwood is not just in name only, but also in reality.

Naruto heard Kaguya’s name for Black Zetsu, and he endured it for a long time, but finally couldn’t hold it back.

“Pu chi!”


Time is passing by day by day.

Soon, the auspicious day for the establishment of the empire is approaching.

October 9th, parallel world.

Bo Ren woke up from his sleep early in the morning, put on a solemn dress, and arranged his image in the mirror.

Tomorrow will be the day when his father becomes the emperor. He has invited a large family of them and the Master Sasuke family to participate early. He has long been looking forward to this day.

When the time comes, not only can you witness the most glorious moment in father’s life, but you can also see grandfather and grandma who have never met. It really makes the blogger feel a little bit unable to own it.

“Xiaokui, mother, father, are you ready?”

The blogger ran downstairs, and then found that younger sister Xiaokui was more excited than him. At this time she had already pulled Father Naruto, who was so tired as a salted fish, was washing.

And Da Hinata, is looking this scene with a smile.

At this time, the door was knocked, and Zuo Liangnas voice came from outside: “Bo Ren, have you gotten up yet, ready to go.”

Bo Ren Gate of Opening, I saw a white dress, Power of Youth beautiful girl Zuo Liangna.

There is also the Master Sasuke, who has always been raunchy. At this time, it is also rare to dress up seriously. Wearing a solemn gown, he has recovered a bit of the handsomeness of his youth.

On the side, there is a cute child who is as cute as a pink jade, and the Power of Youth is the same as before. The child in her hand is the son born a few years ago with Sasuke, called Uchiha Makoto.

“Master, Sakura, Aunt, let’s do it in advance, now we wait for father to wash, and we can set off in a while.” The blogger started to talk with a smile.

After speaking, in the big Sasuke’s unkind eyes, he took Zuoliangna to see the gift he prepared.

Although it is his own discipline, the daring to use his own cabbage still makes Sasuke feel killing-intent in his heart.

In this regard, bloggers naturally ignore it directly.

“Oh, Sasuke, morning, I’ll change my clothes, and we will leave.” Naruto finished-speaking and went upstairs to change clothes.

It didn’t take long for the blogger and Zoriana who came back downstairs with the tortoise, and the entire group merged together.

“Let’s go, then.” Naruto start to talk.

Next moment, the blogger poured enough Chakra into the tortoise.

Immediately, there was a light door leading to the parallel world, which appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone enters in order and starts to shuttle through the world.

After a while, the location of the archive point of the Konoha water tank originally appeared, and the entire group emerged.


The most advanced blogger screamed and found that the water tank was gone. They appeared in mid-air.

The big Naruto who appeared afterwards, manipulated the airflow to support everyone.

At this time, they have the time to look at the surrounding environment, and then involuntarily grow their mouths.

In the distance, Shadow Rock still exists.

It’s just this area that was supposed to be the bustling Konoha, but now it has become a desert, a huge pothole.

Its like, there was a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion here!

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