Lei Keming nodded, then shook his head again.

"I can blow, but there's no charge trumpet here."

He could think of Chen Jun's approach, and the strong willpower of soldiers often burst out with incredible potential under some special circumstances.

Now Shi Guo's situation is that only he can help himself, as long as his willpower is tenacious enough, it is possible to break through the imprisonment and wake up.

Chen Jun said: "You know how to whistle, right?"

The corners of

Lei Keming's mouth twitched, and he said, "I understand." A

minute later, a nurse took Chen Jun and Lei Keming into the disinfection room, changed into sterile gowns, and entered the special ward.

Chen Jun walked to Shi Guo's hospital bed.

He quickly checked the squad leader's situation, his brows furrowed.

In the past, this iron-blooded soldier who could not be overwhelmed by any difficulties was already too weak at the moment, there was no trace of qi and blood on his face, and the breath on his body was also very weak, like an oil lamp in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

"Squad leader, you will definitely survive, because you told me that a good soldier will definitely be able to hold out to the end."

Chen Jun no longer hesitated, and began to use the muscles and bones harmony techniques in the [Hacking Medical Technique] to continuously stimulate Shi Guo's muscles and bones acupuncture points.

In just one minute, Shi Guo's whole body made a slight sound.

This surprised Wang Huaimin, a doctor who was watching from the side.

He didn't understand what was going on, Chen Jun would have such a magical performance just by pinching the other party's body.

Wang Huaimin wants to learn Western medicine, but he is not clear about Chinese medicine, so naturally he does not have the vision of Director Mu, otherwise if he knew the miraculous effect of this, it is estimated that he would kneel down on the spot and apprentice.

This is the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Western medicine looks at various examination data and uses the data as a basis.

If the data says yes, but if the data performance is not up to standard, then there is a problem.

Everything is based on cold data, but Chinese medicine is different, it is from the perspective of the human body's response, constantly changing, and finally achieving the goal of healing.

Chen Jun's [Hacking Medical Technique] has reached the realm of Dacheng, and the effect is naturally different.

It can be said that in today's world, there is no Chinese medicine doctor who can reach the level of Chen Jun.

Chen Jun now wants to stimulate all the qi and blood in Shi Guo's body and help him break through the confinement of his brain.

A minute later, the sound of the muscles and bones on Shi Guo's body gradually subsided, and Wang Huaimin saw that the patient's breath was much better, but the monitoring instrument next to him showed that there was no change.

An assistant doctor next to him said softly, "There is no reaction on the instrument, it is useless for him to do this."

"The injured person's complexion looks much better, but this is a superficial situation, and it depends on the internal reaction, which is useless."

"Let's see, I'll see the results in a few minutes, and I don't have much hope, but I'll have to give it a try, and hopefully there will be a miracle."

"I believe in miracles, and I believe in science even more."

Wang Huaimin didn't speak, and he wasn't optimistic, if it was just stimulating the body and wanting to wake up a severely unconscious wounded, there was no such precedent in the world.

Of course, he also knew Chen Jun's intentions, but it was useless to do so, otherwise there would not be so many vegetative people in this world.

Now it can only be a dead horse as a live horse doctor, after all, the current situation is very bad.

After Chen Jun withdrew his hand, he said to Lei Keming: "You try to blow the trumpet, I will stimulate his qi and blood." "

This is the most critical step, as long as Shi Guo's qi and blood are run to the highest, concentrated on the head, and then awaken his deepest memory through external stimulation, you can stimulate the other party.

The Storm Troop stimulated the soldiers the most, especially Shi Guo, who had experienced bloody battles and survived the battlefield.

Lei Keming nodded, and whistled directly.

The whistle is not as loud as the horn, but the drops... The low and short sound came into the ears of everyone present, and it couldn't help but produce strong stimulation.

Although Wang Huaimin and the others were not soldiers, they also felt the feeling of blood boiling.

The next moment, they could feel a murderous aura sweeping over Chen Jun's body.

Yes, they can feel that murderous aura, like a sculpture that suddenly comes to its senses and explodes with the greatest impact.

That kind of strong shock shocked Wang Huaimin and the others.

Chen Jun looks so young, how can he have such a dignified and murderous aura? What really happened to this young soldier?

Everyone's hearts trembled, and it took several seconds to come back to their senses.

An assistant doctor was surprised: "This seems to be our nation's charge?"

Wang Huaimin nodded and said: "That's right, I just watched "Changjin Lake" yesterday, there is such a charge in it, this is the most primitive charge number, on the battlefield, when the charge horn sounds, it is when our Yanguo soldiers rush to kill, no matter how many enemies there are in front, how fierce the defense is, and how strong the shells are, they will rush forward one after another, even if they fight to the last person, they will not stop.

"This is the charge of victory, the reminder of the enemy."

The crowd fell silent.

At this moment, the charge horn became shorter and shorter, and the excitement was aroused, and suddenly Chen Jun, who was massaged, roared: "Kill!" Kill! Kill! The

sound of cracking stones stunned the doctors present, as if they were on the battlefield.

It was as if they could see soldiers with steel guns in their hands, roaring angrily, and charging towards the enemy's position.

The sky was overwhelmed with fighting figures, one fell, and the people behind rushed up, one after the other....

This intense visual shock was more powerful than what they saw on a huge 3D screen.

Everyone was moved.

Immediately after, a deep voice sounded: "Squad leader, the trumpet is blowing, kill the enemy, don't let those dogs take our island, our brothers in the third squad have written a suicide note, ready to sacrifice at any time, we are not afraid of death, when we put on this military uniform, we are always waiting for this day." "

Squad leader, get up quickly, kill the enemy, kill those miscellaneous people, let them know our ruthlessness, our fierceness, let them know that this is our territory, whoever dares to step over will die!"

"Squad leader, get up, let's kill the enemy!"

With a low roar from Chen Jun, his thumb pressed Shi Guo's middle point, piercing the superficial layer of skin, a deeper level of stimulation.

"Kill!" Chen Jun roared.

The ward instantly seemed to be enveloped by a murderous aura, and everyone's hearts seemed to be violently impacted.

Wang Huaimin and the other doctors felt that the blood in their whole bodies was boiling to the peak, and the charge horn in Lei Keming's mouth also reached the highest sound, as if at this moment, thousands of troops and horses were roaring on the battlefield.

In an instant, Shi Guo's tightly closed chapped lips spread slightly, and a faint voice came: "Kill, kill, kill..."

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