Such scenes made Naruto think of what he had experienced before. Senior Brother Nagato invaded Konoha and destroyed the entire village with Shinra Tensei.

“Could it be that this World has encountered any unpredictable enemy? The guest invitation we received this time is also a trap?”

Subconscious, Naruto became serious.

Only the big Sasuke has a calm expression and is not alarmed at all this: “Naruto, Naruto of this World is different from you. You should know this point. Observe carefully, this was exploded by Rasengan. Naruto.”

Big Naruto was stunned. He knew that he was impossible to do to destroy Konoha, so the subconscious thought that Naruto of this World was different from him, but he could not do such a thing.

It’s just that the reality is exactly the opposite of his imagination.

Under closer observation, Naruto found that the surrounding traces were indeed left by Rasengan, but a Rasengan that’s all with a formidable power countless times greater.

Unfortunately, Naruto’s mood was a little depressed, and the excitement of bringing peace to the world by himself in the parallel world was gone before departure.

If the price of peace is the destruction of Konoha, then Naruto does not want such peace.

At this moment, he deeply felt that a deep estrangement emerged between himself and Naruto of this World.

The others did not speak, because Naruto’s mood was depressed and the atmosphere was heavy.

“Oh, you are here, I thought I would come here later.”

Next moment, a gentle voice with a smile rang in the ears of the entire group.

Everyone heard the sound and saw Naruto who had been sent by Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Great Naruto and Great Sasukes Chakra are so conspicuous. They were discovered by Naruto with the help of Divine Tree’s sense around the world when they first appeared.

“Here, did you destroy it?”

Da Naruto lifts the head, the expression looked towards Naruto seriously, and asked with the last trace of luck.


As for the answer to this question, Naruto not at all has something to hide.

Without waiting for Naruto to continue to start to talk, Naruto interrupted: “Dont ask why, as I said before, I wont interfere with your world, and I dont want you to interfere with mine. world.”

The big Naruto is still willing to talk to Naruto because he knows that Naruto is not a crazy person, and he has his reason to destroy Konoha.

It’s just that Naruto doesn’t want to explain anything to him, because no matter how you explain this, Naruto can’t recognize it.

So, it is better not to explain.

Wait until Naruto stays in this World for a while, and see the changes in this World, he will naturally get the answer.

In the end, Naruto’s complexion was a bit ugly. Although he didn’t say anything, he still had some meanings.

Naruto didn’t comfort him, and smiled to the others: “Then, I will take you to the new capital, right in your world Hidden Rain Village.”

< p>while speaking, the rays of light bloom in Naruto’s hands. Using the earth and rocks on the ground as raw materials, I checked the manufacturing drawings in the learning space, and then used Yin-Yang-Style to turn it into a huge anti-gravity suspension vehicle. .

This suspended vehicle can fly, and it has a wide space inside, which is also very suitable as a sightseeing vehicle.

everyone looked this sci-fi vehicle full of curiosity and excitement in its eyes.

The entire group filed in, Naruto set up autopilot, and then began to prepare tea and snacks for the entire group.

The levitating car started, and headed towards the capital at a speed of neither slow nor hurried.

“At 7:34 am on October 9th, there will be a 100-kilometer-diameter area in the center of Leaf City. It will continue to rain for 75 minutes and the precipitation will be 13mm. Please pay attention to people who dry clothes-vortex empire The Bureau of Meteorology announced.”

The clear and translucent voice echoed between Heaven and Earth, playing in a loop.

between Heaven and Earth, suddenly became gloomy.

High above the sky, clouds gathered, and lightning and thunder began to breed.

It seems that it will rain soon.

The time of the blogger glanced at the floating car shows that it is now 7:40% in the morning.

He said curiously: “Father, what is this?”

Naruto took a sip of tea and said with a smile: “Literally, weather forecast, it will rain soon Now, this is to remind people to collect clothes.”

Seeing everyone turned their curious eyes on themselves, Naruto briefly explained.

“Three Leaf City has not rained for a long time, and the climate is too dry, which has affected the production and life of people in this area, so the Meteorological Bureau arranged this rain.”

“The ninjas who are good at Wind-Style and Water-Style are responsible for moving clouds and rain. After the war, I arranged for some of them to join the Meteorological Bureau.”

“They learned the art of call the wind and summon the rain that I had researched, as well as the art of flying against the wind, relying on the infinite Chakra signal provided by the Divine Tree to perform this job .”

“Thanks to this, the crops have grown very well throughout the year. After the war, no one will be hungry.”

while speaking, Naruto used He created a water mirror technique, reflecting the scene above the clouds.

A total of 21 people, divided into seven groups, each is responsible for a joint hand seal operation in an area.

They all wear black helmets on their heads. Between Heaven and Earth, there is a wave of Chakra signals that have become fluctuating. They are received by the tentacles of these helmets and transformed into staff members of the weather bureau. We perform the Chakra.

The manufacturing drawings of the weather control instrument are available in Narutos learning space, but firstly the cost is high, and the energy consumption is high, so Naruto put it on hold.

In comparison, using these ninjas as humanoid weather controllers can also provide some jobs to prevent them from getting bored and doing things.

In human society, many fights are caused by boredom.

“wa, so amazing.”

The cult rays of light can’t help appearing in the eyes of the blogger.

In recent years, the blogger has learned a lot of books that Naruto gave him. Naturally, to know what a huge productivity increase will be brought about by applying Ninjutsu to production.

Its just that its the first time a blogger sees how to do it.

“Is it that tree?”

The blogger pointed to the giant tree in the distance between Heaven and Earth like a pillar of heaven.

At first, everyone is still in the Konoha area, and the Divine Tree is not visible yet, but it is already clearly visible at this moment.

“Well, this Divine Tree has the ability to collect emotional spiritual energy with the help of my sense. One of these collected Chakras is used to spread clouds like you just saw. Rain.”

“Also, it is taken from the people and used for the people.”

Naruto explained with a smile, paused, and said: “Look below, there is a ninja project. The team.”

The water mirror screen flowed, reflecting the scene above the earth.

That is a wide concrete road under construction. Many ninjas are working around the road.

“Earth-Style. Ground leveling technique.”

A ninja hand seal completed with a black helmet placed his hand on the earth.

Immediately, we can see that the earth’s constant rhythm like water waves becomes smooth and firm.

Many ordinary persons began to quickly transport a lot of gravel, spread them on the flat earth, and then other ninjas used the Lava-Style. Lime condensing technique to create a large number of Of cement.

Finally, some other workers will level the road with tools, and the ninja of Fire-Style will perform fine drying operations on the ground.

Soon, a simple concrete road was repaired.

This series of efficient division of labor has stunned everyone.

Naruto dissipated the water mirror and smiled and said: “In the process of work, you can exercise these ninjas, Chakra Control ability and their Willpower. Making money is also a kind of training.”


“The ninja fishing industry that I developed once still exists. In the factory, there are still many ninjas doing smelting and other work. They are also training when they are producing.”< /p>

“Now this World has just changed in my hands. In the future, I will popularize Chakra training and let everyone master Ninjutsu and use it for production.”

“Even if the aptitude is not good, at least you must master Genin Level Chakra Reserves, so that they will have the chance to reach the Pure Land of Bliss after death. When the time comes, this World will be surplus quickly.”

Aside, listening to the conversation between Naruto and the blogger, everyone was a little surprised.

Although it was just a few short scenes, they experienced a difference from the others, which was a taste called wisdom.

Like the bloggers, Zuoliangna and Xiaocheng are also looked Naruto.

Even Da Hinata and Da Sakura looked at Naruto, both of which appeared in admiration. Da Sasuke also looked a bit disgusted at Da Naruto. I think they are all Naruto. Why is the IQ gap so big.

It was only a preliminary feeling before, but now this change for the entire world is more obvious.

Even Naruto, who has opinions on Naruto, also involuntarily showed his yearning at this time, and felt that there are many places for him to learn.

During small talk, the entire group finally came to the capital.

In a side hall of the Imperial Palace, Naruto arranged for the two families to live there, and said with a smile: “There are no that many rules in the Imperial Palace now, you can go around as you please, but after tomorrow, you have to follow the etiquette. After all, it is the most dignified place in the entire civilization.”

“Next, I will take you to have breakfast.”

No action yet, Kaguya, with red eyes from the space channel walk out.

“Naruto, I finished watching “Blessed Lovers” you gave me. Why did it end so badly? Do you know where the tombs of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are? I’m going to bring them back to life.”


“It should be love will find a way.”

As soon as Kaguya came out, she grabbed Naruto’s hand and said with tears in her eyes.

As a sensual silly Baitian, she doesn’t see the people she cares about going through such life and death.

“wa, Kaguya Ji!!!”

The big Naruto screamed, and the subconscious was on alert.

On the side, Dai Sakura and Dai Sasuke also performed almost the same actions. As a few people who have fought with Kaguya, they have a strong feeling of fear for Kaguya Hime.

“It’s okay, don’t be so nervous, Sister Kaguya is very gentle.” Naruto waved his hand, and some people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Immediately, he said to Kaguya: “Story, story, I will go there to find Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai for you.”

Kaguya hearing this, stopped crying, pay attention I transferred my force to the Sasuke entire group,

somewhat surprised: “You came from the parallel world? Your relationship is pretty good. We clan had a big fight at the time, and in the end we could only close the big tube Jupiter. There is only one parallel world. Naruto this world and the big Narutos world are parallel worlds. It is not the kind of parallel world with infinitely many nesting dolls.”

There is only one parallel world.

This has been verified many times by Otsukimoto.

There may be other parallel worlds, but they didnt find the space coordinates anyway.

However, although the space coordinates of the base camp are blocked.

But in the vast universe, when planting the Divine Tree, the clansman of the big tube wood occasionally dealt with the clansman of the parallel world, and they got along with each other and made big fights.

Seeing that Kaguya really didn’t mean to do anything, Sasuke and Naruto were quiet, their expressions a little embarrassing.

“Naruto, please give me a happy look. Liang Zhu is so sad. The last time the God of Cookery was not bad. Recommend me a series of the same series this time. Tang Bohu will order Qiuxiang Okay, let me see.”

Kaguya ignored a few people, and left Naruto, leaving behind a crisp laugh.

“I asked Kakashi and the others to come and accompany you.”

Naruto gave a helpless look, and Kaguya took him away after leaving a word.

If it werent for Narutos Shadow Clone to be filled with various tasks, and the brains computing power is running at full capacity every day, it can be said that there is no memory left at all, he can be accompanied by a Shadow Clone. they.

If it weren’t for Sasuke and Naruto, Naruto must be busy training and there is no time to receive them.

Seeing Naruto leave, it didn’t take long for Kakashi to come over.

Not only Kakashi, but Tsunade and Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and Kushina, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto, and Sasuke also came.

Coming from the parallel world, Naruto and Sasuke, who are already in their 30s, and their grandchildren have appeared, and the attraction to these people is explosive.

Itachi would like to come too, but he still has work to do. Now these clansman treat Itachi more severely than Sasuke before…

< p>“wa, are you Zoryana? I’m grandma.”

Uchiha Mikoto, who looks like a girl, pulls Uchiha Zorana, who looks about her size, with a gentle face.

Uchiha Fugaku picked up Uchiha Makoto, looked at this Little Brat who is somewhat similar to him, and smiled without seeing his teeth.

I frantically took out the candy I prepared before and stuffed it into Xiaocheng’s hand, where there was a bit of killing and decisiveness, the cold and serious Uchiha Clan Leader.

As for the big Sasuke, he was directly ignored by the two, but it made the big Sasuke somewhat helpless who wanted to get closer to his long-lost father and mother.

On the side, Kushina grabbed the shoulders of the blogger and took a good look at the grandson who only exists in Naruto’s narrative.

“Bo Ren, I am grandma Kushina, and this is grandfather Minato.” Kushina looked this grandson, with all smiles on his face, and introduced him to her husband by the way.

“grandfather, grandma.” the blogger cried out happily.

On the side, there was excitement on Naruto’s face. Looked Kushina and Minato, they wanted to get close but didn’t dare.

“Growing up, Naruto.”

Kushina let go of the blogger and came to the tall Naruto, with some smiles on her face.

For Kushina, whether it is her own son or Naruto of parallel world, it is her son.

Compared to her own son, she has more love and compassion for the big Naruto in front of her.

Because of her son, take good care of himself.

But this Naruto had a more gloomy childhood.

On the side, Minato smiled and looked at Naruto. They had met. At that time, he was a youngster. He had never married Kushina, but he saw Naruto who came through Ryumyaku.

He is not unfamiliar with this son of the parallel world, nor does he feel strange.

And Kushina’s simple sentence made Naruto burst into tears.

He didnt know why he was crying. Obviously he was already very strong. Obviously this was not his parents, and obviously it was not the first time to meet with his parents…

Jiraiya walked up When he came, he patted Naruto’s shoulder and wanted to comfort him, but looked at Jiraiya and Naruto cried even more sadly.

Can’t help but jump into Jiraiya’s arms and exclaimed excitedly: “Master!!!”

Jiraiya laughed and pulled Naruto away.

Although he met this parallel world’s discipline for the first time, he still has a lot to say.

In the secluded garden, Jiraiya heard Naruto talk about the world about him, and was a little bit upset at the ending of hero Jiraiya.

And Jiraiya also told Naruto what happened to him in this World, as well as some recent events in this World.

Hearing what Jiraiya said in his heart, understood his and Tsunade’s resentment towards Konoha towards Third-Kage. These are things he knew and never told him.

Later, Jiraiya talked about Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama’s attitude towards Naruto, and the final outcome of their this World Third-Kage.

Big Naruto gradually relieved.

At this time, he knew why Naruto wanted to destroy Konoha.

Nothing else, just because this corrupted Konoha has become an obstacle to peace.

Although Naruto of this World has a different philosophy from him, he is also on the road to peace after all.

Moreover, even better than him.

By the time Naruto and Jiraiya came back, everyone had already dispersed.

The Sasuke family was taken to the Uchiha Growth Garden to visit Itachis child, and then to the new Clan Land to visit Itachi and other clansman.

Da Hinata and Sunflower and Kakashi are talking and laughing, waiting for Naruto and Jiraiya to return, but they dont see the blogger.

Let down the big Naruto of the heart knot, curiously asked the blogger where he was going, and then a smile appeared on the face of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Not long ago, seeing Naruto leave, Kushina turned her attention to the blogger, showing a kind smile.

I heard that this grandson is very naughty.

So together with Minato, they took out the gift that Naruto had prepared for the blogger, the one hundred thousand-point comprehensive academic test paper that Naruto had done that year, to check his academic progress.

“Why, you have to make papers when you come out to play!” The blogger wailed, trying to run away.

The big Hinata on the side threatened: “Blogger, listen to grandfather damn it, or go back and smash your game console and computer.”

Kushina must post everything. , Adamantine Sealing Chains emerged behind him, a kind looking blogger.

Sasuke squeezed the finger bone and made a sound. He looked like a blogger who was eager to have a try, and wanted to take the opportunity to beat him up.

Minato didn’t speak, but silently blocked the escape route of the blogger.

In the face of these friendly family members, bloggers bitter expression can only accept their fate.

Happy time, passing quickly.

Soon, it was the second day.

The first year of the First Emperor Calendar, October 10th.

Today is the day when the vortex empire was officially established and Uzumaki Naruto was crowned Emperor.

It is also the day when he and Queen Hyuga Hinata had their wedding.

On this day, the entire capital city is very lively.

In front of the imperial city, countless elites and commoners from all walks of life came to watch the ceremony.

The uniform White Zetsu army passed by the imperial city gate, demonstrating the military strength of the entire country.

Wearing a bright yellow shirt, Naruto, who is about to take the throne, was also guarded by the guards, marching through the entire capital city, and finally entered the main hall of the Imperial Palace.

Under the witness of many relatives and friends who deployed.

After a series of complex and solemn ceremonies, Otsutsuki Kaguya, the ancestor of Goddess and Chakra, announced Narutos contribution to pacify the world, put on a crown for Naruto, and officially crowned him as emperor.

Over the imperial city, with the help of the light curtain from the projection, all the people who came to watch the ceremony witnessed this scene.

At this moment, Shanhu Long live!

A huge amount of emotional spiritual energy permeated the entire upper capital, converging towards Naruto.

Then, the wedding is held.

Under the witness of Hyuga Hiashi and Mrs. Hyuga, as well as Namikaze Minato and Kushina, after Naruto and her meticulous dressing, the beautiful and alluring unparalleled Hinata set up her parents’ hall and completed the wedding.

After that, Naruto turned around and walked out of the great hall with Hinata’s hand and came to the imperial city city wall.

Looking around below, there are people who look at themselves with a fanatical look of worship. With Naruto’s stability, there are some high-spirited and vigorous involuntarily in my heart at this moment.

A smile appeared on his face, loudly said: “From now on, the people of Ninja World, stand up!”

“Long live.”

Another shout sounded like a tsunami.

Kakashi, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Da Naruto, Da Sasuke, Minato, Kushina, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara, many people have looked at high-spirited and vigorous Naruto on the surface Smiled.

I send my own blessings to this smart, sensible, hard-working, and powerful youngster.

“Naruto, happy wedding.”

“Also, happy birthday ten 7 years old!”

Naruto smiled and stared at Hinata beside him , I saw a lot of joy in the eyes of the other side.

Life has just begun, they will always work hard and keep moving forward.

The road ahead is still far away!

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