Looking for a daughter-in-law?

Gao Shiwei was very surprised, he didn't expect such an iron-blooded man to suddenly turn a corner, knowing that he was going to find his wife, and thought that he would say that he would go to training...

Very good!

Chen Jun went to his daughter-in-law to relax, when steel needs to be cooled, let alone people.

A woman's tenderness can make a man more calm, the last time Chen Jun was so irritable, didn't he regain his calm overnight?

As long as you find the right way, anything can be solved.

After Chen Jun experienced this sports meeting, his pattern has definitely improved, although his mouth is still hard, but as a man, it will definitely not work if he doesn't do this.

This does not affect his affection and righteousness, and he has more feelings for the country.

Chen Jun is more mature than before.

Gao Shiwei patted Chen Jun on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you arrange it yourself, you young people are energetic, but you should also be restrained, remember to report to the wolf's tooth tomorrow." "

Yes!" Chen Jundao.

Gao Shiwei suddenly smiled, not as serious as before, and said: "Xiao Chen, An Ran is a good girl, you must cherish her, don't live up to people's hearts for you." How

did Chen Jun feel that Mr. Gao's words had other meanings.


"Go ahead, get to work." Gao Shiwei said.

Chen Jun: "..."

After Chen Jun and Gao Shiwei separated, they went directly to An Ran.

He knew where Enron was, and it meant something else when he sent a message to tell her to wait at the hotel.

Enron had been waiting for him there for days.

Chen Jun didn't give her information in advance, which can be regarded as a surprise to the other party.

During the sports meeting, Chen Jun broke through again, and his body was strengthened again, allowing his energy to return to peak state.

What is needed most now is to relax your mind, just like the last time you were with Enron.

No wonder the book says that once a man opens that door, he becomes addicted.

Chen Jun realized it.

An hour later, Chen Jun recorded his fingerprints, pushed open the door, and entered the room.

This is a house purchased privately by Enron, and the area is not large, that is, 137 square meters.

Three bedrooms and two living rooms, the decoration is simple and warm style, the decoration is very exquisite, and the cleaning is very clean.

There was also a faint smell of perfume in the air, and it seemed to smell of a woman.

After Chen Jun fused [Hacker Tracking Technique], his sense of smell was extremely sensitive, and he could easily distinguish different smells in the air.

The smell on Enron's body, after Chen Jun smelled it once, had already remembered it in his heart.

It's not strange to recognize now.

In the master bedroom, there was also a slight keystroke, as well as the sound of breathing.

That's the power of hearing.

Even if Chen Jun didn't use the [Hacker Tracking Skill], that kind of additional instinct naturally reacted.

Enron is indeed here.

When Chen Jun arrived at the door of the master bedroom, the messy bed he left that day, the quilt had been replaced with a new one, which was pink with a bit of romance.

At this moment, the most important woman in Chen Jun's life was sitting at the desk, not wearing a military uniform, but wearing a skirt and a white top, focusing on the code words, her attention was on the screen, and she did not notice Chen Jun's arrival.

An Ran's slender ten fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, and the keyboard made a clicking sound, feeling like a machine gun was shooting.

This hand is amazing!

Chen Jun was stunned, this speed was much stronger than his own.

The handicapped party is nothing more than that, no wonder he can write an ideological report of 30,000 words a day.

Keep up with your hands and your brain!

An Ran does everything quickly and is serious and studious, which Chen Jun deeply understands.

Chen Jun knocked lightly on the door.

Buckle fastening.

An Ran hurriedly turned his head to look over, and when he saw Chen Jun, he stood up in surprise and said, "You're back." "

I received a message from him yesterday saying that I would come back today, but Chen Jun did not say when it would arrive.

An Ran walked quickly in front of Chen Jun, looked up and down, and said, "The spirit is not bad, why don't you say it in advance, I'll pick you up."

Chen Jun said: "Don't be so troublesome, your place is not difficult to find, and you are familiar with the road." An

Ran said: "Okay, looking at you like this, it seems that the competition should be easy, how about it, did you get the ranking?"

She actually wanted to hug Chen Jun just now, but suddenly thought of something, a little embarrassed and shy, so she didn't take the initiative so much.

Although the two have been bold in the information time, they have not yet adapted to this shift in relationship.

But Chen Jun is definitely different, men are very adaptable in this regard, who knows if they will, and they can't control it?

Need to calm down...

Are the two newlyweds?

An Ran was really right, Chen Jun is really different from her, his pattern is bigger, he has seen all kinds of soldiers, and he has abused so many people, plus his spirit is tight, his mind is full of lost Kun, and he wants to ram it!

Chen Jun took out four gold medals from his bag, handed them to An Ran, and said, "Fortunately, I personally took four gold medals and gave them all to you."

An Ran took the four gold medals in surprise, counted them carefully, and said with a smile: "The boy chicken is really amazing." Today

, she was in a hurry to write a report, cut off all the Internet, and didn't pay attention to the competition in the Military Games.

Of course, this is mainly because Enron wants to restore himself to a state of mind, not to worry too much about Chen Jun, and when they meet again, he should adapt to this identity of becoming his woman.

Enron is a gold medal agent, and he has the ability to adjust his psychology, so he naturally has nothing to say, otherwise he would not have a hand speed of more than 30,000 words a day.

I didn't think that Chen Jun actually won 4 gold medals, didn't he say that he made great contributions this time?

This is the International Military Games, which represents the troops of a country, and it is very meaningful to be able to win medals in sports.

Chen Jun took four of them at once, which was definitely a big surprise.

Enron paid attention to the past competitions, and Yan Guo's best result was to win two gold medals.

This time it's a record-breaker!

If Enron knew that Chen Jun won the gold medal in the four competitions of the International Military Games, I don't know if he would have a good impression?

She knew that Chen Jun was very strong and should be able to get a good ranking, and winning a gold medal was a normal performance.

Chen Jun was slightly stunned, his daughter-in-law is driving?

As he spoke, he leaned over and grabbed An Ran's earlobe, and said softly, "Let's build an immortal nest."

An Ran was still a fake driver who had just touched the steering wheel, and suddenly thought of the breadth and profundity of three days ago, and day after day, instinctively nervous, and exclaimed: "I suddenly regret finding a Scorpio as a husband."

Chen Jun looked at her in surprise and said, "What do you mean?" An

Ran smiled brightly and said: "Scorpions are matched with soldiers, and people are afraid of ghosts and sorrows." "

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