Outside the door of the emergency room, Lei Keming looked at Chen Jun as if he was going crazy in the next second, and couldn't help but say: "Chen Jun, don't be like this, relax, your enemy is not here, and I have already informed the Iron Fist Regiment, and the Kang Tuan will arrange someone to deal with this matter." "

Lei Keming is an old fritter, he knows very well that don't expect the people here to investigate the truth, their biggest possibility is to make a reasonable big thing small, and a small thing to nothing, unless you make a big fuss, you can't hold the fire.

They will pay attention to it and finally investigate it thoroughly, but also to minimize the impact.

Like what happened today, it is obvious that there are forces behind it, otherwise the other party would not be so unscrupulous.

He and Chen Jun both came in military uniforms, not civilian clothes, and Chen Jun has already made it clear that Shi Guo is a combat hero, and the other party still chooses to take tough measures after contacting the boss, which is a provocation!

This is not the first time that this situation has been made, in order to maintain its own image, the local government is simply "covering up its ugliness", of course, it is not about nothing, but to what extent.

Chen Jun said: "You really notified?

"I informed it, and on the way here, I informed Kang Tuan, and he was very annoyed and said that he would bring troops over." Lei Keming nodded, and took out his mobile phone to dial Kangtuan's code number again.

But after a long day of calling, no one answered the phone.

"What's going on, has Lao Kang been kidnapped? How not to answer the phone! Lei Keming's brows tightened.

If you didn't want to listen to your own persuasion before, now that such a long time has passed, the anger should be a little less, listen to the situation here, it is impossible not to answer.

Chen Jun said in a deep voice: "No need to fight, you can't use Kang Tuan's military career to bet on this matter, even if you can encourage him, but Gong Jian and Lao Hei will not carry out the order, they are more rational than Kang Tuan, and they know what the consequences of this impulsive situation will be."

Lei Keming was stunned for a moment, revealing a heavy expression.

Chen Jun said that it was reasonable, but Lei Keming didn't believe it, and the Iron Fist Troupe didn't move at all.

"Wait, this matter is not your business alone, if the local government does not give a satisfactory result, I will never agree!" Lake Ming said.

Time passed little by little, and finally the door of the emergency room was pushed open.

Chen Jun rushed over as if he had been electrocuted.

"Doctor, how is my squad leader?" Chen Jun stared at the doctor with red eyes.

The doctor sighed and said: "His life is saved, but the nerve in the brain is seriously injured, and the probability of waking up is very low, unless he can wake up within 24 hours, he will never wake up."

Chen Jun and Lei Keming were both stunned, their whole bodies seemed to have lost their strength, and they retreated against the wall.

Chen Jun leaned against the wall, his face was excited, his eyes were red, and his forehead was bulging.

His clenched fists were so hard that the joints were bloodless.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, the squad leader shouldn't become a vegetative person, it shouldn't, he hasn't had a born child, he hasn't seen his child, he hasn't hugged it, how can he become a vegetative person, impossible, impossible!"

Chen Jun muttered to himself and kept shaking his head, as if he was going crazy.

He suddenly took two steps forward, grabbed the doctor's arm, and exclaimed, "I don't believe it! Squad leader, he can't become a vegetative person, you must be mistaken, there must be a way! "

The doctor wants to scold, he has done his best, and it is very difficult to save his life with such a serious injury.

But when he touched Chen Jun's eyes, he swallowed back the words in his throat, and sighed: "Comrade, I can understand your feelings, but from the analysis of all aspects of the data we tested, the probability that he can wake up is almost equal to zero.

"He injured the nerve in the back of the brain, the bleeding was partial, the key was a violent impact, which caused a concussion and fell into a severe coma, we have done our best, notify his family."

Chen Jun shook his head and said firmly: "Impossible! He is a soldier, not an ordinary person, do you know a real soldier? He has the willpower of steel, can survive minus 40 degrees, and after hearing the charge, he can get up and continue to fight!

"I don't believe that the squad leader fell like this, in the face of the enemy's bullets, he didn't want his life, let alone here, I also know medical skills, let me in, I have a way to wake him up and bring him back to life!"

The doctor knew that Chen Jun had treatment methods, and if it weren't for the other party to stop the bleeding for the injured with his bare hands, the injured would definitely not be able to hold out to the hospital, but this is a neurological problem, and it is no longer a simple medicine that can be handled, and it is impossible to wake up the injured.

There have been many such cases in the world, without exception, all of them became living dead and finally euthanized.

The doctor said: "I don't doubt the willpower of soldiers, but willpower is not omnipotent, in the end you have to believe in science, the injured can't do it, no matter how strong the willpower is, it can't exceed the body's limit, I can understand your feelings."

Chen Jun roared: "No, there must be a chance, you let me in!" I have a way, my comrades-in-arms in one class have all died, that is, he is left alone, he has no children to be born, even if there is only the last bit of hope, I have to try.

"For the sake of his children, for him to have a complete home, the squad leader can't just die like this, he is unwilling, I am not reconciled, and the comrades I sacrificed are even more unwilling!"

"Doctor, you let me in, please!"

The doctor's face softened a little, and said, "Comrade, let me remind you that the condition of the injured is not completely stable, and in the event of any accident, you will have to bear full responsibility, do you understand?" Of

course, the doctor also hopes that the injured can come to his senses, not to mention that the other party is still a retired soldier.

Is it just that this miracle will happen? It's so hard!

If it weren't for seeing that Chen Jun had special means and seeing the other party so insistent, the doctor would not have bothered the injured at this time.

He is also gambling, for the sake of this wounded, but also for the sake of the wounded's family.

It's not easy to be a soldier.

Chen Jun said: "I understand, I will bear all the consequences!" The

doctor looked at the time and said, "There are still ten minutes to go, the anesthetic on his body is about to fail, you hurry up, theoretically speaking, the earlier the time, the greater the possibility of waking up, the more difficult it is to go back, what can I help you, you say."

Chen Jun said: "Thank you."

He suddenly turned his head to look at Lei Keming, who was standing on the side, and said, "Do you know how to blow the trumpet?" The most primitive kind of storm trooper in the army.

Lei Keming nodded, but then shook his head.

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